
WWE NXT Results for 5/13/20 New NXT Tag Team Champions Crowned, Matt Riddle Defeats Timothy Thatcher

The NXT Tag Team championships are on the line tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans,and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by an NXT Tag Team championship match! Please enjoy the show and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post show podcast!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s in which Adam Cole retained his NXT Championship against The Velveteen Dream before we cut right to the PC with our opening match with the NXT Tag Team titles on the line.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Matt Riddle & Timothy Thatcher (c) vs Imperium (Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel)

Tim takes Marcel down and gets two off of a back slide before they grapple on the mat until Tim goes for an armbar, but Marcel scrambles to the ropes for the break before Fabian gets the blind tag and Aichner hits a deep arm drag. Matt takes out Marcel at ringside before he gets the tag and Fabian drops him with a shoulder block before Matt comes back with a PK as we go to commercial.

We come back to Fabian in control before driving Matt into the corner where Marcel comes in and Imperium hit a stereo dropkick from inside the ring and on the apron for two before Matt nearly gets the tag to Tim, but gets monkey flipped into Tim who becomes enraged and leaves to the back. Imperium then go for their finisher before Matt takes them both out with two GTS before Aichner hits a spinebuster and Imperium hit the a European bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Imperium defeat Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher via pinfall to become the new NXT Tag Team champions.

– After the match Imperium celebrate before we cut to a distraught Riddle, then we get a graphic for Jake Atlas versus Tony Nese and Isaiah Scott versus Jack Gallagher in two Interim Cruiserweight Championship matches later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to an interview with Timothy Thatcher before he’s interrupted by Matt Riddle and they start brawling before they’re broken up by officials before we go back to the ring for our next match between Tegan Nox and Indi Hartwell.

Tegan Nox vs Indi Hartwell

They lock up for a clean break before Indi slams Nox down by her hair and stomps her on the mat before dropping her with an elbow to the top of the head for two before hitting her across the back with clubbing blows and stomping her in the corner. Indi hits a side slam for two before Tegan sends her out onto the apron and catches her when she goes for a springboard before hitting a choke slam and an uppercut into an enzuigiri and an inverted cannonball. Nox then hits a diving cross body into The Shiniest Wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tegan Nox defeats Indi Hartwell via pinfall.

– After the match we get a recap of the aftermath of the NXT Women’s Championship match that ended in a disqualification as well as the backstage brawl between Rhea Ripley and Io Shirai before we go to a promo by Rhea as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Matt talking to NXT General Manager William Regal who matches a match between Matt and Tim before Tim shows up and attacks Matt out of nowhere before we go back to the PC for our first of two Interim Cruiserweight Championship Tournament matches with Tony Nese against Jake Atlas.

Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Group A Match

Tony Nese vs Jake Atlas

Tony backs Jake into the ropes for a clean break before they exchange head locks and Tony rocks Jake with kicks before Jake flips and and Tony slaps him before snapping his neck across the top rope before chopping and stomping Jake in the corner. Tony hits a float over suplex for two before locking in a front head lock until Jake gets to his feet and Tony knees him in the midsection before catching a kicking and they exchange forearms until Jake drops Tony with a boot. Jake hits a snap German suplex into a shining wizard for two before Jake counters a pump handle suplex into a jumping neckbreaker before Jake struggles to the top and Tony rocks him with a jumping uppercut. Tony knocks Jake down and stomps his head when he’s dangling on the top rope before Jake kicks Tony’s legs out and he smacks his head against the top turnbuckle.

Jake then hits his signature cartwheel DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jake Atlas defeats Tony Nese via pinfall to go up 2-1 in the tournament with Tony falling to 0-3.

– After the match we go to a video call between all four members of The Undisputed Era before we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package for Karrion Kross and Scarlett before we see Cameron Grimes getting ready before his match against Finn Balor before we get a video package for the feud between Dakota Kai and Tegan Nox narrated by Kai before we go to a backstage interview with Isaiah Scott before his tournament match against Jack Gallagher before we get a graphic for Dinner with The Garganos later tonight and a graphic for Triple H and Shawn Michaels who will be in the PC up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Triple H and Shawn Michaels before they show a graphic for the next Takeover which will be next month, titled NXT Takeover: In Your House on June 7th before we go back to the PC for our next match between Finn Balor and Cameron Grimes.

Finn Balor vs Cameron Grimes

Finn dodges The Cave-In as soon as the match starts before locking in a standing head lock, Grimes countering into a straight armbar before slamming Finn to the mat and hitting him across the back before Cameron then hits a sit-out side slam for two as we go to commercial.

We come back to Cameron having Finn in a camel clutch before taking him down with a shoulder lock, Finn coming back with forearms only to be turned inside out with a kitchen sink before Cameron whips Finn into the corner. Cameron clotheslines Finn for two before Finn comes back with a jumping stomp and sends Cameron out of the ring before Finn takes out Damian Priest when he shows up and tries to get back into the ring and is attacked by Damian Priest when the referee is busy with Cameron. Cameron then capitalizes on how slow Finn is to get up and hits The Cave-In for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes defeats Finn Balor via pinfall.

– After the match Priest attacks Finn again and chokes him with a chair before posing over him and revealing that he was the one who attacked Finn several weeks ago before we go to a graphic for the tournament standings with KUSHIDA and Akira Tozawa undefeated in their respective groups as we go to commercial.

Interim NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Group B Match

Isaiah Scott vs Jack Gallagher

Scott is attacked by Tony Nese before the match before he gets into the ring and starts the match and Jack hits a running dropkick in the corner for a near fall before Jack traps Scott in the ropes and kicks him in the back for two. Jack hits a kitchen sink for two before locking in a seated abdominal stretch, Scott getting to his feet before Jack punches him in the midsection when he goes for a suplex and Scott trips Jack before Jack misses a running dropkick in the corner. Scott then hits the House Call for a near fall before Jack locks in a guillotine choke out of nowhere and Scott gets free and to his feet only for Jack to knock him out with a discus elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher defeats Isaiah Scott via pinfall to go up to 1-2 and the tournament and Scott falling to 1-2 as well, the two now even in the Group B standings.

– After the match we get a graphic for Kayden Carter versus Aliyah up next as we go to commercial.

Kayden Carter vs Aliyah

Aliyah takes Kayden down as soon as the match starts before Kayden takes Aliyah down and Aliyah kicks Kayden away before they get into a shoving match and Kayden rolls Aliyah up for two before hitting a basement dropkick for two. Aliyah traps Kayden in the corner and knees her in the spine before slamming her head into the mat for two before tossing her across the ring by her hair and hitting her with forearms in the corner. Kayden comes back with kicks in the corner before Aliyah hits a mule kick and sends her across the ring as Robert Stone comes out onto the ramp and admires Aliyah’s performance before she goes for a moonsault and Kayden stops her. Kayden rolls through into a superkick for two before locking in a submission and forcing Aliyah to tap for the win.

Winner: Kayden Carter defeats Aliyah via submission.

– After the match Aliyah tries to talk to Robert before he tells her to back off and leave before we get a graphic for Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano at dinner up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back from commercial to Johnny and Candice having dinner while re-watching Johnny’s match against Tommaso Ciampa before we go to a graphic for KUSHIDA versus Drake Maverick and Fantasma versus Tozawa as well as Rhea Ripley versus Io Shirai for next weeks show before we cut to the ring with Timothy Thatcher already inside.

Matt Riddle vs Timothy Thatcher

Matt lays into Tim with kicks before Tim takes him down and hits him with forearms and elbows in mount before Matt kicks Tim away and they get back to their feet before Tim takes Matt back down with a hip toss and gets back into mount. Matt turns it around and gets to his feet before trying to back up, but he hits the ropes and Tim takes him back down before they chain grapple on the mat until Riddle goes for a double wrist lock, but Tim rolls and locks in a front head lock. Matt then drops Tim and sends him out of the ring and down onto the floor in a heap as we go to commercial.

We come back to Tim in control as we see how the momentum shifted in his favor during the break as Tim focuses on the ankle and foot of Matt until Riddle rocks him with a knee and Tim stomps his bare foot before dropping him with an uppercut. Tim locks in a rear chin lock before Matt gets to his feet and Tim dead lifts Matt before Matt goes for a triangle armbar and Tim gets his foot on the bottom rope for the break before quickly kneeing Matt in the ribs repeatedly. Tim tries hard for an armbar before Matt counters into a single arm sit-out powerbomb and they exchange strikes once they’re to their feet until Tim catches a kick and locks in an ankle lock. Matt kicks Tim away before Tim drops him with a kick and Matt hits a GTS before collapsing to the mat, Riddle following up by climbing to the top and going for a corkscrew diving senton, but Tim gets his knees up.

Tim then locks in a Fujiwara armbar before Matt turns it into a powerbomb and Tim reapplies the armbar before transitioning into a rolling knee bar, Matt turning it into a pin for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Riddle defeats Timothy Thatcher via pinfall.

– After the match Tim attacks Matt and locks in the armbar and forces him to tap out several times as we go off the air.

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