
WWE NXT Results for 3/18/20 NXT Superstar Pre-Wrestlemania Special

The leader of the Undisputed Era and the NXT champion will celebrate his historic reign tonight at 8PM EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you’re doing well and ready for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT featuring a celebratory extravaganza by the NXT champion Adam Cole

– We open the show with a recap of last week’s show in which Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa tore the house down as they fought all over the performance center and Ciampa put Johnny through the announce table when he hit an air raid crash off of the perch. We then go to Tom Phillips and Triple H from WWE headquarters in Stanford, Connecticut where they give us a run down of tonight’s show with interviews with Rhea Ripley and Finn Balor before we get an extended video package the friendship and rivalry of Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano where they show footage of them when they were training in the PC narrated by the two where they talk about their tryouts and were denied contracts and how they became best friends before becoming NXT Tag Team champions and the most bitter of rivals when they split and focused on singles competition with the NXT championship. We get highlights of Tommaso winning the NXT championship and having to relinquish the belt due to needing to have neck surgery before we get highlights of Johnny capturing the NXT championship from Adam Cole before he celebrates with his wife and Ciampa. Johnny talks about how Tommaso came back from neck surgery and how he couldn’t figure out why the NXT universe were happy to see him and that he reunited DIY for the fans before Tommaso focuses on the NXT championship once again and the man who holds it, Adam Cole.

– We come back to Tom and Triple H, Tom asking Triple H about Ciampa, H talking about how quickly and urgently Ciampa recovered ahead of schedule from his neck surgery and how he returned at NXT Takeover: Portland to get his life back. Johnny talks about how he wanted to believe that his best friend was back before we get highlights of the match between Ciampa and Adam before Johnny turned on Ciampa and cost him the gold when he hit Ciampa with the NXT championship. We then get a recap of their brawl last week at the performance center before Ciampa says that they might very well fight forever like the fans asked for them too. Tom and Triple H talk about the level of physicality that we’ve seen from this feud and how it is far from over before we’re told that a look at the career of Finn Balor is up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Tom and Triple H where Triple H talks about how much talent Finn Balor has and how everything came easy to him before talking about how he loves how he’s become very driven in his return to the brand before we get a video package for the first stint of Finn Balor in NXT and how he defeated everyone in his path and held onto the title for return and career resurgence of Finn Balor since he rejoined NXT for 292 days that stood the test of time until Adam Cole broke the record which he will celebrate later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Finn being drafted in the first round of the WWE draft before winning a shot at the first ever match for the new WWE Universal championship before defeating Seth Rollins to become the inaugural champion before he talks about having to relinquish the belt when he had to have surgery, only holding the title over night. Finn talks about his recovery and his return and how he brought the best out of everyone he faced and how losing to Brock Lesnar reignited his drive and passion and hoe he returned to NXT to show that he’s the best wrestler in the world as we go to commercial.

– We return to Finn talking about becoming an adrenaline junkie and how he needs to stop pleasing other people and do what’s best for him and that he’s been wrestling for twenty years and how he doesn’t want to waste time doing what he doesn’t believe in. Finn says that he went back to NXT to find himself again and become the Prince again and doing what he thought was right and how what he did to Johnny wasn’t about him, just something he had to do. We then get highlights of his match with Johnny at Takeover: Portland in which Finn had a grueling match against Johnny before coming out on top. Finn then says that 2018 Finn Balor is dead and that he is the Prince before saying that times are uncertain, but he will get his hands on the NXT UK champion WALTER. We then go to Tom and Triple H before we’re told about Rhea Ripley up next where she’ll talk about her rise to Wrestlemania as we go to commercial.

– We return to Tom and Triple H talking about Rhea Ripley facing Charlotte at Wrestlemania before we get a video package for the career of Rhea where Rhea says that NXT is like her mosh pit, but she was twenty and terrified when she started in NXT and how she was a little fish in a big pond and talks about the Mae Young Classic and how she went from long blonde hair to changing her entire look up in the second Mae Young Classic and that she loves proving people wrong. Rhea talks about entering the NXT UK Women’s championship tournament where she defeated Toni Storm who was the fan favorite and was expected to win before we see highlights of her running through the division in NXT UK before setting her sights on Shayna Baszler in NXT proper as we go to commercial.

– We return to highlights of Rhea in the women’s Survivor Series match before saying that she really just wanted the gold in NXT before we see her defeating Shayna Baszler for the NXT Women’s championship and the most decorated women’s champion in WWE history Charlotte Flair who she’d never faced before. talking about the various curve balls 2020 has brought and how it’s in her world, the WWE Performance Center and not in a massive stadium. Rhea says that she and Charlotte are very different and Charlotte feeds on the crowd and that no one will be there for her at Wrestlemania and how it will just be her and that’s what Charlotte will have to face. Rhea then states that she will pin Charlotte and retain her NXT Women’s championship at Wrestlemania before we cut to Tom and Triple H who thank us for watching as we go off the air.

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