
WWE NXT Results 5/10 Hideo Itami VS Roderick Strong Number One Contender Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight we have a great show as in our main event Hideo Itami will face Roderick Strong to determine who will challenge Bobby Roode at NXT TakeOver: Chicago! Aleister Black looks to continue his dominant run on his way to the upper echelon of the NXT roster and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

Aleister Black vs Cesar Bononi

Cesar talks to Black and misses several strikes before going to the outside, Black running and doing a back flip before sitting down, then Cesar dropkicks him. Black hits a series of strikes before dropping him to his knees with a knee to the back of the head before picking him back up with his foot. Black then hits the Black Mass for the pin and the win in under 3 minutes.

Winner: Aleister Black via pinfall

-We get a recap of the women's battle royal from last week where Asuka interrupted and how William Regal told her backstage that she'd defend her NXT Women's Championship in a fatal four way match at NXT TakeOver: Chicago. We then have an injury update for Ember Moon who will likely be out of action for a month as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video package for Ruby Riot where she shows off her tattoos and gets a new one. We then see an announcement that the title match will be a triple threat match now that Ember is injured before Nikki Cross interviews herself backstage in a video. Up next we see Hideo shadow boxing backstage, then have Drew McIntyre being interviewed about his return to WWE and his arrival in NXT before he's interrupted by Kassius Ohno as we get a vignette for the Velveteen Dream.

-#DIY come our next and talk about AOP and that they've never had a one on one rematch with them and that at NXT TakeOver: Chicago they want to face them before Heavy Machinery or anyone else. Riddick Moss and Tino Sabatelli come out and interrupt them, saying that it's not about anything, but them and that the line starts behind them. Ciampa goes on to say that if there was a line then they just crossed it before beating on them and sending them out of the ring. We are then told this will be an official match right before it starts.

#DIY vs Riddick Moss & Tino Sabatelli

Tino and Moss are in control to start the match, keeping Ciampa isolated in their corner all the while they play to the crowd. They tag in and out and do several double team moves for a quick two count, then Tino shows off his strength by whipping Ciampa across the ring with ease and sending him to the mat. They keep tagging in and out, doing a few moves each time until Ciampa powers out of a headlock. Ciampa counters a suplex attempt, then tags in Gargano just as Moss is tagged in. Gargano hits an enzuigiri into a rolling neckbreaker before hitting a spear through the ropes for a near fall.

#DIY clear the ring before Gargano dives through the ropes and takes out Moss before Ciampa hits a diving knee drop from the apron to Tino. They then get back in the ring and #DIY hit Moss with Meet in the Middle for the pin and the win.

Winner: #DIY via pinfall

-After the match Regal announces that #DIY will face Authors of Pain in a ladder match. Next Kassius Ohno is interviewed before being interrupted by Andrade Almas, setting up a match for NXT TakeOver: Chicago as we go to commercial.

-We come back to an announcement that Tyler Bate will defend his WWE United Kingdom Championship against Pete Dunne at NXT TakeOver: Chicago before getting a video package for the two of them.

Hideo Itami vs Roderick Strong NXT Championship #1 Contender Match

They start the match by locking up and exchanging wrist locks before Itami tries to take Strong down, but he's quickly back to his feet. They do a test of strength, then Itami puts Strong in a headlock before Itami drops him repeatedly. They miss various strikes, then Itami goes for the GTS, but Strong rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

They lock up before Itami catches Strong in the ropes with several kicks when he tries to get back in from the apron before dropping him with a back elbow for a quick one count. Itami does his signature jumping mule kick, then Strong counters a suplex and hangs Itami on the top rope before chipping him in the corner before hitting a backbreaker for a quick two count. Strong puts Itami in a super armbar before Strong hits a pump handle backbreaker for another quick two count. Itami gets caught running in, then Strong dropkicks him for a near fall before Strong puts Itami in a leg scissor. Strong releases the hold, then Itami fights back with a series of kicks they sends Strong out of the ring.

Strong then grabs Hideo off of the apron and tosses him onto the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Strong in control, bending Itami before he comes back with a jawbreaker before following up with a series of strikes and a suplex. Itami hits a clothesline off of the top rope for a near fall, then Strong hits an Olympic Slam for a near fall of his own. They exchange various strikes, then Itami hits a combination for another near fall before Itami hits a falcon arrow off of the top rope for yet another near fall. They exchange strikes, then Strong drops Itami with a right hand for a near fall before Strong drops Itami jumping knee. They counter each other's finishers, then Itami hits a Yakuza kick into a shotgun dropkick in the corner before he hits the GTS for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hideo Itami via pinfall



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