
WWE NXT Results for 12/4/19 Rhea Ripley vs Dakota Kai, KUSHIDA Returns

Rhea Ripley clashes with Dakota Kai, KUSHIDA returns to action and Adam Cole responds to Finn Bálor’s attack last week at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you’re ready for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-We open the show with a video recapping last week’s show before we go to Killian Dain in the ring who says that he’s not leaving the ring until he gets a challenger. Pete Dunne then ends up answering the challenge.

Killian Dain vs Pete Dunne

They brawl before Dain drops Pete and Pete hits a PK to the arm before locking in a Fujiwara armbar. Pete goes for a double wrist lock before Dain sends Pete out of the ring and hits a running cross body once he’s back in the ring. Dain hits a running senton and knocks Pete out of the air for a quick two count before Pete hits an enzuigiri into a missile dropkick. Pete hits a dead lift German suplex before Dain rolls out of the ring and stomps on his hand before Dain hits a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

Dain focuses on the legs of Pete before hitting a superplex before Pete drops him with a roundhouse kick for a two count before Pete hits a moonsault to the outside. Dain drops Pete across the corner of the apron and hits a senton before hitting a cannonball into the steps before rolling Pete back into the ring. Dain hits a running splash in the corner before he goes for a Vader bomb and Pete locks in a triangle before Dain breaks it with a sit-out powerbomb. Dain then falls off of the top turnbuckle with Pete on his back for the pin and the win.

Winner: Killian Dain defeats Pete Dunne via pinfall.

-Dakota Kai is interviewed ahead of her match against Rhea Ripley as we go to commercial.

-The Undisputed Era comes out to the ring and Adam talks about UE defending their titles against Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic last week and Finn Bálor’s attack on him last week. Keith Lee comes out to the ring and stands there silently before saying that he’s trying to decide which belt he wants before he takes out all three members of the Undisputed Era. Adam tries to leave before he’s attacked by Tommaso Ciampa UE leave through the crowd as Lee and Ciampa hold the ring with Ciampa holding the NXT Championship.

-We then get a promo by Xia Li backstage ahead of her match against the NXT Women’s champion Shayna Baszler in a non-title match later tonight as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video package for KUSHIDA where he talks about recovering from injury and how he fights for his family ahead of his return later tonight.

Xia Li vs Shayna Baszler

They exchange strikes before Xia sweeps Shayna and they grapple on the mat before countering each other’s chokes. Xia drops Shayna with a whirlwind kick before Shayna starts focusing on the left arm of Xia, stomping on her elbow for a quick two count. Shayna stays focused on the injured arm of Li before locking in a single leg Boston crab before Xia drops her with a kick. Xia punches and kicks Shayna in the corner before Shayna sets her on the top turnbuckle and Xia hits a sunset powerbomb for a near fall. Shayna then grabs Xia and locks in a choke before Xia taps for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Xia Li via submission with a rear naked choke.

-We get a promo by Kassius Ohno outside earlier today before the Forgotten Sons come out to the ring.

The Forgotten Sons vs Local Team

Cutler drops the one in yellow with a lariat before Blake comes in and hits a buckle bomb before dropping the one in red with a flying knee before hitting a release German suplex. FS then hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Forgotten Sons defeat a local tag team via pinfall.

Rhea Ripley vs Dakota Kai

Before the match Mia Yim comes out and attacks Dakota as revenge for her attacking her and knocking her out of the women’s WarGames match. They end up outside before Kai sends Yim into the apron and Yim sends her into the barricade before they brawl to the back. The Horsewomen then come out with Rhea in the ring alone and Rhea takes them all out momentarily before she’s choked unconscious by Shayna with Shafir and Duke’s help and Shayna challenges Rhea to a title match.

Winner: Match never started.

-We get a brief interview backstage with Ciampa, Lee and Dijakovic before their six man tag match against Undisputed Era in tonight’s main event before we get a video package for Finn Bálor which he narrates where he explains his motivation since returning to NXT.

-We get a video package for Isaiah Scott who returns to action next week before Kassius Ohno comes out to the ring for his match against Matt Riddle.

Kassius Ohno vs Matt Riddle

They exchange standing switches before Matt takes Ohno down before he gets back to his feet and locks in a straight armbar before Matt takes Ohno down to the mat. Back on their feet Ohno locks in a cravat before Matt comes back with kicks and a running forearm in the corner before hitting a PK on the apron as we go to commercial.

Matt hits Kawada kicks before Ohno drops Matt with a boot and drops him with an open hand palm strike before taking Matt down to the mat with a cravat. Ohno hits a package jawbreaker for a two count before locking in a straight jacket hold before Matt rocks him with a high knee. Matt drops Ohno with a Final Flash before hitting a diving senton for a two count before Ohno rocks him with a forearm and suplexes Matt. Matt counters a Gotch style piledriver before Matt hits a Final Flash into a Bro Derek.

Winner: Matt Riddle defeats Kassius Ohno via pinfall with the Bro Derek.

-The voting for the Year End NXT Awards 2019 will begin tonight after the show goes off on WWE.com before we get a recap of Shayna Baszler and the Horsewomen outnumbering and choking out Rhea Ripley before their title match is made official for two weeks from tonight.

KUSHIDA vs Cameron Grimes

Before the match Cameron Grimes attacks Raul Mendoza on the ramp before Grimes locks in a side headlock. Grimes drops KUSHIDA with a shoulder block before KUSHIDA sends him out of the ring with a rolling kick before hitting a flipping senton to the outside. KUSHIDA rolls Cameron back into the ring and chops him before dropping him with a right hand and Grimes counters two octopus stretches. KUSHIDA locks in the octopus stretch on the third attempt before Grimes gets to the ropes for the break and Grimes hits a bridging German suplex for a two count. They wring each other’s arms before KUSHIDA hits a cartwheel kick and pins Grimes with a sunset flip for the pin and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Cameron Grimes via pinfall.

-We get a video package for the budding feud between Angel Garza and Lio Rush before Mia Yim versus Dakota Kai is announced for next week’s show.

Undisputed Era vs Keith Lee, Dominik Dijakovic & Tommaso Ciampa

Kyle goes for a standing guillotine, but Dom is too strong and tosses him across the ring before hitting a pendulum backbreaker into a diving splash off of the second rope. Dom then uses Kyle as a battering ram before dumping him out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We return to Roddy in control of Dom, having him in an abdominal stretch before dropkicking him and all three members of UE drag Dom away from his corner. Kyle knocks Keith off of the apron before Dom gets the tag to Ciampa who drops Adak from the apron and clotheslines Roddy over the top rope before hitting Kyle with a running knee. Ciampa hits a draping DDT to Adam before hitting Kyle with Project Ciampa for a two count before Kyle counters The Fairytale Ending and UE hit High Low for a near fall that Dom breaks up. Ciampa counters The End of Heartache before Adam and Keith come in and Keith turns Adam inside out before UE go for a superplex and Finn comes out of nowhere and hits a shotgun dropkick to Adam which takes out the referee. Keith then hits Finn with the Spirit Bomb before hitting Adam with a jack hammer for the pin and the win.

Winner: Keith Lee, Dominik Dijakovic and Tommaso Ciampa defeats Undisputed Era via pinfall when Keith pins Adam with a jack hammer suplex.

-After the match William Regal comes out onto the stage and announces number one contender triple threat match between Lee, Bálor and Ciampa with the winner facing Adam in two weeks as we go off the air.

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