
WWE NXT Results for 4/27/21 Adam Cole Interview, Kushida & MSK vs. Legado del Fantasma, and more

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We are welcome to the Capitol Wrestling Center by lead NXT commentator Vic Joseph and says they will kick off the show with Dakota Kai and Mercedes Martinez.

Dakota Kai vs. Mercedes Martinez

The match begins with a collar-and-elbow tie-up; both exchange their holds until Kai has Martinez in a leg hold. Martinez takes advantage right away with multiple clotheslines and a spinebuster. Martinez controlling the match; however, Kai counters Martinez’s hold with a DDT.

Martinez is down in the corner; Kai delivers a swift kick to the face. Kai hits Martinez with a nice backbreaker, allowing Kai to go for a pin attempt; however, Martinez kicks out at two. Kai now goes for a big boot at Martinez in the corner but misses. Martinez now delivers multiple forearms to the face of Dakota Kai. Martinez picks up Kai and drops her down with a cliffhanger; Martinez goes for the pin; Kai kicks out easily.

They head to their first picture-in-picture commercial with Dakota Kai in control of the action by throwing an array of different strikes at Mercedes Martinez. Kai now in control again with a wristlock and also armlock submission. Kai is toying around with Martinez by throwing light kicks; Martinez comes back with strikes and eventually gets control by hitting multiple under hook suplexes.

Martinez throws Kai to the outside, and Raquel Gonzalez gets in the face of Martinez. This allows Kai to get back into the ring. Martinez takes out Gonzalez and then gets back into the ring; Gonzalez follows her and causes a DQ by attacking Martinez.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez

They go to a backstage promo with Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon. They talk about their match against The Robert Stone Brand this evening and how they plan on focusing on that instead of anything else. They are soon interrupted with flowers being delivered; Franky Monet stops by and says hello, reads the card from the flowers, and says that they are from Dexter Lumis. Ember says the flowers are not for her because she is married, and they must be for Shotzi. They then head to commercial break.

We come back to a promo with Cameron Grimes in a Jewelry store, and he says he is there to get something nice for himself. The video says to be continued as Grimes is waiting for the Jewelry associate.

The Grizzled Young Veterans are in the ring cutting a promo talking about how they are the leaders of the tag-team division and say they are the most important tag-teams in the division and will be going after MSK. They are interrupted by Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher and say that they are the real leaders of the tag-team division, and they want to face MSK as well. Ciampa and Thatcher both then attack Grizzled Young Veterans.

They head to a backstage segment with Drake Maverick and Killian Dane. Maverick says, “how convenient that they face will Imperium tonight,” and Dain says it’s not because he’s the one who got the match set up.

A short vignette is shown featuring Xia Li.

We get a promo of Isiah “Swerve” Scott in a recording studio, and he says he is surprised and proud of Leon Ruff is fighting back and challenges him for a Falls Count Anywhere match for next week’s show.

Toni Storm vs. Zayda Ramier

Before the match begins, Toni Storm cuts a promo stating that Zoey Stark owes her for making her a star. The match begins, and Toni Storm goes right after Zayda Ramier and begins throwing multiple stiff strikes in on Ramier; Storm picks up Remier, throws her around, and then hits a nasty backbreaker. Storm now throws uppercuts in; Ramier gets a few strikes, but Storm delivers a big German suplex to Ramier.

Storm then delivers multiple kicks to Ramier in the corner; Storm appears to go for the Storm Zero, but Ramier falls over. Zoey Stark causes a distraction, allowing Zayda Ramier to get a big strike in on Storm and knock her right down to the mat. Ramier hits a shooting star press and goes for the pin and gets the upset win.

Winner: Zayda Ramier

After the match ends, Legado del Fantasma cuts a promo explaining that they will soon be tag-team champions and Santos Escobar will get his Cruiserweight Championship back soon.

LA Knight is cutting a backstage promo and says everyone is talking about his big win, and thanks, Indi Hartwell. LA Knight walks away.

Austin Theory vs. Bronson Reed

The match begins with Bronson Reed and Austin Theory in a tie-up; it breaks up. Theory walks over to Reed and puts his hand to the face of Reed. Reed is upset now and throws Theory around. Johnny Gargano is assisting Theory, but Reed knocks Theory right down to the ground. Gargano is distracting Reed as Theory gets in the ring. Theory delivers a big dropkick to Reed and knocks him down to the mat, and Reed rolls out of the ring.

Reed is on the outside, and Theory jumps over the top rope and takes out Reed. Theory gets multiple strikes in on Reed; Reed goes after Theory but misses and hits the steps instead. Reed crawls back into the ring, and they head to a commercial break. We are back from a commercial break with Theory in control, but Reed makes a comeback and delivers a few strikes and delivers multiple punches and a shoulder tackle and then a splash in the corner. Reed hits Theory with a senton; Reed goes for the pin; however, Theory kicks out at two. Theory delivers a blockbuster out of nowhere; he goes for the pin; Reed kicks out at two.

Reed hits Theory with a Samoan drop; Theory is back up and hits Reed with a nasty superkick. Theory then yells out, “This is the way,” but Reed then hits a suplex. Dexter Lumis comes out, and everyone is distracted. Lumis is walking toward Hartwell. Hartwell gets in the ring, and Lumis gets up on top and of the canvas. Lumis gets Hartwell out of the way, so Theory does not run into her. Gargano tries to get involved, but Reed catches him, throws a heavy right, and knocks Gargano down. Theory is down, which allows Reed to hit the Exclamation Point and get the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed

We get a promo with MSK and Kushida, and they said they saved him because it was the right thing to do.

After the commercial, The Way blames Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon for Austin Theory losing and is also why Johnny Gargano has to defend his title against Reed.

Killian Dain and Drake Maverick vs. Imperium (Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel) w/ Alexander Wolfe

The match begins with Fabian Aichner and Killian Dain collar-and-elbow tie-up. Aichner is trying to get some big strikes in on Reed, but nothing is working for him. Reed delivers multiple slams and heavy strikes. Barthel gets into the match by tagging himself; Barthel is having the same issue with Dain and not getting any offense. Dain tags in Maverick, who was hesitant about getting in; Maverick gets some offense and hits Barthel with a hurricanrana. Barthel recovers and tags in Aichner; Imperium distracts Dain and then begins attacking Maverick while the ref deals with Dain.

They come back from the commercial break, and Imperium continues to beat Maverick; Maverick gets some offense in. Maverick is going for the tag, but Barthel knocks down Dain, and Maverick cannot make the tag. Maverick gets mad after Aichner throws Maverick around like a ragdoll. Maverick goes for the tag, but Barthel takes out Dain again, and Maverick cannot make the tag. Dain has finally had enough and goes after Imperium and takes them out. Barthel tells Alexander Wolfe to hit Dain with a chair, but Wolfe does not do it. Barthel gets Dain to chase after him; Dain misses and runs into the steel steps. Imperium hits the Eurobomb on Maverick to get the victory.

Winners: Imperium (Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner) w/ Alexander Wolfe

We get a promo with Pete Dunne talking about how nobody is taking him seriously. He talks about how he could take Kushida; he could go to NXT UK and get back the title he made famous. Dunne says he could take Gargano out anytime he wants and then says that he is not afraid of Karrion Kross.

We get another promo with Cameron Grimes in the Jewelry Store; he finds the one he likes. Someone in the background says, “it’s a nice watch, but it’s not my watch.” Grimes turns his head, and it’s Ted Dibiase, and he laughs and walks out of the store. Grimes is upset that Dibiase is there and the promo ends.

Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart vs. Robert Stone Brand

The match never happens as The Way attacks Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart. The Robert Stone Brand thinks they have won the tag-team gold, but the referee informs them they have not one.

We get a promo vignette of Diamond Mine.

Sports Illustrated’s Arash Markazi sits down with Adam Cole for their interview. Cole is asked how he’s doing after losing his match at Takeover. Cole says he’s better; he’s better than the roster despite being a little roughed up. Cole says he no longer wanted to carry The Undisputed Era when asked about turning his back on his former teammates; Cole says they turned on him. Markazi asks about what others are saying about Kyle O’Reilly and saying he’s the face of NXT after opening and closing the show last week. Cole says Kyle is lucky that he won at Takeover, but he’s not ready for the main event spot. Cole says time will tell if Kyle will ever be ready for that spot, but he will never have Cole’s spot as long as he’s in NXT.

Cole is asked about NXT Champion Karrion Kross now. Cole says Kross is good but is he great? Cole said he doesn’t know. Cole also says Kross hasn’t had to deal with him, but if Cole decides that he is going after the NXT Title, the clock will be ticking. Markazi asks Cole, “what’s next for him.” Cole says he knows what’s next but it’s nobody’s damn business. Cole then says that he is not happy with people claiming that Kyle is going to replace him. Cole says no matter where he goes or what he does, we will see the best damn Adam Cole anyone has ever seen, and he promises that. Cole ends up insulting Markazi and knocking the way he interviews people and says he needs to do a better job. We now see O’Reilly as the camera pans out, and he is watching the interview from the WWE Performance Center. He smiles and shakes his head, and they go to a commercial break.

Kushida & MSK vs. Legado del Fantasma

The match begins with Kushida and Joaquin Wilde with a tie-up; Kushida gets its best to start the match. He tags in Wes Lee, and Lee gets some strikes in until Wilde tags in Raul Mendoza. The match goes back and forth with both teams getting offense in; Santos Escobar now is controlling the match, and Nash Carter is the legal man. They go to their last commercial break of the evening.

They are back, and now Mendoza and Wilde start double-teaming on Nash Carter, and they are getting some strikes in. Legado del Fantasma is keeping Nash Carter in their corner. Carter makes it to Kushida for the hot tag; Kushida takes everyone out on Legado del Fantasma. Kushida holds the ropes up so MSK can hit dive between the ropes and land on Wilde and Mendoza. Escobar hits Kushida with a powerbomb through the announcer’s table. Wes Lee is all by himself, and Legado del Fantasma is continuing their beatdown on Wes Lee. Wilde hits a springboard slingshot off the ropes and lands on Lee; Wilde goes for the pin, but Lee kicks out. Lee is making a comeback, and he takes out Mendoza, Wilde, and Escobar.

Kushida tells the ref he wants in and gets in the ring and is immediately taken out by Escobar with a Phantom Driver. Mendoza and Wilde take out Nash Carter with Russian Leg Sweep Combination and follow it up by pinning Carter for the win. They go off the air with Legado del Fantasma, celebrating their victory and Kushida lying in pain on the mat.

Winners: Legado del Fantasma

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