
WWE NXT Results for 2/3/21 NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

The Rated-R Superstar makes his way to NXT and the Cruiserweight Championship is on the line!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s and the announcement of Edge coming to the CWC as well as a Cruiserweight Championship match.

– Backstage Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez talk to the camera before coming out onto the stage for their Women’s Dusty Cup match.

Women’s Dusty Cup Semifinal Match

Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez vs Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro

Kacy and Dakota start the match with Kacy hitting an arm drag and locking in a standing side headlock before hitting an arm drag and she and Kayden double up on Dakota for two. Dakota comes back with a backbreaker and tags in Raquel before all four women brawl and Kacy and Kayden clear the ring before Raquel slams Kacy onto the edge of the apron. Back in the ring Raquel stomps Kacy and tags in Dakota who hits a jumping stomp for two before knocking Kayden off of the apron. Kacy and Kayden hit an assisted rebound before Kacy gets the hot tag to Kayden as Raquel is tagged in on the opposite side. Kayden hits a head scissors into a clutch kick for two before Dakota distracts Kayden and gets knocked off of the apron.

Raquel then knocks Kayden off of the apron and into the announce table as we go to commercial.

We come back as Kayden gets the hot tag to Kacy who climbs the scaffold and hits a diving cross body onto Dakota and Raquel at ringside. Back in the ring Kayden and Raquel are now legal before she and Kacy send Raquel out onto the apron and Kayden hits a draping piledriver into a missile dropkick by Kacy. Kacy then hits a 450 stomp for a near fall that Dakota is late to break up before Raquel pins Kayden with a choke bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez defeat Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

– Backstage Toni Storm is interviewed about her challenging Io Shirai for her NXT Women’s Championship in a triple threat with Io, Mercedes Martinez, and herself.

– Backstage The Way’s Gargano and Theory make their way from the back ahead of Austin’s match up next.

– Backstage Edge speaks with NXT General Manager William Regal.

Men’s Dusty Cup Semifinal Match

Austin Theory (w/ Johnny Gargano) vs Leon Ruff

Austin takes control early and beats on Leon before whipping him into the corner before posing for Johnny at ringside before running Leon over. Leon counters a fireman’s carry into clutch for a near fall before laying into Austin with forearms and punches into a running knee. Austin sends Leon out onto the apron before Leon superkicks Johnny at ringside and hits a missile dropkick before knocking Johnny off of the apron. Leon and Austin run into each other with Austin sending Leon out of the ring as Indi and Candice check on Johnny. Shotzi and Ember come out and take Indi and Candice back to the locker room before Leon fakes an attack by Johnny and Johnny is ejected from ringside.

Austin then Leon hits with the ATL for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Theory defeats Leon Ruff via pinfall.

– After the match Austin attacks Leon and grabs the ring bell before Dexter Lumis attacks him and Austin runs off.

– We get a video package for Tian Sha, the mysterious woman on the throne in control of Xia Li and BOA the past several weeks.

Dusty Classic Cup Quarterfinal Match

Lucha House Party vs Legado Del Fantasma

Lince drops Raul repeatedly before Raul backs Lince into his corner and LDF start tagging in and out and beating on Lince while screaming at him in Spanish. Lince then gets the hot tag to Gran before he’s sent out of the ring and Joaquin hits a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We come back to Metalik hitting a sunset flip powerbomb off of the top to Raul before Lince gets the hot tag and runs over Joaquin before dropkicking him. Lince hits an arm drag into a back elbow and a diving cross body for two before Joaquin hits a jawbreaker and Lince hits the Golden Rewind for a near fall. LHP clear the ring and take turns hitting topes at ringside before Lince hits a head scissors before Raul gets the blind tag. LDF then pin Lince with their finisher for the win.

Winner: Legado Del Fantasma defeat Lucha House Party via pinfall to advance to the semifinals of the tournament.

– After the match MSK come out and stand with the trophy while mocking LDF ahead of their match next week.

– The Kings of NXT arrive at the arena as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa are getting ready for their Dusty Cup match in tonight’s main event.

– The Kings of NXT make their way out to the ring and Pete gets on the mic and demands Finn Bälor come out to the ring. Finn gets on the apron and into the ring before Oney and Danny leave and Pete tells Finn to hold tight to the NXT title before Finn gives Pete his title match at Takeover: Vengeance Day. The two are interrupted by the winner of this year’s Royal Rumble match Edge who says that winning the Royal Rumble means that he can challenge any champion in the company. Edge talks about how he’s going to be watching Finn and Pete and their match at Takeover of he hasn’t decided who he’s challenging at Wrestlemania by then.

– Backstage Johnny Gargano is interviewed about what happened to Austin Theory and Candice and Indi in the semi-finals of the Woman’s Dusty Cup. Johnny is then informed that he’s going to be defending his NXT North American Championship against KUSHIDA at Takeover as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Johnny going to William Regal’s office before KUSHIDA tells go to come back later and the two brawl before KUSHIDA PKs Johnny’s arm and they’re separated.

Jessi Kamea (w/ Aliyah & Robert Stone) vs Toni Storm

Toni sends Jessi into the ropes and drops her before hitting a sliding forearm for two before Mercedes Martinez rushes Toni and Jessi attacks Mercedes before Mercedes lays her out and goes after Toni for the disqualification.

Winner: Jessi Kamea defeats Toni Storm via disqualification.

– Io then comes out and takes out Toni and Mercedes with a moonsault before holding her title up high in the center of the ring.

– We get a promo by Curt Stallion ahead of his challenging for the Cruiserweight Championship up next.

– We get a video package promo for Cameron Grimes who returns next week.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

Santos Escobar (c) (w/ Legado Del Fantasma) vs Curt Stallion

They lock up and Santos backs Curt into the corner before beating him down and locking in a cravat before hitting a snap mare into an abdominal stretch. Santos dropkicks Curt for two before we see Scarlett looking on from the platform in the back of the arena before Curt counters a reverse DDT. Santos hits a running meteora in the corner before hitting a brain buster for two before applying a double wrist lock while staring and smiling at Scarlett. Curt then sends Santos out of the ring as the champion regroups with Raul and Joaquin at ringside while eyeing Scarlett as we go to commercial.

We come back to Santos in control before mocking Kross and Scarlett and covering Curt for two before locking in a half crab before transitioning into a cross face. Santos bends Curt and drives his knee into his back with a modified surfboard stretch before beating down Curt in the corner. Curt comes back with forearms and a suicide dive before tossing Santos back inside and hitting a diving splash for a near fall. Santos then counters Curt’s signature rebound DDT into a suplex into the corner before dropping Curt with a kick and finishing him with a Phantom Driver into Legado for the pin and the win.

Winner: Santos Escobar retains his NXT Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Curt Stallion via pinfall.

– After the match Karrion Kross comes out to the ring and takes out Raul and Joaquin before getting into the ring with Santos and saying that he’s going to give Santos the gift of time. Kross then tells Santos to run along and tick tock before Santos leaves and Kross and Scarlett stand in the ring.

– Backstage The Undisputed Era make their way out to the ring for tonight’s Men’s Dusty Cup main event as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Edge talks with Bronson Reed as he’s leaving the arena before Kross walks up and threatens Edge who says that Kross may be giving him a reason to come back to NXT and he wouldn’t like the results if he did.

Men’s Dusty Cup Semifinal Match

Undisputed Era vs Timothy Thatcher & Tommaso Ciampa

Tommaso backs Adam into the corner for an aggressive clean break before locking in a standing side headlock and dropping Adam with a shoulder block. Tommaso takes Adam right back down to the mat before rolling Adam up for one before Adam counters an early Fairytale Ending into a jack knife cover for two. Tommaso grounds Adam yet again before Adam gets to his feet and the two dodge each other’s moves before Tim and Roddy come in. Roddy takes Tim down onto the mat before Tim reverses into a reverse triangle before they exchange strikes until Roddy knocks Tim down in the corner. UE isolate Tim before Tim locks in a sleeper and backs into the corner where Tommaso tags himself in and runs Roddy over.

Tommaso and Tim then take control before Roddy escapes the corner and UE face off with T&T as we go to commercial.

We come back to Tim in control of Roddy, applying a bow and arrow before dragging him to the corner where Tommaso tags in and exchanges with Roddy. Tommaso wins the exchange with a forearm that drops Roddy for two before Tim comes back in and knees Roddy in the ribs before going for an armbar. Tim hangs Roddy in the corner before Roddy hits a superplex and gets the hot tag to Adam who drops Tommaso repeatedly and boots Tim off of the apron. Adam hits Tommaso with a back stabber for two before Tommaso counters an ushigoroshi and Adam hits an enzuigiri into the ushigoroshi for a near fall. Tommaso counters a Panama Sunrise before UE lock in submissions to both of their opponents and Tommaso breaks the submission before Tim taps.

Tim sends Roddy into Adam and sends him out of the ring before Tim hits a suplex and Tommaso a running knee for a near fall. Roddy counters the Fairytale Ending into an Olympic slam and tags in Adam who superkicks Tim off of the apron before superkicking Tommaso. Adam hits The Last Shot for a near fall before Tim drags Adam out of the ring and Roddy drops Tim across the barricade. Tommaso then grabs Roddy when he’s coming back into the ring and hits the Willows Bell for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher defeat Undisputed Era via pinfall to advance to the semifinals of the tournament.

– We end the show with Tommaso and Tim on the stage before facing off with and brawling with the Grizzled Young Veterans on opposite sides of the Dusty Cup as we go off the air.

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