
WWE NXT Results for 9/16/20 NXT North American Championship Match

The NXT North American Championship is on the line tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to tonight’s edition of NXT on USA Network! Be sure to stick around afterwards for the post show podcast and check out Fightful Select for exclusive content!

Shotzi Blackheart vs Io Shirai

Io slaps away the hand of Shotzi when she goes to shake the champ’s hand before they run the ropes and Io back flips. Io and Shotzi get a series of quick two counts before they exchange submission attempts. Io then sends Shotzi out of the ring before hitting a moonsault off of the top for two once they’re back in the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Io in control before they exchange strikes until Io takes Shotzi down with a cross face. Shotzi gets to the ropes for the break and hits a drop toe hold into an inverted cannonball before hitting a bridging dragon suplex for a near fall. Io comes back with a flap jack into a 619 and a missile dropkick for a near fall. Shotzi catches Io on the top rope and hits a frankensteiner for a near fall before going up top. Io hits Shotzi with a right hand before hitting a German suplex onto the apron.

Io then hits a moonsault once Shotzi gets back into the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Io Shirai defeats Shotzi Blackheart via pinfall.

– We get a recap of Tommaso Ciampa’s previous attack on Jake Atlas before we’re told he’ll be in action up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to NXT General Manager William Regal announcing a number one contender battle royal for a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship next week.

Tommaso Ciampa vs Desmond Troy

Ciampa makes quick work of Troy by beating him down and slingshotting him into the bottom rope and hitting the Willow’s Bell for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa defeats Desmond Troy via pinfall.

– Ciampa goes to attack Troy after the match before he’s interrupted by Jake Atlas who tells him that they have a match lined up for next week.

– Drake Maverick is interviewed outside ahead of his tag match with Killian Dain later tonight.

– We get a graphic for an exclusive interview with Finn Bälor up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a promo by Finn Bälor where he talks about how he will be a fighting champion and is ready for all comers.

KUSHIDA vs Austin Theory

KUSHIDA immediately takes Austin down and controls him on the mat before Austin clotheslines him and rains down blows in mount. KUSHIDA misses a moonsault before hitting a PK to the arm of Austin and focuses on it until he hits a basement dropkick. KUSHIDA sends Austin out of the ring before missing a dive and they exchange at ringside. KUSHIDA then sends Austin into the post before applying the Hoverboard Lock once they’re back in the ring for the tap and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Austin Theory via submission.

– We go to a promo by Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae where they talk about how what happened in their home last week was Tegan Nox’s fault. Candice then mentions the battle royal next week before saying that she and Johnny will go on to be the first husband and wife champions in NXT history.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Breezango (c) vs Imperium

Imperium take control and isolate Fandango off of a cheap shot by Marcel to Tyler before the match before Fabian hits a butterfly suplex for two. Imperium then hit their signature double dropkick, one from inside the ring and one at ringside as we go to commercial with Imperium in complete control.

We come back to Imperium still in control until Tyler gets the hot tag and takes out both members of Imperium. Tyler hits a Supermodel Kick for two before Fabian hits a delayed suplex and Fandango drags Tyler over to his own corner. Fandango tags himself in and hits a suicide dive before Imperium take out Fandango at ringside. Fandango saves Tyler before they end up back in the ring and Fandango misses a diving leg drop. Marcel hits a PK before Fabian hits a German suplex for a near fall before Fandango hits Fabian with chops and a tornado DDT.

Breeze and Barthel come back in and Tyler hits an enzuigiri before Fabian gets the blind tag and Imperium hit a flurry of tag team moves. Fandango then saves Tyler from the European Bomb before Tyler hits Fabian with a poison hurricanrana for the pin and the win.

Winner: Breezango retain their NXT Tag Team titles by defeating Imperium via pinfall.

Jessi Kamea & Xia Li vs Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro

Kacy and Kayden get an early near fall off of a double team to Xia before Xia comes back with a back elbow. Jessi gets the tag and is hit with an arm drag by Kayden before Kacy and Kayden drop Jessi with a double roundhouse kick. Jessi clotheslines Kacy and tags in Xia who chops Kacy before dropping her with a back spin kick for two. Kayden gets the hot tag and lays into Xia with forearms before hitting a dropkick into a superkick. Kayden then superkicks Jessi when she comes in before Kacy hits a pump kick into a crucifix by Kayden.

Kacy then pins Jessi with a jack knife cover for the win.

Winner: Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter defeat Jessi Kamea and Xia Li via pinfall.

– Backstage Drake Maverick meets with Killian Dain ahead of their tag match up next as we go to commercial.

– We get a promo by Tegan at home where she says that she’s going to win the battle royal next week.

Undisputed Era (Roderick Strong & Bobby Fish) vs Drake Maverick & Killian Dain

The match kicks off with a handicap match as Dain is nowhere to be found, Drake trying his best to take on both Fish and Strong until Roddy drops him with a kick. UE then continue to pick apart Drake before Roddy hits a pair of back breakers and we cut backstage to see Dain watching on from a monitor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dain backstage before Regal walks up and tells him to go out to the ring before Dain goes out and puts Drake in the ring. Roddy mocks Dain when he goes to leave before Dain enters the match and take out both members of UE. Strong then hits Dain with a chair for the disqualification.

Winner: Killian Dain and Drake Maverick defeat Undisputed Era via disqualification.

– After the match Dain and Maverick clear the ring before Drake celebrates and Dain drops him with a right hand.

– Outside Jake Atlas is interviewed about his match against Ciampa before Ciampa attacks him out of nowhere.

– We go backstage to Timothy Thatcher getting ready for his title challenge up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to an announcement by William Regal that five men will compete in a new match called a Gauntlet Eliminator where the winner will face Finn Bälor for the NXT title at the next Takeover.

– We get a graphic for the NXT Women’s number one contender battle royal as well as Ciampa and Atlas for next week’s show.

NXT North American Championship Match

Damian Priest (c) vs Timothy Thatcher

They lock up before Tim knees Priest in the midsection and locks in a standing side headlock. Priest hits several arm drags before they lock up again and Priest rolls up Tim for two. Priest hits a deep arm drag into a straight armbar before rolling him up again for two. Priest locks in a straight armbar with a chin bar before Tim reverses into a headlock and takes Priest down. Priest gets to his feet and drops Tim with a shoulder tackle before Tim rocks him with an uppercut.

Priest hits an enzuigiri before Tim knocks him off of the apron with an uppercut before Tim counters a powerbomb onto the floor. Tim then hits a butterfly suplex onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Tim in control until Priest rocks him with a flurry of hard hitting kicks before missing a slingshot senton. Tim goes for the Fujiwara armbar before Priest counters it and Tim locks in a single leg Boston crab. Priest kicks Tim to get free and rocks him with a back elbow before Tim locks in the Fujiwara armbar. Priest gets his foot on the bottom rope for the break before tapping before countering a chicken wing into a flat liner. Priest hits South of Heaven for a near fall before countering an armbar attempt with a roundhouse kick.

Priest then hits a diving spinning heel kick into The Reckoning for the pin and the win.

Winner: Damian Priest retains his North American title by defeating Timothy Thatcher via pinfall.

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