
WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Results (4/2/22): Dolph Ziggler Defends NXT Title Against Bron Breakker + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for NXT Stand & Deliver (4/2/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

Dolph Ziggler (with Robert Roode) (C) vs. Bron Breakker — NXT World Championship

Bron tosses Ziggler to the outside, then right back in to start. Ziggler attacks with strikes, Bron tosses him against the ropes, Ziggler tumbles over the top of him and Ziggler kicks Bron in the chest. Bron catches a leaping Ziggler and plants him with a spine-buster. Bron with an over-head belly-to-belly suplex, then another. Bron lines up Ziggler for a spear, Roode grabs Bron’s legs and the referee ejects Roode from ringside! Bron chases Roode off, Ziggler’s angry, Bron gets back in the ring and plants the champion with another belly-to-belly. Ziggler comes back with a super-kick then goes for the cover but Bron kicks out. Ziggler applies a head-lock, Bron powers out, Ziggler sends him back to the mat with a kick then a neck-breaker before going for another cover but Bron lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Ziggler with another head-lock, Bron gets to his feet and clocks Ziggler with an elbow. Bron goes up top and Ziggler knocks him off with a drop-kick. Ziggler locks-in a sleeper hold, Bron powers out, Ziggler sends him back with a kick, Ziggler goes for a neck-breaker, Bron tosses him against the ropes and lands a pair of clotheslines before planting him with an over-head belly-to-belly suplex before going for the cover but Ziggler kicks out. Bron puts Ziggler on the top turnbuckle and follows him up and sends the champion crashing to the mat with a hurricanrana and goes for the cover but Ziggler kicks out at two-and-a-half! Bron goes for a spear, Ziggler sends him back with a kick, Bron with a spear, then a cover but Ziggler lifts the shoulders at two! Ziggler goes for a super-kick, Bron catches it and sends him back, drills Ziggler with a spear then a military press slam, goes for the cover but Roode comes back down and drags Ziggler out of the ring. Bron comes flying through the ropes with a dive and takes out both Ziggler and Roode on the outside. Bron fires Roode into the steel steps and gets back into the ring with Ziggler, who plants Bron with the Zig Zag, then goes for the cover but Bron kicks out at two-and-a-half! Ziggler goes up top and lands a diving elbow, goes for another cover but Bron kicks out again! Ziggler tunes up the band and looks for another super-kick but Bron’s standing there and wallops Ziggler with a clothesline, then a spear and goes for the military press slam but Ziggler slides out and sends Bron into the corner and drills him with a super-kick and gets the 1-2-3 to retain his title!

Winner – Dolph Ziggler (STILL NXT World Champion)

Mandy Rose (C) vs. Io Shirai vs. Kay Lee Ray vs. Cora Jade — NXT Women’s Championship

Rose fends everyone off to start, she’s dumped out of the ring by Jade, Shirai and KLR. Mandy trips Jade and drags her out of the ring but Shirai and KLR dive through the ropes and take them both out. KLR takes out Jade on the outside, Shirai and KLR stare each other down back in the ring, shake hands and brawl. KLR with a roll-up, Shirai kicks out, KLR with another, Shirai kicks out again. Shirai with a kick to the mid-section, KLR flips her back, Shirai lands on her feet, Shirai trips her to the middle rope, goes for the 619, KLR slides out and Rose drags Shirai to the outside and goes face-first to the floor. Rose gets in the ring, Jade attacks and unloads a bevy of strikes. Rose with a takedown on Jade, the tosses KLR to the outside and plants Jade with a front-suplex before going for a cover but Jade lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Jade dumps Rose to the outside with a hurricanrana through the middle ropes, Jade dives through the ropes and takes her out, KLR goes up top and crashed down on Jade on the outside. Shirai then goes up top and wallops KLR with a moonsault on the outside. Shirai and KLR get back in the ring and exchange strikes, KLR goes for a German suplex, Shirai rolls through and stomps on KLR’s back. Shirai trips KLR to the middle rope and drills her with the 619, Shirai goes up top and lands a missile drop-kick before going to the cover but Rose drags Shirai out of the ring and goes for the cover on KLR but KLR kicks out! KLR locks Rose in a cross-face, Jade breaks it up, Shirai locks-in the sharpshooter on Jade but Jade kicks Shirai back into KLR and Rose and that forces the break on the cross-face. All four competitors struggle to their feet, KLR and Shirai are up first, Shirai with a suplex on KLR, Rose knocks Shirai back with a knee, Jade lands a hurricanrana on Rose, then a step-up enziguri to the face. Jade lines up the champion and lands a knee, then a forearm, then another that sends Rose to the corner. Jade goes up and over to the apron, KLR with a kick but Jade planes her with a destroyer on the apron! Shirai knocks Jade off the apron, then goes up top and drills Rose with a diving front-kick. Shirai goes for a German suplex, Rose powers out but Shirai readjusts and plants the champion before going for the cover but Rose kicks out! Shirai and Rose brawl in the apron, Rose goes up top, Shirai slaps her in the face, gets back in the ring, goes up top and plants Rose with the Spanish Fly, goes for the cover but Jade comes flying in from the top turnbuckle with a leg-drop and breaks up the pin attempt! Jade lands a knee on Rose, then plants her with a spring-board bulldog, then a DDT and goes for the cover but KLR breaks it up! Jade attacks KLR who plants Jade with an arm-slide, KLR goes up top, Shirai knocks her off and to the outside then goes up top herself and drills Jade with a moonsault, Rose comes flying in with a knee out of nowhere that wallops Shirai and makes the cover for the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner – Mandy Rose (STILL NXT Women’s Champion

Carmelo Hayes (C) (with Trick Williams) vs. Cameron Grimes vs. Solo Sikoa vs. Santos Escobar (with Raul Mendoza, Joaquin Wilde & Elektra Lopez) vs. Grayson Waller (with Sanga) — NXT North American Championship

A brawl to start, everyone’s paired off and on the attack. Grimes drills Escobar with a slam, Waller with a slam on Hayes, Sikoa’s lighting up Grimes with strikes, everyone’s dumped on the outside and the brawl continues. Waller’s back in the ring and directs Sanga to grab a ladder, to which the big man obliges but Sikoa takes out Sanga on the outside with cross-body. Hayes comes in and dives on Sikoa and Sanga on the outside through the ropes, Waller follows suit, Sanga gets up and tosses a ladder in the ring, everyone brawls again, Escobar and Sikoa get back in the ring and climb the ladder, Escobar with a destroyer on Sikoa over the ladder and onto the floor! Grimes comes back in, he and Escobar take each other out with simultaneous cross-body dives and Trick Williams comes in and sets up a ladder but Sanga takes him out. Elektra Lopez comes in, distracts Sanga, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde attack with a double-missile drop-kick from the top rope, Lopez takes out Waller with a dive from the top rope and to the outside. Sanga takes out both Mendoza and Wilde on the outside. Mendoza and Wilde come back and bail Sanga with a pair of ladders. Sikoa takes out Mendoza and Wilde with a double Samoan Drop and then sets up a ladder. Sikoa climbs, Escobar comes back in, also climbs but Williams knocks them both off and to the outside. Williams begins the climb but is extremely timid while doing-so but Grimes flips the ladder back and Williams goes all the way over the ropes and lands on Mendoza, Wilde, Lopez and Sanga on the outside! Back in the ring, Grimes starts to climb, Hayes trips him down and lays him out with a right hook and begins the climb. Waller meets Hayes at the top of the ladder, they exchange strikes, Grimes sets up another ladder next to it, Sikoa climbs with Grimes on the second ladder, a third ladder is set up by Escobar, he climbs, all five competitors are up top, Sikoa and Grimes are shoved off, Hayes is knocked back by Waller, Escobar gets tossed off by Waller, who can’t decide if he wants to grab the belt or take out Escobar but Escobar comes right back, they brawl atop the ladder and Escobar plants Waller with a hurricanrana off the top! Sikoa comes out of nowhere and lands a splash off the top rope onto Escobar. Sikoa takes away the extra ladders and begins to climb the big one. Grimes pops up from behind Sikoa, they both get down and exchange strikes on the mat, Grimes sends Sikoa shoulder-first into the ring post, then knocks him back into a ladder on the outside with a stomp. Hayes drills Grimes with a kick in the apron, Grimes returns the favor, Hayes hits another kick and they’re both down on the apron. Waller climbs the ladder that’s set up on the outside and comes crashing down on Hayes but Williams pulls Hayes off the bridged ladder and Waller goes through the ladder on the outside and the ‘holy shit!’ chants ring throughout the arena! Escobar and Hayes brawl back in the ring, Escobar tosses Hayes out, Grimes drills Escobar out of nowhere with a stomp and climbs the ladder and grabs the title! New champion!

Winner – Cameron Grimes (NEW NXT North American Champion)

Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) (C) vs. Creed Brothers (Brutus & Julius Creed) (with Malcolm Bivens & Ivy Nile) vs. MSK (Nash Carter & Wes Lee) — NXT Tag Team Championship

Brutus, Barthel and Lee start this one off. Lee knocks Brutus out of the ring with a kick, Lee attacks Barthel, tosses him to the corner, goes up and over the top turnbuckle and onto the apron before leaping back in with a kick. Lee makes the tag to Carter, Barthel sends Brutus right back to the outside and clocks Carter with a clubbing forearm. Brutus comes back in and goes for a German suplex on Barthel, Carter knocks him back, Barthel escapes and makes the tag to Aichner, who tosses Brutus down with a slam, Carter flips over Aichner, makes the tag to Lee, Aichner slams Lee, Brutus makes the tag to Julius, who clears the ring. Julius makes the tag back to Brutus, both Creed Brothers double-team Lee, Aichner sends Julius to the outside and super-kicks Lee. Brutus plants Lee with a German suplex, Julius drags Aichner out of the ring and hits a German suplex in the outside. Lee makes the tag to Carter, Brutus slams Carter, Aichner makes the tag to Barthel, Brutus slams him too and makes the tag to Julius. Barthel gets slammed again, this time by Julius, Carter sneaks in a tag to Lee, MSK double-team Julius with kicks, Lee flips Barthel into Carter, who lands a front-kick, Lee goes for the cover but Julius breaks it up. Julius gets tripped by Aichner, Barthel sends Lee to the corner and drills him with an enziguri. Barthel goes up top and clocks Lee with a diving clothesline, Julius hangs over the middle rope and Imperium drill him with simultaneous front-kicks. Barthel makes the tag to Aichner, who wallops Lee with a lariat, Aichner goes for the cover but Carter makes the save. Aichner sends Carter to the outside, Julius comes back in, Aichner with a fireman’s carry on Julius and slams him to the mat. Lee makes the tag to Carter, who kicks Aichner to the outside, Barthel dives through the middle rope and nails Carter on the outside but Lee comes right behind and lays out both members of Imperium. Lee sends Aichner back in the ring, makes the cover but Aichner kicks out. Julius is on the top turnbuckle, Aichner and Carter are with him and plant him with a super-plex and lands on Lee, Barthel and Brutus! Julius makes the tag to Brutus, who drills Carter with a cannonball on the outside. Brutus tags-in Julius, they hit their finisher on Carter, Julius goes for the cover but Aichner slides Julius out of the ring. Lee comes in, MSK hit their finisher on Barthel, Carter covers Barthel and we have new champions!

Winners – MSK (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Tony D’Angelo (with AJ Galante)

A touching video tribute to Ciampa’s career in NXT is shown before his entrance and Ciampa with an ode to Triple H with the water spit in the apron during his entrance as well as an HBK signature shimmy once he was in the ring. This one’s officially underway after a lock-up, Ciampa with a slam, tosses D’Angelo to the corner and drills him with a knee. Ciampa tosses D’Angelo against the announce table, jumps on the apron, pats himself on the back and claps as the crowd’s in a frenzy. Ciampa removes the padding from the floor but D’Angelo gets back in the ring and takes Ciampa down and unloads strikes as he and AJ Galante, who’s seated at ringside taunt with one another from afar. D’Angelo with a DDT before going for the cover but Ciampa kicks out and D’Angelo applies a head-lock. Ciampa powers out, tosses D’Angelo to the corner and lands a running clothesline, then another, then another. D’Angelo comes back with a slam and starts shouting at Ciampa, who comes back with some strikes in the corner. Ciampa puts D’Angelo on the top turnbuckle, Ciampa follows him, lifts him in a fireman’s carry, D’Angelo fights out with strikes and trips Ciampa to the mat, comes diving down but Ciampa meets him with a flying knee. Both competitors struggle to their feet, they eventually do and now trade strikes in the center of the ring. D’Angelo tosses Ciampa to the corner and retrieves a crowbar from under the steps but misses a hit with it, Ciampa slides out of the way, D’Angelo low blows him as the referee tosses the crowbar out, D’Angelo with a driver, then a cover but Ciampa lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half! Ciampa takes out D’Angelo, sets him up for the Fairytale Ending, hits it then goes for the cover but D’Angelo kicks out! Ciampa locks-in the cross-face, D’Angelo scoots to the apron and forces the break after dragging himself under the bottom rope. D’Angelo rolls to the outside, Ciampa follows and looks for a German suplex on D’Angelo on the exposed floor from earlier, D’Angelo counters, Ciampa also counters but D’Angelo sends Ciampa back, head-first into the exposed floor with a DDT. D’Angelo tosses Ciampa back into the ring, wallops him with a kick to the temple, goes for the cover and gets the three-count for the win!

Winner – Tony D’Angelo

GUNTHER vs. LA Knight

GUNTHER sends Knight to the corner and lands a chop. Knight comes back and trips GUNTHER to the outside, Knight follows out and lays out GUNTHER with a running clothesline. GUNTHER spears Knight against the apron and power-bombs Knight on the apron. GUNTHER gets back in the ring, Knight just beats the referee’s 10-count and slides back into the ring. GUNTHER sends Knight to the corner, then another corner and plants Knight with a slam before going for the cover but Knight lifts the shoulders at two. GUNTHER locks-in a double-leg Boston crab then transitions into a cross-face. Knight powers back to his feet, GUNTHER chops him in the chest and tosses Knight to the corner. Knight flips GUNTHER with an over-head slam, GUNTHER counters with a running chop you the chest and looks for a suplex but Knight reverses the momentum and lands one of his own. Knight gets sent over the top rope and onto the apron, GUNTHER comes rushing towards him, eats a spear, Knight comes back in the ring, tosses GUNTHER to the corner and unloads a bevy of kicks. Knight looks for a fallaway slam, GUNTHER slides out, Knight lands a slam and lands a diving elbow. Knight sends GUNTHER to the corner, they both go up top, GUNTHER shoves Knight off, Knight comes running back up and slams GUNTHER off the top, goes for the cover but GUNTHER kicks out! Knight goes for a cutter, GUNTHER tosses him against the ropes, chops Knight in the chest and applies a sleeper hold. Knight gets out and slams GUNTHER, goes for the cover but GUNTHER lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Knight goes up top, GUNTHER follows him up, Knight knocks him back, GUNTHER comes back and sends Knight tumbling off the top before landing a middle rope splash. GUNTHER plants Knight with a power-bomb and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner – GUNTHER

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