
WWE NXT Results 8/30 Bobby Roode vs Roderick Strong & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE NXT! Tonight we have a great show as in our main event Bobby Roode comes back to Full Sail one last time to settle the score with Roderick Strong and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE NXT brand!

-We open the show with footage of several people incapacitated in the parking lot before Drew McIntyre comes out in the arena to talk about his winning the NXT Championship at NXT Takeover Brooklyn III. Drew talks about winning the belt and how it is his entire life and that he is coming for Fish, O'Reilly and Cole and everyone else in the locker room. Drew says that if you want a title shot, all you have to do is come down to the ring and ask for a fight. Roderick Strong comes out to the ring and congratulates Drew before saying that all he cares about is himself, his family and the NXT Championship. Strong says that he's there to accept the challenge before they square off, Drew saying that he is glad to see someone challenge him like a man and that he hopes Strong is ready to be knocked out like a man.

Peyton Royce vs Ruby Riot

They lock up to start the match before exchanging standing switches and headlocks before Ruby dropkicks Peyton for a quick two count. Ruby puts Peyton in a straight armbar before focusing on the wrist until they get in the ropes for a break. Peyton drops Ruby with a knee before playing to the crowd and slapping and mocking Ruby. Peyton then tosses Ruby out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Ruby fights out of a rear chin lock and drops Peyton repeatedly before hitting a shotgun dropkick and a modified head scissor before finishing with a roundhouse kick for a near fall. Peyton catches Ruby on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Ruby fights her off, only for Billie to distract her and Peyton hit her with a kick and a death valley driver for a near fall. Ruby hits a powerbomb for another near fall before hitting a tope to the outside and taking out both Billie and Peyton. Ruby rolls Peyton back into the ring before Billie drags her out of it and drops her with a boot. They roll her back into the ring while the referee is distracted before Peyton finishes with a bridging fisherman's suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Peyton Royce via pinfall

Heavy Machinery vs Enhancement Talent

They lock up to start the match before Dozovic pushes the guy away once, then back into the corner and on to the top rope before tagging in Knight. They hit a double running splash to the guy before taking both of them out with a running cross body. HM then hit the Compactor for the pin and the win.

Winner: Heavy Machinery via pinfall

Bobby Roode vs Roderick Strong

They start off even, the momentum going back and forth before Roode drops Strong repeatedly until Strong comes back with several backbreakers. They get out onto the apron before Roode hits a spinebuster as we go to commercial.

Roode is in control as we come back from commercial, choking Strong before hitting a backbreaker of his own. Roode plays to the crowd and hits another backbreaker before stomping on him and whipping him hard across the ring before Strong comes back with a flurry of offense. Strong hits a backbreaker and a butterfly suplex into a powerbomb for a near fall before locking in a single leg Boston crab, but Roode is quick to the ropes for the break. Roode hits a spinebuster before going for the Glorious DDT, but Strong counters into an Olympic slam and a flapjack for a near fall. Strong catches Roode on the top rope, but he drops him with a right hand only for Strong to hit an enzuigiri and a superplex for another near fall.

They exchange strikes on their knees until they get to their feet, then Roode hits the Glorious DDT for a near fall, Strong getting his foot on the bottom rope at the last second. Strong drops Roode with a series of jumping knees and The End of Heartache for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong via pinfall

-After the match Drew comes out to the ramp to congratulate Strong before he's attacked by Fish, O'Reilly and Cole, Cole hitting a DDT onto the ramp before leaving as we go off the air.

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