
WWE NXT UK Results for 12/26/18 Joe Coffey vs Ligero, Kenny Williams vs Jordan Devlin

The leader of Gallus takes on a British luchadore, and the Lucky One Kenny Williams takes on Ireland’s Jordan Devlin on today’s edition of WWE NXT UK exclusively on the WWE Network at 3pm and 4pm EST!

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Episode 1

-NXT UK general manager Johnny Saint announces NXT Takeover UK: Blackpool for January 12th 2019. Toni Storm comes out to the ring and talks about her journey the past five years and winning the Mae Young Classic before challenging Rhea Ripley for the NXT UK Women’s Championship at NXT Takeover UK: Blackpool.

Kenny Williams vs Jordan Devlin

They start the match off with a test of strength before Kenny sends Jordan out of the ring, but gets caught and suplexed onto the apron when he goes for a tope. Jordan elbow the shoulder of Kenny and puts him in a stock hold before Kenny hits a uranage into a standing moonsault for a two count. Kenny kicks Jordan out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive to the outside and catches Jordan in the ropes before hitting a dropkick to the spine. Kenny gets a two count off of an O’Connor roll for a near fall before Jordan hits a snap half nelson suplex.

Jordan then hits a back drop driver and hits Ireland’s Call for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Devlin defeats Kenny Williams via pinfall with Ireland’s Call.

Dan Moloney vs Eddie Dennis

Dan hits a float over suplex for a quick two count and tries to knock Eddie over before Eddie tosses him with a judo throw and tosses him out of the ring. Eddie drops Dan with a forearm and suplexes him onto the apron before Dave Mastiff attacks him for the disqualification.

Winner: Eddie Dennis defeats Dan Moloney via disqualification when Dave Mastiff attacks him.

-After the match Eddie escapes a cannonball before Dave hits Dan with it instead.

-We get a video package where Zack Gibson gives a tour of Liverpool to James Drake.

Tucker & Jack Starz vs Tyson T-Bone & Saxon Huxley

Tyson starts with Jack before he and Tucker double team Tyson, but it doesn’t last long as Saxon and Tyson hit a double chokeslam to Tucker for a two count. Saxon drops Tucker with a forearm in midair when he goes for a running cross body and Tucker tags in Jack after hitting an enzuigiri. Jack is then double teamed by Tyson and Saxon with several strikes before Tyson drops Jack with a right hand for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyson T-Bone and Saxon Huxley defeat Jack Starz and Tucker via pinfall when Saxon pins Jack after Tyson knocks him out with a right hand.

-Isla Dawn is interviewed backstage before she’s interrupted by Jinny, setting up a match between the two.

Ligero vs Joe Coffey

They lock up for a clean break before Joe drops Ligero with a shoulder block and misses several stomps before Ligero comes back with kicks. Joe counters a huricanrrana before Ligero hits a sunset flip and hits the huricanrrana on the second attempt, Joe ending up out of the ring. Joe counters a sliced bread at ringside before spearing Ligero into the barricade and the apron before mocking him and tossing him back into the ring. Joe locks in a full nelson before transitioning into a butterfly choke and swinging him around before suplexing him for a near fall. Ligero counters a suplex and hits a flipping senton over the top rope before Ligero hits a flipping meteora and hits sliced bread for a near fall.

Joe hits a pop-up uppercut into a spear and suplexes Ligero for a near fall before sending him face first into the top turnbuckle. Ligero catches Joe up top and goes for a frankenteiner, but Joe powerbombs him and locks in a Boston crab, Ligero getting to the bottom rope for the break. Ligero comes back with a flurry of kicks and goes for a springboard move, but Joe drops him in midair with a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joe Coffey defeats Ligero via pinfall with a lariat.

Episode 2

Zack Gibson & James Drake vs Mike Hitchman & Jay Melrose

Mike and Zack kick off the match by exchanging wrist locks before Zack soaks Mike down to the mat by his hair and tags in James. Jay comes in and rocks James before Zack gets the blind tag and he and James hit a slingshot backbreaker to Jay at ringside. Back in the ring Zack gets a two count before he and James make frequent tags and cut the ring off, keeping Jay away from his corner. Jay sends Zack out of the ring and tags in Mike who hits a uranage and a senton to James. Mike then powerbombs James before he misses a shotgun dropkick in the corner and Zack hits a Ticket to Ride for the pin and the win.

Winner: Zack Gibson and James Drake defeat Mike Hitchman and Jay Melrose via pinfall when Zack pins Mike with a Ticket to Ride.

Dave Mastiff vs Josh Morrell

Eddie attacks Josh on the apron when he comes out for the match.

Winner: Match never started.

Mark Andrews vs Marcel Barthel

They lock up before Marcel takes Mark down and keeps him grounded for several minutes with a waist lock before Mark gets to his feet and comes back with a huricanrrana. Marcel beats Mark down as soon as he gets any kind of momentum and gets a two count off of a running knee to the face. Marcel puts Mark in a side headlock before Mark gets back to his feet only for Marcel to slam his head down to the mat. Marcel stomps Mark in the corner and hits him with right hands before hanging Mark in the ropes and hitting a basement dropkick. Marcel whips Mark into the corner and hits a running European uppercut for a two count before locking in a variation of the Shankly Gates.

Mark comes back with an enzuigiri and a roll up into a foot stomp before he teases a standing shooting star and Marcel rolls out of the ring. Mark hits a blockbuster off of the steps before getting distracted by Fabian at ringside and Marcel hits a gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Mark hits Stundog Millionaire before he misses a shooting star press off of the top and Marcel sends him off of the apron before Fabian sends Mark into the barricade hits him with a running knee before tossing him back into the ring. Marcel then hits Mark with a fisherman belly to back suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Marcel Barthel defeats Mark Andrews via pinfall with a belly to back fisherman’s suplex.

NXT UK Women’s Championship Match 

Rhea Ripley (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna boots Rhea as soon as the match starts before hitting a series of arm drags and taking her down to the mat. Rhea gets to her feet and rocks Deonna with forearms before Deonna gets a quick two count off of a roll up and puts Rhea in the paradise lock and dropkicks her out of the ring. Rhea sends Deonna face first into the apron before tossing her into the barricade and back into the ring for a quick two count. Rhea hits a delayed suplex for a two count before locking in a body scissor and slapping the back of her head. Deonna gets free only for Rhea to hit her with elbows in mount and lock in a variation of a cloverleaf.

Deonna gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring for the break before coming back with a cannonball off of the apron and rolling Rhea back into the ring and hitting a flat liner into a submission. Rhea gets free with a pin attempt before they are exchange strikes and Rhea sets Deonna up on the top turnbuckle. Rhea counters a sunset powerbomb before Deonna hits a spider suplex and they exchange forearms until Deonna suplexes Rhea for a near fall. Deonna then gets sent face first into the middle turnbuckle before Rhea hits the Riptide for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley retains her NXT UK Women’s Championship by defeating Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall with the Riptide.

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