
WWE NXT Takeover 36 Results Karrion Kross vs Samoa Joe, Adam Cole vs Kyle O’Reilly

The NXT Championship is on the line tonight at 8pm EST on Peacock!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for WWE NXT Takeover 36!


– We open tonight’s pre-show with a video package for the 2 out of 3 Falls match between Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly.

– We get a video package for the NXT Women’s Championship match between the champion Raquel Gonzalez and the challenger Dakota Kai.

– We get a video package for the NXT United Kingdom Championship match between the champion WALTER and the challenger Ilja Dragunov.

– We get a video package for the Million Dollar Championship match between the champion LA Knight and the challenger Cameron Grimes where if LA wins Ted DiBiase must become LA’s butler.

Trey Baxter vs Ridge Holland (w/ Pete Dunne)

Ridge man handles Trey and tosses him around the ring before Trey dodges Ridge and hits a back elbow into an enzuigiri and a hand spring roundhouse kick before Ridge headbutts him in the back of the head and hits a driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland defeats Trey Baxter via pinfall.

– After the match Ridge says this is what happens when you challenge him before calling out Timothy Thatcher.

– We end the pre-show with a video package for the NXT Championship match between the champion Karrion Kross and the challenger Samoa Joe as the pre-show comes to a close.

Main Show

Million Dollar Championship Match
LA Knight (c) vs Cameron Grimes (w/ Ted DiBiase)

Before the match Ted has someone bring out a Million Dollar trash can and Cameron puts his butler attire in it before the two make their way into the ring and LA topples the trash can over before getting into the ring for the introductions. Once the match starts LA backs Cameron into the corner for a clean break before Cameron lays into him with chops and hits a kitchen sink into kicks against the ropes before hitting a back drop and LA rolls out of the ring before Cameron hits a PK from the apron. Cameron sends LA into the barricade before having Ted whip him into LA and hitting a drive-by with LA on the steps before LA drives Cameron into the steps and rolls him back into the ring before Cameron catches him in the ropes and boots him. Cameron goes up top and LA knocks him down and crashing onto the floor before stomping him back in the ring and slingshotting him throat first into the bottom rope before beating on Cameron in mount and counters The Cave-In into a powerbomb for a deep two count. LA wrenches the head and neck of Cameron before he gets to his feet and comes back with flying forearms and a running dropkick in the corner before LA fights out of a submission and Cameron hits a release German into a head scissors clutch for a near fall.

LA holds onto the ropes and kicks Cameron before Cameron clotheslines him through the ropes and out onto the apron before LA hits a drop toe hold into the ropes and a diving bulldog off of the second rope before hitting a burning hammer for a near fall. Cameron skins the cat and hits a standing Spanish fly for a near fall before kicking LA in the chest in the corner and LA grabs the ropes again before putting Cameron backwards on the top turnbuckle and hits an avalanche German for a near fall. Cameron counters a One Percenter into a Million Dollar Dream before LA drives Cameron into the ropes and rolls back for a near fall before Cameron holds on and LA sends him face first into the middle turnbuckle to break the hold. LA then grabs the Million Dollar title and brings it into the ring before Cameron roundhouse kicks him out of the ring and Ted drops him with a right hand locking in the Million Dollar Dream when Ted distracts the referee with the belt and Cameron hits the Cave-In for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes defeats LA Knight via pinfall to become the new Million Dollar champion.

NXT Women’s Championship Match
Raquel Gonzalez (c) vs Dakota Kai

Dakota slaps Raquel and dodges her repeatedly before Raquel grabs her and drives her into the corner before Dakota hits a head scissors and slides out of the ring when Raquel goes for a clothesline before Dakota takes her time getting back in and Raquel grabs her by the hair and lifts her into the ring. Dakota hits an arm drag and locks in an armbar before Raquel powers Dakota up and Dakota hits a scorpion kick when Raquel goes for a powerbomb before escaping the ring before Raquel can hit a boot before Dakota gets back inside and Raquel throws her across the ring before clotheslining her and hitting a fall away slam. Raquel catches Dakota coming off of the top and hits a military press slam onto the top turnbuckle before kicking Dakota and hitting a fall away slam and Dakota rips her off of the second rope when she teases a Vader bomb before hitting a Helluva Kick that sends Raquel out of the ring and down onto the floor. Dakota tries to drag Raquel back inside and gets a near fall before Dakota hits a kick in the ropes into a code breaker for two before kicking Raquel in the side of the head and Raquel slaps her before booting her and throwing her into the air. Raquel hits a spinning side slam into a Vader Bomb for a deep two count before Dakota counters a one-armed powerbomb and locks in an armbar before Raquel slings her into the corner to break the hold before Raquel counters a scorpion kick and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall.

Dakota kicks Raquel against the ropes and hits several ax kicks before hitting a basement rana and a jack knife cover for two before Raquel hits an inverted powerbomb that sends Dakota across the top rope and crashing over the top and onto the ramp. Back in the ring Dakota hits a superkick for two before following up with the Kai-ropractor for a near fall before Dakota counters Raquel and sends her through the ropes and down onto the floor before tossing her back inside and going up top before hitting a diving stomp for a near fall. Raquel then dumps Dakota onto the top turnbuckle before they exchange and Dakota knocks Raquel off before Raquel comes back and Dakota head butts her before hitting a Cheeky Nandos and Raquel catches a kick before hitting a one armed powerbomb off of the second rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez retains her NXT Women’s championship by defeating Dakota Kai via pinfall.

– After the match the longest reigning NXT Uk Women’s champion Kay Lee Ray comes out onto the ramp and poses as Raquel angrily looks on as we go to commercial.

NXT United Kingdom Championship Match
WALTER (c) vs Ilja Dragunov

WALTER hip tosses Ilja before backing him into the ropes before Ilja turns it around and chops WALTER before WALTER cuts him off briefly and Ilja escapes as WALTER kicks the bottom rope in frustration before stuffing a takedown and locking in a front face lock before driving his knee into the ribs of Ilja. WALTER hits Ilja with uppercuts and forearms before Ilja takes WALTER down and goes for a single leg before WALTER gets up and Ilja hits a front slam before WALTER gets to the ropes when Ilja grabs his leg before Ilja takes WALTER down with a side headlock take over. WALTER gets to his feet and backs Ilja into the corner before the two exchange forearms and Ilja catches a chop by WALTER before taking him back down and locking in a short arm scissors before WALTER counters and sets Ilja on the top turnbuckle. WALTER chops Ilja off of the top and down onto the floor before powerbombing Ilja onto the edge of the apron and tossing him back into the ring before locking in a sleeper and Ilja gets to the ropes before WALTER hits a release German. WALTER locks in a Boston crab before transitioning into an STF and a bulldog choke before chopping Ilja across the chest and reapplying the sleeper before Ilja counters a powerbomb into a back drop and the two exchange strikes until WALTER hits a half and half suplex for two.

WALTER stomps Ilja and yells at him to come on before dropping him with a chop and playing to the crowd before booting him and Ilja nearly face plants before they exchange until Ilja takes WALTER down and knees him in the face before chopping him across the back of the neck. Ilja slaps WALTER and elbows him in the side of the head before dropping WALTER with a ripcord knee before WALTER chops him out of the air and hits a lariat for a near fall before Ilja hits a missile dropkick into a diving senton before WALTER counters Torpedo Moscow into a sleeper and hits a suplex. Ilja hits WALTER with Torpedo Moscow from behind before hitting the normal Torpedo Moscow for a near fall before chopping WALTER and WALTER drops him with a chop for a near fall before going up top and Ilja meets him before hitting a superplex. Ilja goes up top and hits a coast to coast dropkick before WALTER hits a shotgun dropkick into a powerbomb for a near fall when Ilja teases another Torpedo Moscow before rocking Ilja with slaps across the face and a running knee into a powerbomb before going up top and hitting a diving splash for a near fall. WALTER beats on Ilja in mount before taking his back and locking in another sleeper that Ilja counters and WALTER boots him before Ilja hits a dive that drops WALTER before raining down elbows to WALTER on the mat before locking in a sleeper on WALTER.

WALTER gets to his feet and climbs the second turnbuckle before falling back and sending Ilja off of his back before Ilja locks in a sleeper and brutalizes WALTER before chopping him across the back of the neck and reapplying the sleeper for the tap and the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov defeats WALTER via submission to become the new NXT United Kingdom champion.

– Backstage Cameron and Ted are interviewed where Ted says that he’s proud to have Cameron carry on his legacy.

– Backstage William Regal meets with Samoa Joe and tells him that he wants him to kick Kross’ ass.

2 Out of 3 Falls Match
Kyle O’Reilly vs Adam Cole

Kyle and Adam exchange strikes before Kyle sends Adam out of the ring and hits a diving knee off of the apron before sending Adam face first into the steps and kicking him against the barricade before Adam gets back inside and boots Kyle through the ropes and out of the ring. Adam goes out after Kyle and separates the steps before Kyle counters a suplex onto them and suplexes Adam onto the floor before Adam catches a kick when they’re back in the ring and boots Kyle before Kyle hits a kitchen sink. Kyle drops Adam with a flurry of kicks before locking in an ankle lock and Adam turns it over and kicks his way free before hitting a shining wizard for two before hitting an enzuigiri and Kyle hits a discus clothesline for two. Kyle goes up top and Adam superkicks him out of the air before Kyle pins Adam with a jack knife when he counters a Panama Sunrise for the first fall to go up one fall to nothing.

The street fight starts off with Adam grabbing a chair before Kyle kicks Adam and sets him on the chair before putting a trash can on top of Adam and hitting a diving stomp off of the apron before tossing a variety of weapons and Adam back into the ring. Kyle goes up top before Adam superkicks him down and onto the floor before Adam sends him into the announce table and back into the ring before hitting Kyle in the midsection with the chair and driving it into the ribs of Kyle. Adam wedges a chair in the corner and whips Kyle into the corner, but he slides underneath the chair and falls out of the ring before Adam sends him into the apron and Kyle gets back inside before hitting Kyle with a kendo stick and faking the Last Shot. Adam hits Kyle across the back with the kendo stick and hits a back stabber with the stick for two before locking in a double armbar and elbowing Kyle in the side of the head before booting Kyle in the side of the head and telling him to stay down. Adam and Kyle wrap chains around their fists and exchange strikes until Adam superkicks Kyle for two before they end up on the ramp and Kyle locks in a standing guillotine before tossing Adam off of the ramp and into the chain link fencing at ringside.

Adam hits a neckbreaker at ringside before tossing Kyle back inside and setting chairs back to back before launching Kyle off of the top and onto the chairs before hitting the Last Shot for the pin and the second fall to even the falls at one a piece.

The steel cage match starts with Adam kicking Kyle out of the ring and they try to bring the cage down before powerbombing Kyle onto the announce table and rolling back inside going back out and dragging Kyle up and rolling him back inside. The referee checks on Kyle as the ring crew struggle to lock the sides of the cage together as we get a replay of the match so far before Adam tosses Kyle into the sides of the cage and Kyle comes back with a take down before slingshotting Adam into the side of the cage and trapping him between the ropes and the cage. Kyle hits several running forearms before going up top and hitting a diving knee with Adam in the ropes before grabbing a chair and Adam low blows him before climbing the side of the cage and Kyle meets him before they exchange strikes and Adam knocks Kyle down and he gets crotched on the top rope. Adam opts to hit a springboard Panama Sunrise for a near fall rather than leaving the cage before handcuffing Kyle to the ropes between the ropes and the cage before Kyle falls through the ropes and Adam superkicks him. Kyle then counters a superkick and locks in a submission with one arm before Adam taps for the third fall and the win.

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly defeats Adam Cole via pinfall and submission to win two out of three falls.

– We get a taped promo by Legado Del Fantasma towards Isaiah Scott and Hit Row.

NXT Championship Match
Karrion Kross (c) vs Samoa Joe

Joe lays right into Kross with strikes before locking in the Coquina clutch and Kross gets to the ropes for the break before Kross hits a Saito and a running forearm that sends Joe through the ropes and out of the ring before going out after Joe and beating on him at ringside. Kross sends Joe into the barricade and back into the ring before beating on Joe against the ropes and in the corner before Joe comes back with chops and Kross boots him before hitting another Saito for two before locking in an ankle lock. Joe rolls through and sends Kross out of the ring before Kross gets trapped in the ropes and Joe boots him before hitting a suicide dive and tossing Kross back inside before Kross hits a flurry in the corner into a t-bone suplex for two. Kross counters a uranage before Joe hits a powerslam for two before hitting a powerbomb for two and locking in an STF before transitioning into a cross face and Kross gets to the ropes for the break before dropping Joe with a knee lift for two. Kross hits Joe with forearms and elbows in mount before hitting a DDT for two before Joe comes back with an inverted atomic drop into a boot and a running senton for two before hitting another senton and locking in another Coquina Clutch before Kross counters into the Kross Jacket and Joe starts bleeding from the nose.

Joe then breaks the hold before Kross hits a forearm to the back and Joe hits a uranage into an enzuigiri and a Muscle Buster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe defeats Karrion Kross via pinfall to become the new NXT champion.

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