
WWE NXT Results 5/17 Kassius Ohno VS Andrade Almas, Roderick Strong VS Eric Young & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! We are just three nights away from NXT TakeOver: Chicago where Bobby Roode will defend his NXT World Championship against Hideo Itami, but first we have a great show tonight as in our main event Kassius Ohno takes on Andrade Almas, Roderick Strong looks to finally get revenge on SANITY when he takes on Eric Young and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

Drew McIntyre vs Sean Maluta

They lock up to start the match for a clean break, then Sean chops Drew, but Drew doesn't move and drops him with a chop. Drew throws Sean around the ring, then Sean hits an MX off of the top rope for a quick one count. Drew counters Sean before he tosses him in the corner and beats him down, following up with a diving elbow drop. They exchange strikes before Drew nearly knocks Sean out, then Drew hits the Claymore for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

-We get several Hideo Itami video packages showcasing his career in NXT and all of his various injuries.

-We get an interview segment with Asuka where she gives disdain and avoids one question after another before getting out of the car.

Lacey Evans vs Sonya Deville

Sonya drops Lacey with a series of kicks immediately, then Lacey takes her down for a quick two count. Sonya takes Lacey down MMA style again and puts her in a body scissor before rolling her up for a quick two count. Sonya takes her gloves off and beats on Lacey with strikes before Lacey drops her with a stuff right hand. Lacey drops her again with a spinning kick and a neckbreaker before back flipping into a pin attempt for another quick two count. Sonya then hits a shining wizard for the pin and the win out of nowhere.

Sonya Deville via pinfall

Kassius Ohno vs Andrade Almas

Ohno tosses Almas down, but he just poses, then they do several flips before staring each other down until Ohno drops Almas with a right hand and he retreats out of the ring. Ohno flips over the ring and lands on his feet, then grabs Almas and hits him with a boot before dragging him back to the ring for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

Almas chops Ohno before beating on him and stomping on him in the corner, choking him with his boot across his throat. Almas runs at Ohno, stops and screams at him, then slaps him before oh no comes back with a series of chops. Almas puts Ohno in an armbar in the ropes before following up with a missile dropkick for a quick two count. Almas puts Ohno in a Fujiwara armbar immediately after, then a straight armbar before he misses the slap the second time. Ohno comes back with a series of strikes, then hits a spinning neckbreaker before kipping up.

Ohno drops Almas with a boot for a quick two count, then misses a moonsault before Almas hits a reverse DDT for a near fall. Ohno sets Almas on the top rope, then Almas sends him off of it, only for Ohno to catch him coming off with a boot. Almas hits Ohno with a back flip into a Pele kick and the running double knees in the corner. Almas hits the inverted tornado DDT, but Ohno kicks out at one and hits a boot, discus elbow and finishes with a discus forearm for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kassius Ohno via pinfall

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