
WWE NXT Results for 1/29/20 Pete Dunne & Matt Riddle win the 2019 Dusty Classic Tag Team Tournament

Find out who will challenge for the NXT Championship at NXT Takeover: Portland tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT! We hope you enjoy the show and be sure to check out our post-show podcast afterwards and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out Fightful Select!

Finn Bálor vs Trent Seven

Finn attacks Trent at ringside before the match starts, then rushes him as soon as he gets in the ring and the match starts. Finn stomps Trent and hits a dropkick through the ropes, sending Trent into the barricade before tossing him back into the ring. Back in the ring Finn applies a rear chin lock before Trent comes back with a chop, but Finn immediately sweeps him and hits a jumping stomp for two.

Finn hits a scoop slam into an elbow drop before Trent gets a near fall off of a small package and Finn immediately retakes momentum with a sling blade. Finn then drops Trent with a chop across the chest as we go to commercial.

We come back to Finn in control until Trent hits a suicide dive and Finn sends him crashing down from the top turnbuckle. Finn then hits a shotgun dropkick in the corner into the Coup de Grace and the 1916 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Finn Bálor defeats Trent Seven via pinfall with the 1916.

-We go backstage to Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle being interviewed ahead of their match in the finals of the Dusty Classic before we get a video package for Dakota Kai and Tegan Nox ahead of their grudge match later tonight as we go to commercial.

Shotzi Blackheart vs Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna takes Shotzi down before Shotzi hits an enzuigiri before Deonna counters a springboard arm drag and hits a flat liner. Deonna focuses on the arm and shoulder of Shotzi to set up the Fujiwara armbar before hitting several clotheslines for two. Shotzi then hits a neckbreaker and a discus elbow for two before hitting a code breaker and a diving senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shotzi Blackheart defeats Deonna Purrazzo via pinfall with a diving senton.

-We then get a recap of Keith Lee winning the North American Championship last week before it’s announced that he’s going to address the NXT Universe up next as we go to commercial.

-We get a recap of Worlds Collide where Imperium defeated Undisputed Era and Jordan Devlin became the new Cruiserweight champion before Keith Lee comes out to the ring. Lee talks about winning the NXT North American Championship before he’s interrupted by Damian Priest who says that he intends to take the title away from him. Dominik Dijakovic comes out next and they set up a number one contender match as Keith leaves and a referee enters the ring.

Dominik Dijakovic vs Damian Priest

Dom immediately takes control and hits a splash off of the top for two before they end up outside and Damian hits a razors edge onto the edge of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dom tossing Damian across the ring with a suplex before Priest turns him inside out with a lariat and hits a flat liner for two. Damian counters Feast Your Eyes before Dom hits a choke bomb for a near fall and Damian rolls out of the ring to recover. Dom hits an Asai moonsault before Damian hits a chokeslam once they’re back in the ring for a near fall. They drop each other with a whirlwind kick before Damian hits an avalanche reverse huricanrrana for a near fall. Dom then counters The Reckoning into Feast Your Eyes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic defeats Damian Priest via pinfall with Feast Your Eyes.

-We get a backstage interview with Tommaso Ciampa who says that Goldie is coming home and tonight he’ll make sure of it before brandishing a pipe and leaving as we go to commercial.

-We come back to see that Ciampa has attacked a member of the Undisputed Era before he comes out to the ring and sets up a table before NXT champion and the leader of UE, Adam Cole comes out onto the stage. William Regal comes out and gives Adam the contract before he comes down to the ring and they exchange before Ciampa puts Adam through the table in the ring. Ciampa then signs the contract and puts a bloody hand print on it, the real blood resulting from a shot to the head by Adam before dropping it on Adam.

-We then get highlights of Bianca Belair in the Women’s Royal Rumble match before we’re told about her coming face to face with Rhea Ripley on next week’s show as we go to commercial.

-We return to a recap of Jordan Devlin becoming the new NXT Cruiserweight champion before it’s announced that he’s going to be at Full Sail next week.

Dakota Kai vs Tegan Nox

Nox throws her knee brace at Kai and lays into her with strikes before Kai hits a running boot in the corner and Nox hits a running cannonball in the corner. They end up outside near the announce table before Nox breaks up the count and Kai drops her with a boot Nox kicks her in the midsection and sends her face first into the ring post when she grabs a chair. Nox inadvertently distracts the referee before ducking a shot by Kai with the brace before Kai rocks Nox with a forearm when she goes for a suicide dive. Candice LeRae then takes a chair away from Kai before she gets back in the ring and Nox hits her with the brace before hitting the Shiniest Wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tegan Nox defeats Dakota Kai via pinfall with the Shiniest Wizard.

Chelsea Green w/Robert Stone vs Kayden Carter

Kayden rushes Chelsea and hits a dropkick before Chelsea sends her face first into the middle turnbuckle and the bottom turnbuckle. Chelsea stomps Kayden in the corner and Kayden gets a near fall off of a roll up before hitting a superkick into a sunset flip superkick for another near fall. Chelsea then drops Kayden with a boot and plays to the crowd before Kayden pins her out of nowhere with an inside cradle.

Winner: Kayden Carter defeats Chelsea Green via pinfall.

Dusty Classic Finals Match

Grizzled Young Veterans vs Matt Riddle & Pete Dunne

Pete starts things off with James before Matt comes in and locks in an ankle lock, but James is quick to the ropes before Zack tags himself in and drops Matt. Zack stomps Matt in the corner before he turns it around with kicks to the chest and a gut wrench suplex he and Pete hits an assisted corkscrew senton. Pete clotheslines James and hits an enzuigiri into a moonsault off of the apron to Zack at ringside before James knocks Pete off of the apron and GYV hit an assisted springboard tombstone at ringside. James then tosses Pete back into the ring for two before sending him into the post and through the ropes and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to GYV in control before Pete gets out of the corner and gets the tag to Matt who sends James out of the ring and hits a running forearm in the corner into an exploder suplex and a senton into a PK. Matt hits a bridging German suplex for two before nearly turning James inside out with a spear before hitting Zack with a jack hammer suplex. Pete hits a powerbomb onto a kick by Matt for two before James sends Pete over the top rope and GYV hit Matt with a basket toss powerbomb for two. Zack suplexes Matt for two and slaps him before dropping him with a boot to the face and James gets the blind tag before James hits a drop toe hold. Zack hits a basement dropkick and takes out Pete on the apron before Pete hits a powerbomb into the Final Flash for a near fall before hitting a senton into a fisherman’s buster for another near fall. Pete and Zack then brawl when they enter the ring before Pete and Matt apply stereo ankle locks and GYV manage to escape without taping as we go to commercial.

We come back to Pete and Matt in control before GYV seize the momentum and Zack and James apply submissions before Matt spears Zack with James on his back to break the shoulder lock on Pete. James is powerbombed on top of Zack before Pete snaps his fingers and they hit the Riddle End for a near fall before GYV come back with a superkick to Matt in the ring and a suicide dive doomsday device to Pete onto the floor. Back in the ring James hits a running dropkick in the corner into a suplex by Zack before James hits a 450 for a near fall. Matt and Pete then hit a GTS by Matt into an enzuigiri by Pete for the pin and the win.

Winner:Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle defeat The Grizzled Young Veterans via pinfall to win the Dusty Classic and earn a shot at Undisputed Era’s Tag Team Championship at NXT Takeover: Portland.

-Pete and Matt then celebrate with the trophy as sparklers go off around them as we go off the air.

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