
WWE NXT Results for 12/11/19 Bálor Wins Triple Threat, New NXT Cruiserweight Champion Crowned

Three of the top Superstars on the NXT roster clash for a shot at gold tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Hey there Fight Fans, welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by a triple threat match with championship implications! Please enjoy the show and be sure to check out the post-show podcast afterwards!

-We open the show with Adam Cole saying that the triple threat match with the winner facing him next week for the title is stupid and that they’re done nothing to deserve a shot and that they’ll lose anyway.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

Lio Rush (c) vs Angel Garza

Lio attacks Angel during the introductions before they spill to the outside and Lio sends Angel into the steps before Angel rips him off of the apron and sends him face first into the edge of the apron before down onto the floor. Angel rolls Lio back into the ring for a two count and goes to take his pants off, but Lio is all over him. Angel dodges the Come Up and hits a basement dropkick for two before trapping Lio in the corner and superkicking him for a two count. Angel then launches Lio into the ropes and he snaps his throat against the top rope before rolling out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Lio gets a quick two count off of a roll up as we come back to the action before hitting a huricanrrana and a springboard moonsault to the outside when he sends Garza over the top rope when he goes for a powerbomb. Back in the ring Lio hits a low roundhouse kick before Angel hits a Come Up of his own for two and Lio counters an inverted suplex and presses Angel to the mat for a two count. Angel meets Lio in the corner and hits an enzuigiri before hitting a Spanish fly off of the top turnbuckle for a near fall. Lio and Angel exchange right hands and slaps before Angel rocks Lio with a headbutt and they kick each other before collapsing face first as the NXT Universe erupts. Lio counters the Wing Clipper with one of his own for a near fall before hitting the Come Up for another near fall and finishes with The Final Hour, but Angel crawls out of the ring and falls onto the floor to avoid the pin attempt.

Back in the ring Angel then hits the Wing Clipper for a very close near fall before locking in a reverse full nelson and Lio passes out for the win.

Winner: Angel Garza defeats Lio Rush via referee stoppage with a reverse full Nelson to become the new NXT Cruiserweight champion.

-We get a video package for Shayna Baszler where she talks about every challenger she’s beaten as NXT Women’s champion ahead of her defense against Rhea Ripley next week as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package narrated by Finn Bálor who says that he made the NXT title famous and lists off his accolades on the main roster before saying that he’ll become a two time champion next week when he wins the number one contender triple threat match in tonight’s main event.

-We get a video from earlier during the break where Angel Garza talks about what he’s grateful for before bringing his girlfriend into the ring and proposing to her before she accepts.

Cameron Grimes vs Raul Mendoza

Before the match we see that Cameron attacked Raul yesterday at the WWE NXT Performance Center to set up tonight’s match. Raul hits Cameron with an enzuigiri before Cameron rolls out of the ring and Raul follows him with a tope before Raul rolls Cameron back into the ring. Cameron then hits Raul with a Spanish fly before KUSHIDA comes out and Raul hits a huricanrrana and holds onto the legs for the pin and the win.

Winner: Raul Mendoza defeats Cameron Grimes via pinfall.

-After the match KUSHIDA takes Cameron’s hat and leaves before we go backstage to Mia Yim being interviewed ahead of her match against Dakota Kai and we get a video package for NXT UK’s Travis Banks who’s in action up next as we go to commercial.

-We get a plug for the NXT Year End Awards which you can vote on now at WWE.com.

Travis Banks vs Jaxson Ryker

Travis chops and kicks Ryker before he gets out of the ring and Ryker catches Travis with a forearm when he goes for a suicide dive. Jaxson rolls Travis backs into the ring and beats him down in the corner before hitting a rebound suplex with the ropes and Travis sends Jaxson into the corner. Travis hits several running kicks in the corner into a cannonball before Jaxson turns him inside out with a running double ax handle. Travis then hits Jaxson with an enzuigiri before hitting a missile dropkick into Slice of Heaven for the pin and the win.

Winner: Travis Banks defeats Jaxson Ryker via pinfall with the Slice of Heaven.

Dakota Kai vs Mia Yim

Mia immediately hits Kai with a running shotgun dropkick and chops her before hitting a few snap mares and sweeps Kai before hitting a basement shotgun dropkick for two. Mia locks in the tarantula in the ropes and hits a mule kick before Kai comes back with ax kicks and Mia sends her through the ropes before tossing her into the steps and hitting a cannonball as we go to commercial.

Mia hits a dragon screw for a quick two count and gets sent face first into the top turnbuckle before Kai hits a running kick in the corner for a quick two count of her own. Kai brushes her boot against Yim’s face before Mia hits an overhead belly to belly suplex for a two count before Kai counters the Code Blue once, but Mia hits it on the second attempt for a deep two count. Kai hits a sit-out powerbomb for a two count and kicks her in the side of the face before missing a running boot in the corner. Mia hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall before Mia sends Kai out of the ring and rolls her back into the ring before Kai takes the top turnbuckle pad off. Kai then sends Mia face first into the exposed buckle and rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai defeats Mia Yim via pinfall.

-Mia attacks Dakota after the match and end up in the tech area at Full Sail Live before Mia and Dakota fall off of the stage and Mia puts herself and Dakota through a table on the ground below with a back suplex.

-We get a video package narrated by Keith Lee who says that he just needed an opportunity and he seized it before saying that he’s the biggest star NXT has ever seen and that his opponents will have no choice but to bask in his glory as we go to commercial.

Breezango vs The Singh Brothers

Sunile and Tyler kick things off with Tyler in control early, sending Sunile into the corner and hitting a back stabber for a quick two count and Fandango comes in and Breezango isolate Sunile. Sunile hits a dropkick and sends Fandango out of the ring as Samir stomps him at ringside and the Singhs hits the Bollywood Blast for a near fall. Samir locks in a headlock before Tyler drops him with an enzuigiri and Fandango hits a missile dropkick to Sunile. Fandango hits Samir with an avalanche falcon arrow into a falcon arrow on Sunile for a near fall that Samir breaks up. Fandango powerbombs Samir onto the apron before Breezango hit a diving elbow drop back stabber onto the floor to Sunile before tossing him back into the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Breezango defeat The Singh Brothers via pinfall.

-We get a video package for Rhea Ripley ahead of her title challenge next week when she takes on Shayna Baszler as we see her tryouts in NXT Australia and her road to the title from the Mae Young Classic and becoming the inaugural NXT UK Women’s champion on her way to NXT proper and the NXT Women’s Championship.

Kayden Carter vs Bianca Belair

Mia drops Kayden with a shoulder block and stomps her in the corner before Kayden drops Bianca with a roundhouse kick and they exchange standing switches. Kayden hits a basement dropkick for two before Bianca hits a pendulum backbreaker and a gut buster before locking in a variation of a torture rack. Kayden flips her way free and goes for a sunset flip, but Bianca slams her to the mat for a near fall before countering a tornado DDT into a delayed slingshot suplex. Bianca then hits the KOD for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair defeats Kayden Carter via pinfall with the KOD.

-NXT champion Adam Cole comes out to the ring and poses on the apron as we go to commercial.

-We return to Adam on the podium in the back of the arena to watch the match before we get our final video package narrated by Tommaso Ciampa this time where he says that he’s going to go through Finn and Keith and reclaim “Goldie”.

NXT Championship Number One Contender Triple Threat Match

Finn Bálor vs Tommaso Ciampa vs Keith Lee

Ciampa tries for a draping DDT to both Finn and Keith, but is countered both time before Finn rolls him up for a quick two count and Keith hits a slingshot cross body from the apron into the ring as we go to commercial.

We return to Keith in control before Finn hits a running shotgun dropkick and Finn and Ciampa work together to send Keith over the top rope and down onto the floor. Ciampa stomps Finn in the corner and smashes his face into the top turnbuckle before hitting a running knee in the corner and hitting Keith with one when he tries to get back into the match. Ciampa hits a double Willows Bell to Bálor and Lee before hitting an air raid crash with Finn onto Lee for a near fall on Bálor then Lee. Ciampa rocks Keith with strikes before poking him in the eyes and going for a suplex before Keith slaps him across the back. Keith hits a grizzly magnum and Finn hits a jumping stomp to Ciampa and Lee before Keith runs him over when he goes for a shotgun dropkick.

Lee hits several running splashes in opposite corners and throws Finn at Ciampa before hitting a double suplex and stacking them on top of each other. Ciampa and Finn then hit Lee with a back suplex off of the top as we go to commercial.

We return to the action in the ring to Keith having Ciampa on his back while Ciampa has Finn in an air raid crash before falling back onto the mat for a near fall on Ciampa. Lee drags Ciampa to the corner and misses a moonsault before countering the Fairytale Ending into a jack hammer. Finn nearly pins Keith out of nowhere before Finn counters the Spirit Bomb into a jumping stomp and hitting a tope to the outside. Finn sends Ciampa into the railing before missing the Coup de grace once they’re back in the ring and Keith launches him across the ring with a shoulder block. Ciampa counters the Spirit Bomb and hits a chop block and an air raid crash for a near fall before Keith plants him on the mat when Ciampa runs at him.

Keith hits a moonsault for a near fall before hitting the Spirit Bomb and Finn immediately hits him with the Coup de Grace for the pin and the win.

Winner: Finn Bálor defeats Keith Lee and Tommaso Ciampa via pinfall when he pins Keith with the Coup de Grace right after Keith hits Ciampa with the Spirit Bomb to earn an opportunity to face Adam Cole for his NXT Championship next week.

-We end the show with Finn and Adam locking eyes with Adam on the ramp before he’s joined by the rest of the Undisputed Era as we go off the air.

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