
WWE NXT Results for 6/24/20 Keith Lee Retains North American Title, Will Face Adam Cole in Two Weeks

The NXT North American Championship is on the line in a triple threat match tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by a triple threat match for the NXT North American Championship!

– We open the show with a video from earlier today where Cameron Grimes fled the scene after attacking Damian Priest in the parking lot before we go to the ring for Cameron’s match against Damian.

Cameron Grimes vs Damian Priest

Before the match Grimes mocks Priest and accuses him of slashing his own tires and injuring himself before saying that Priest won’t be there and he’s going to win via forfeit. Priest then comes out and gets into the ring before Grimes attacks him as soon as he gets inside and focuses on the injured ribs before the match even starts. Once the match starts Priest drops Grimes with punches and rocks Grimes with a boot when Grimes counters a chokeslam before hitting him in the small of the back. Priest hits a chokebomb before rolling around on the mat screaming in pain as Grimes rolls out of the ring to avoid the cover before trying to leave up the ramp. Grimes drives Priest into the apron when he tries to go out after him before Grimes hits The Cave-In Priest then manages to get back into the ring before being counted out before Grimes hits The Cave-In a second time for the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes defeats Damian Priest via pinfall.

– After the match we cut to earlier today where Rhea Ripley was cutting a promo to the camera outside before Robert Stone walks up and tries to convince her to join his brand before she punches him and tosses him in a dumpster. Aliyah then shows up and yells at Rhea before slapping her and Rhea just smiles before leaving.

– We then get a graphic for our triple threat championship main event as we go to commercial.

– We come back to this week’s segment of Timothy Thatcher’s wrestling school.

– We get a recap of Legado Del Fantasma attacking Drake Maverick last week before they come out to the ring for Santos’ match against Jake Atlas.

Santos Escobar w/Legado Del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza) vs Jake Atlas

Jake backs Escobar into the corner when they lock up before Jake hits a flying cross body and beats on Escobar in the corner before hitting a snap mare into a rear headlock. Santos then gets to his feet before Jake drops him and Jake gets distracted by Wilde at ringside before Santos capitalizes and knocks him from the apron and into the plexiglass at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back to Santos in control, hitting a neckbreaker for two before locking in a submission and Jake crawls to the bottom rope for the break before dropkicking Jake once he gets to his feet for another two count. Santos hits a snap mare and stretches Jake out before Jake gets back up and comes back with forearms and punches into a running back elbow in the corner and a double ax handle. Jake hits a scoop slam into a standing moonsault for two before following up with a dropkick that sends Santos through the ropes and out onto the floor, Jake taking out the other two members of LDF with a moonsault before hitting a one percenter for a near fall. Fantasma then hits Jake with the Fantasma driver for the pin and the win when he stops Jake from hitting the Rainbow DDT.

Winner: Santos Escobar defeats Jake Atlas via pinfall.

– After the match we get another therapy with Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly as the fake therapist before Kyle reveals himself and Roddy finally gets into the trunk of the car before UE high five and he gets back out and they all celebrate before Adam tells Roddy he’ll face Dexter Lumis in a match tonight.

-We next get the tale of the tape for the North American championship triple threat match with all of the stats for Lee, Gargano and Balor as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a recap of last week’s tag team match before we get a backstage interview with Indus Sher.

– We then get a video package recapping how the triple threat match for the North American championship and the winner take all match for the NXT title took shape as we go back to commercial.

Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter vs Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai

Kayden and Raquel start the match off before Kacy and Kayden double up on Raquel before Raquel drives Kayden into the corner and tags in Kai. Kai gets dropped with a kick before Kacy hits an assisted Thesz press for two before Kai and Gonzalez hit with a boot into a powerslam for a two count that Kayden breaks up. Kayden comes in and knocks Raquel off of the apron before dropkicking Kai and hitting a sunset flip into a superkick for two. Kayden hits a running knee in the ropes for two before Raquel gets the tag and gets rocked with a flurry of kicks before chokeslamming Kacy and Kai submits her for the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez defeat Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter via submission.

– We come backstage to see Keith Lee getting ready ahead of his title defense before Karrion Kross and Scarlett come out to the ring for Kross’ match against Bronson Reed.

Karrion Kross vs Bronson Reed

Reed runs over Kross before Kross comes back with a single strike and nearly knocks Reed out with a forearm before hitting a Saito suplex and Reed rocks him with a forearm when he rushes him in the corner. Reed hits a dead lift German suplex that enrages Kross before they exchange forearms and Kross hits a northern lights suplex into a clothesline and another Saito suplex. Kross then calls for the Kross Jacket and submits Reed for the win.

Winner: Karrion Kross defeats Bronson Reed via submission.

– After the match we get a backstage interview with NXT champion Adam Cole who will be defending his title in a winner take all match in two weeks against the winner of tonight’s North American title triple threat. 

– We then get a graphic for Rhea Ripley versus Aliyah up next as we go to commercial.

Aliyah w/Robert Stone vs Rhea Ripley

Rhea goes right after Aliyah and grabs her when she backs into the ropes before slamming her down to the mat and slinging her around before Aliyah rolls out of the ring. Back in the ring Aliyah goes for a diving cross body, but Rhea catches her and clotheslines her several times before hitting knees in a cravat. Rhea hits a basement dropkick for two before locking in a cloverleaf and Robert gets onto the apron and distracts Rhea who chases him around ringside and back into the ring. Robert then escapes and Rhea hits Aliyah with the Riptide for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley defeats Aliyah via pinfall.

Roderick Strong vs Dexter Lumis

Roddy quickly gets out of the ring when Dexter stares him down before Roddy flees to the back and is counted out.

Winner: Dexter Lumis defeats Roderick Strong vis count out.

– We then go backstage to Robert Stone and Aliyah talking to William Regal on a tablet pleading for Aliyah to get a rematch against Rhea. Regal then tells Robert that he’s going to compete next week before Rhea walks up behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder and smiling before leaving.

– We then see Finn getting ready backstage ahead of our main event as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the announcement of an NXT Women’s Championship Number One Contender Fatal Four Way match as well as Roderick Strong and Dexter Lumis in a strap match as we go to the ring for our main event.

NXT North American Championship Triple Threat Match

Keith Lee (c) vs Johnny Gargano vs Finn Balor

Gargano immediately rolls out of the ring and Finn and Keith lock up with Keith backing Finn into the corner and setting him on the top turnbuckle before Keith catches Finn coming off of the top. Keith then tosses Johnny and Finn across the ring before dropping them with a double clothesline as we go to commercial.

We come back to Keith still in control of Johnny and Finn until they take turns jumping on Keith’s back and trying to choke him out only to be slung off repeatedly. Finn gets Keith down to his knees before hitting him with running forearms and right hands until Keith catches the both of them and hits a double back suplex. Keith whips Finn across the ring before Johnny tries to take Keith down and Finn jumps on his back and tries to choke Keith while Johnny goes for a heel hook. Keith then sends Finn and Johnny out of the ring before following them and Finn hits a sling blade before Johnny hits a cannonball off of the apron and Finn hits a running chop before he and Johnny send Keith into the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to a graphic for The Great American Bash on next week’s show before we go back to the ring where Finn is chopping Johnny around the ring and Johnny superkicks Keith from the apron before hitting Finn with a slingshot spear for two. Johnny chops Finn against the ropes before Finn sends him over the top rope and hits Keith with a cannonball through the ropes and counters the Gargano Escape into a reverse DDT for two. Finn hits a sling blade before Keith slams him into the corner and everyone hits an enzuigiri until Keith hits a slingshot cross body that takes out both Balor and Gargano. Keith drops Johnny before Finn sweeps him and hits a jumping stomp and Keith puts Finn in an electric chair before Finn tries to choke him out and Johnny superkicks Finn to break up the choke. Johnny hits a slingshot DDT for a near fall before Johnny hits Keith with a tornado DDT and a suicide dive before Keith runs them over at ringside when Finn catches Johnny and goes for the 1916.

Back in the ring Finn counters a powerbomb into a stomp before Johnny superkicks the both of them and Keith falls on top of Johnny. Keith grabs Finn by the throat when he’s up to before Johnny rolls Keith up with his feet on the ropes for a near fall. Keith then powerbombs Johnny into Finn before hitting Johnny with the Big Bang Catastrophe and Finn comes off of the top with the Coup de Grace, but Keith gets out of the way and Finn hits Johnny with it before Keith hits Finn with the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win.

Winner: Keith Lee retains his North American Championship by defeating Finn Balor and Johnny Gargano via pinfall.

– After the match Adam comes out to the ring and faces off with Keith ahead of their winner take all match in two weeks as we go off the air.

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