
WWE NXT Results 6/14 NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight we have a great show as in our main event Asuka will defend her NXT Women's Championship against Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross in a triple threat match, Drew McIntyre will be in action and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for an hour showcasing the NXT brand!

Drew McIntyre vs Rob Ryzin

They start the match by locking up before Drew tosses Rob, then drops him with a boot when he mocks him. Drew hits a series of chops in the corner before hitting a belly to back suplex that sends him across the ring. Rob hits a superkick for a quick one count, then Drew tosses him away like nothing before hitting a running clothesline, Drew then hitting the Claymore for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre via pinfall

-We get a video package for Aleister Black.

Authors of Pain vs Enhancement Talent

Akam kills the one in blue before beating on the one in red in the corner, then finishes up with the one in blue for the pin and the win; Rezar not even tagging in during the match that lasted maybe three minutes.

Winner: Authors of Pain via pinfall

-After the match they hit them with a super collider, then Paul cuts a promo before Heavy Machinery come out and they get face to face before Paul has AOP leave.

Velveteen Dream vs Enhancement Talent

Dream drops him repeatedly while playing to the crowd, then they show off their athleticism, doing several flips before Mendoza drops Dream with an enzuigiri only to be caught in mid-air with a boot. Dream chops and stomps on Mendoza in the corner, then hits a back drop before slapping him. Dream tosses Mendoza in the air before hitting a death valley driver before playing to the crowd, then hits an elbow drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Velveteen Dream via pinfall

Asuka vs Nikki Cross vs Ruby Riot NXT Women's Championship Triple Threat Elimination Match

Nikki and Ruby go right after Asuka, then take turns dropkicking each other before they beat on Asuka with forearms before sending her over the top rope. Ruby drops Nikki repeatedly before dropkicking her, then sending Asuka from the apron back onto the floor. Ruby then sends Nikki out of the ring with a hip attack as we go to commercial.

Ruby counters Asuka trying to suplex her, then rolls her up for a quick two count before Asuka hits a sliding hip attack, then Ruby sends her out of the ring with a huricanrrana. Ruby hits Nikki with a eat defeat, then goes after Asuka with forearms before Asuka drops her, then Nikki drags Asuka out of the ring. Ruby hits a double dropkick from the apron before hitting Nikki with a shotgun dropkick once they're back in the ring. Ruby hits a Saito suplex to Nikki after sending Asuka out of the ring, then Ruby eliminates Nikki as we go to commercial.

Asuka and Nikki brawl to the back as we come back from commercial, then end up going through a table when Nikki hits a Spanish fly, seemingly leaving the match as a draw.

Winner: No contest

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