
WWE NXT UK Results for 10/17/19 NXT UK Tag Team Title Match South Wales Subculture vs Gallus

It’s Wales versus Scotland on today’s edition of NXT UK featuring a grudge match for the NXT Tag Team titles today at 3PM EST on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans! We hope your day is going well and are ready for today’s edition of WWE NXT UK headlined by a tag team championship match!

-We open the show with a video package where South Wales Subculture defeated The Grizzled Young Veterans at NXT UK Takeover:Cardiff to become the NXT UK Tag Team champions.

Ilja Dragunov vs Saxon Huxley

Ilja rocks Saxon with an uppercut before Saxon hits a scoop slam and Saxon rocks Ilja with an uppercut before hitting a running cross body for a quick two count. Saxon locks in a rear chin lock before Ilja drives him into the corner to break the hold and punches and chops Saxon in the corner before rocking him with a knee. Ilja traps Saxon in the ropes and hits a suplex from the apron before hitting a running knee and a lariat as we see Alexander Wolfe coming out onto the stage and Ilja hits a bridging pump handle suplex for a near fall. Saxon then hits Ilja with a lariat for a near fall before Ilja hits a diving ax handle to the outside and a diving senton once they’re back in the ring and Ilja finishes with Torpedo Moscow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov defeats Saxon Huxley via pinfall with the Torpedo Moscow.

-After the match Imperium come out to the ring and pass Ilja on the way to the ring for their match.

The Hunt vs Imperium (Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel)

Primate and Fabian kick things off for their respective teams by exchanging strikes before Fabian hits a clothesline and tags in Marcel, but Primate escapes the corner and tags in Wild Boar. The Hunt double team Marcel before Wild hits a senton and all four competitors end up at ringside where Marcel powerslams Boar onto the floor and Fabian slams Primate back first across the ring steps before Fabian and Wild get back into the ring. Back in the ring Fabian clotheslines Wild for a two count before Imperium hit a double dropkick and Marcel locks in a submission before Boar gets to his feet and tags in Primate. Primate clotheslines Fabian before Imperium hit their signature spinebuster into a PK for a near fall before Primate spears Fabian and The Hunt hit a double diving headbutt for a near fall that Marcel breaks up by pulling Wild Boar out of the ring. Imperium then hit Primate with the European bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Imperium defeat The Hunt via pinfall when they hit Primate with a European bomb.

-We see a video from last week where Rhea Ripley and Piper Niven talk after their match before they reluctantly and tentatively team up to take on Jinny and Jazzy Gabbert. 

Nina Samuels vs Xia Brookside

They exchange wrist locks and arm drags before Nina rolls out onto the apron and sends Xia throat first into the top rope before hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and locking in a full nelson. Nina turns the full nelson into a reverse suplex before reapplying the full nelson and Xia counters into reverse jackknife pin for the win.

Winner: Xia Brookside defeats Nina Samuels via pinfall.

-We get a video package for the soon to debut A-Kid as we go to commercial.

-We see South Wales Subculture getting ready to defend their titles.

-Jordan Devlin comes out to the ring and says that people on the roster think he’s too arrogant before saying that he’s not arrogant, and he isn’t and that he knows exactly how good he is before saying that he is the best sports entertainer on the planet. Jordan then talks about Tyler Bate before he’s interrupted by Dave Mastiff who gets into the ring and grabs the mic before Jordan chops him in the throat and goes for Devlin Side, but Dave is too strong. Dave then drops Jordan and stands over him before posing and leaving.

-We get a video package for the recent heated rivalry between Noam Dar and Trent Seven before it’s announced that they’ll have a rematch on next week’s show.

-Travis Banks versus Ligero is announced for next week’s show.

NXT UK Tag Team Championship Match

South Wales Subculture (c) vs Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang)

SWS immediately send Gallus out of the ring and hit a double enzuigiri to Mark before sending Wolfgang out of the ring and Flash hits a pop-up dropkick before Andrews hits an assisted moonsault for a quick two count. Mark catches Andrews coming off of the top and slams him to the mat for a quick two count before Wolfgang gets the blind tag and hits a shining wizard before whipping Andrews into the corner. Gallus isolate Andrews in their corner and cut the ring in half for several minutes, chaining together fluid offense as Joe Coffey comes out onto the stage. Flash comes in and hits a moonsault to Mark before hitting an enzuigiri and a huricanrrana around the ring post to Wolfgang before going up top, but Wolfgang drags Mark out of the ring as Joe looks on. Flash hits a flipping senton onto Gallus at ringside before he and Andrews toss Mark back into the ring and Andrews hits Toast at 3am for a near fall before Mark hits a uranage. Mark chokeslams Flash and a Samoan drop before Wolfgang hits a moonsault from the middle rope for a near fall that Andrews breaks up before hitting a moonsault off of the apron to Mark. Flash gets the blind tag drops Wolfgang with an elbow before everyone hits a move and collapses. Andrews hits Stundog Millionaire and a poison huricanrrana before Flash hits a swanton for a near fall. Wolfgang then spears Flash before hitting him with an enzuigiri into a powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Gallus defeat South Wales Subculture to become the new NXT UK Tag Team champions when they pin Flash with an enzuigiri and a powerslam.

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