
WWE NXT Results for 6/17/20 Bayley & Sasha Banks vs Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart

The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are on the line tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by a Women’s Tag Team Championship match!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s in which Adam Cole defeated Dexter Lumis in a non-title match and Scarlett and Karrion Kross set their sights on Cole’s NXT championship.

– We open the show with Bayley and Sasha Banks from earlier today before the NXT tag team champions Imperium come out to the ring and Breezango come out as Emporium ahead of the tag title match in our opening contest.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) (c) vs Breezango

Marcel starts things off with Tyler, beating on him and grounding Tyler before he comes back momentarily and Aichner hits a deep arm drag once he gets the blind tag. Fabian keeps Tyler grounded with a straight armbar before Tyler sends Fabian and himself over the top rope and down onto the floor. Marcel attacks Tyler when the referee is distracted before Fabian sends him face first into the plexiglass at ringside and rolls him back inside for two. Marcel and Fabian tag in and out and beat Tyler down in the corner while playing to the crowd and the NXT Universe at home before hitting a snap mare into a rear headlock. Tyler counters a back suplex and sends Marcel over the top rope and down onto the floor before tagging in Fandango who hits a diving knee and a suplex into a powerslam. Fandango then hits a tornado DDT to Fabian before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope that takes out both members of Imperium as we go to commercial.

We come back to Imperium in control until Tyler hits an enzuigiri that drops and stuns Marcel before dragging Marcel to the corner and Tyler hits a slingshot into a forearm from Fandango on the apron before Fandango hits a slingshot elbow drop for a two count that Fabian breaks up by sending Tyler into Fandango. Fabian gets the legal tag before Tyler superkicks Marcel and Fandango superkicks him before Fandango hits The Last Dance for a deep two count that Marcel breaks up. Indus Sher then come out to the ring and are stopped by Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch before Fabian pins Fandango with a DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Imperium defeat Breezango via pinfall to retain their NXT tag team titles.

– After the match we go to a satellite interview with The Velveteen Dream who is asked about where he goes from here after losing to Adam Cole before Dexter Lumis pops up from behind the couch and gives him a drawing. Dream tells Dexter that him helping him meant nothing before leaving.

– We then see Damian Priest entering the arena earlier today ahead of his match against Killian Dain up next as we go to commercial.

Damian Priest vs Killian Dain

Dain backs Priest into the corner before putting him in a standing side headlock and they run the ropes and try to knock each other over before Dain hits a running shotgun dropkick in the corner. Dain beats on Priest and clubs the injured back of Priest before Priest counters a back suplex and claps his ears before booting him away. Dain traps Priest in the ropes and hits a guillotine leg drop before elbowing his ribs and lower back before rocks him with a headbutt before Priest catches him coming in with a back elbow. Priest tries to come back with strikes, but gets his with several back suplexes before finishing with a sit-out facebuster for two. Dain misses a running splash in the corner before Priest comes back with forearms and kicks and a rolling elbow into a clothesline before dropping Dain with a stiff forearm for two.

Priest then hits several running back elbows in the corner before Dain hits The Divide for a near fall before Priest counters the Ulster Plantation into The Reckoning for the pin and the win.

Winner: Damian Priest defeats Killian Dain via pinfall.

– After the match we get a video package for the new stable of Santos Escobar, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde who will address the NXT Universe later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to see Dain hitting the plexiglass on the ramp and knocking Robert Stone onto the ground on the other side during the commercial before we go back to the ring for our next match between Xia Li and Aliyah.

Xia Li vs Aliyah

Before the match Aliyah goes over and gets Robert Stone who’s slumped down against a barrier outside of the plexiglass before helping him to ringside for her match. The match opens up with Xia backing Aliyah into the corner with a flurry of strikes before setting her on the top turnbuckle and Aliyah counters into a northern lights suplex for two. Aliyah grabs Xia’s hair and mocks her before Xia drops her with an enzuigiri and kicks her away with a boot before hitting a single leg dropkick. Robert then gets onto the apron and distracts Xia by throwing up on the mat before Aliyah rolls Xia up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Aliyah defeats Xia Li via pinfall.

– After the match Robert goes to hug Aliyah and falls off of the apron and onto the floor before she helps him to the back and we get a graphic for a therapy session between the members of the Undisputed Era as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video of Timothy Thatcher’s wrestling school where he demonstrates several submissions including a Fujiwara armbar and a double wrist lock.

– We next go to Adam and Bobby taking Roderick to a therapy session with Kyle O’Reilly in a beard as the therapist where Roddy talks about his traumatic experience with Dexter Lumis. Kyle tries to keep everyone else from arguing before he tells Strong that he needs to face his fear of being in the trunk of a car. Roddy then runs away when Adam and Bobby try to get him to get into the trunk.

– We go to a backstage interview with Adam about Scarlett and Karrion Kross where Adam says that he’ll always be NXT champion before he’s interrupted by the North American champion Keith Lee. Keith then tells Adam that his time with the title is limited and that he’ll be taking it from him and not Kross before breaking the hourglass and Adam walks away as we go to commercial.

– The NXT champion Adam Cole comes out to the ring as we come back from the break before saying that he’s the greatest champion in the business and that he’s been the champion for 391 days. Adam says that Kross beat Ciampa, but he’s only been in NXT for a short time and that he doesn’t get to go to the front of the line. Adam says that he has his eyes on Keith Lee’s North American championship and that he wants to become a two title champion and be referred to as Champ Champ Bay Bay before Keith comes out to the ring. Lee and Cole are soon interrupted by Johnny Gargano who gets into the ring and says that he and Candice are going to become the first couple in NXT history to be the NXT Men’s and Women’s champions, respectively. Finn Balor comes out next and tells Johnny that he doesn’t wait in lines and cuts right to the front before giving Keith a warning and saying that he’s going to take his title before turning and telling Adam that he’s coming for him next.

Adam says that he has always passed Finn by before William Regal appears on the big screen and makes a triple threat match for the North American championship between Lee, Gargano and Balor with the winner facing Adam for the NXT champion the following week where it will be winner take all.

– We then get a graphic for the WWE Women’s Tag Team title match in our main event as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a brief interview with Keith Lee before Candice LeRae interrupts him and Mia Yim attacks her from behind before we head back to the ring.

Kayden Carter w/Kacy Catanzaro vs Dakota Kai w/Raquel Gonzalez

Kayden takes Kai down before hitting her with right hands and gets two off of a jack knife cover before hitting a springboard single leg dropkick that sends Kai out of the ring. Kayden gets distracted by Raquel at ringside and Kai hits a scorpion kick for two before Kayden comes back with a dropkick and rolls through into a thrust kick for two. Kayden sends Kai out onto the apron before trapping her and hitting a draping facebuster before Raquel distracts her again by taking out Kacy and Kai rolls her up for a near fall. Kai then submits Kayden for the tap and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai defeats Kayden Carter via submission.

– After the match we see the broken hourglass before Scarlett walks up with the screen black and white and picks up sand before Kross steps up as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package for Mercedes Martinez who will be returning soon before we go back to the ring for our next match between Bronson Reed and Leon Ruff.

Bronson Reed vs Leon Ruff

Bronson drops Leon and hits a senton before climbing to the top and hitting a diving splash for the pin and the win in a matter of seconds.

Winner: Bronson Reed defeats Leon Ruff via pinfall.

– After the match Reed cuts a promo and calls out Karrion Kross before picking Ruff up on his shoulder and leaving before we cut to moments ago outside where someone had slashed Damian Priest’s cars tires before Cameron Grimes drives by and mocks him as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Santos Escobar, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde coming out to the ring where Santos talks about his legacy as El Hijo Del Fantasma and his career under a mask. Santos says that he knew when he signed to NXT Fantasma would come to an end and that his father El Fantasma said that he would become a leader before telling Wilde and Mendoza that he is a leader and they will lead a legacy as Legado Del Fantasma. Drake Maverick then interrupts and rushes the ring before attacking Santos and gets overwhelmed by the numbers and tossed over the barricade. Escobar then hits a DVD through a table onto the concrete.

– We then get a graphic for the main event as we go to commercial.

– We come back to see that Drake Maverick was put in an ambulance and taken to a local medical facility before we get a graphic for two matches on next week’s show between Damian Priest and Cameron Grimes and Bronson Reed and Karrion Kross.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match

Bayley & Sasha Banks (c) vs Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart

Sasha and Tegan start things off for their respective teams with Sasha backing Tegan into the corner for a clean break before getting two off of a jack knife and Nox gets two off of a back slide. Nox hits a drop toe hold into a roll by Shotzi before Bayley comes in and evades Shotzi before hitting her with clubbing blows and Shotzi rocks her with a knee. Bayley then suplexes Shotzi for two before hitting a sliding knee as we go to commercial.

We come back to Bayley in control of Nox until she gets hit coming in and Nox headbutts her before they both collapse and tag in their partners. Shotzi and Sasha come in and Shotzi rushes Sasha before hitting a bulldog and a discus forearm into a back suplex for two before Sasha hits a meteora off of the apron for two and she and Bayley miss a double team before Tegan and Shotzi hit inverted cannonballs in opposite corners. Tegan chokeslams Sasha off of the apron and onto Bayley at ringside before Shotzi hits an assisted springboard cross body onto Sasha and Bayley on the floor. Back in the ring Shotzi hits an assisted shiranui for a near fall that Sasha breaks up before Sasha and Tegan get tagged in and brawl in the center of the ring. Tegan counters Sasha before Shotzi hits a dive and gets two before Sasha turns it into the Banks Statement and Shotzi turns it into a submission of her own.

Tegan then grabs the chair that Bayley brings into the ring before the referee takes it away from Tegan thinking she brought it in and Bayley helps Sasha get free and lock in the Banks Statement for the tap and the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks and Bayley defeat Shotzi Blackheart and Tegan Nox via submission to retain their WWE Women’s Tag Team championships.

– After the match the NXT Women’s champion Io Shirai comes out of nowhere and attacks and runs Bayley and Sasha off before staring them down with her belt as we go off the air.

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