
WWE NXT Results for 4/20/21 Kyle O’ Reilly Returns, Sarray Debuts, Lumis vs. LA Knight, plus more

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We are welcome to NXT from the Capitol Wrestling Center by Vic Joseph. Kyle O’Reilly’s music then hits right away, and he heads to the ring and asks for the mic. Kyle says he had the toughest fight of his life, and he is happy because Adam Cole is nowhere near him. 

O’Reilly says that his work speaks volumes, and Adam Cole is now behind him, and he then says, “what’s next?”. O’Reilly says he might go after the North American Championship, or maybe he will challenge Karrion Kross. Cameron Grimes’s entrance theme begins playing, and he heads to the ring. He tells Kyle that he made a lot of money on Draft Kings because of him. He says he would like to invest in O’Reilly. O’Reilly says he was just cleared today. O’Reilly says he will wrestle tonight, and he tells Grimes that he will wrestle tonight and gives him a right jab knocking him straight down to the mat.

They go to a promo of Sarray arriving at the Capitol Wrestling Center. William Regal meets her outside and welcomes her. Zoey Stark appears and asks Regal to book a match between her and Sarray. Regal asks Sarray if she wants to wrestle Stark, and she says yes.

LA Knight cuts a promo stating he will be challenging Dexter Lumis.

LA Knight vs. Dexter Lumis

Dexter Lumis and LA Knight start things off by locking up; Lumis gets the upper hand just for a short time as Knight delivers a nice shoulder tackle to Lumis. Knight delivers a big boot to Lumis; now goes over to Knight and leans over to Lumis, who is lying on the mat, and telling him he is a “piece of crap Lumis grabs him and pushes him to the outside of the ring. Knight gets back in the ring by jumping over the top rope and delivers a nice shoulder tackle. Lumis gets back up and gets a few strikes in, but Knight ends up not letting him get much offense as he delivers a neckbreaker. NXT goes to their first picture-in-picture commercial with LA Knight in control.” 

Lumis makes a comeback as he delivers a spinebuster to LA Knight. Lumis now has control; he delivers a belly-to-back suplex. Lumis then hits LA Knight with a slingshot suplex by using the top rope; Lumis then goes for the pin, but Knight kicks out at two. Knight rolls out of the ring with Lumis going after him. Knight grabs Lumis and throws him into the side of the barricade. Lumis notices that Indi Hartwell in the front row and distracts Lumis as Knight attacks him. Knight gets the pin and wins as Lumis is distracted again.

Winner: LA Knight

After the match, Indi Hartwell gets on top of the ring canvas. She and Lumis appear that they were going to kiss, but The Way comes out and pulls her away, and they walk off. 

Leon Ruff cuts a short promo about his match last week against Swerve and says they are not done.

They come back from a commercial with Beth Phoenix interviewing Io Shirai, and she asks Io about her past couple of matches and says that Raquel was her toughest opponent. Beth then asks Io, “what’s next” and Io says she is “going to rest.” She is then interrupted by Franky Monet, who introduces herself and says that she would like to step in and lead the women’s division while she is gone.

Breezango vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Zack Gibson comes out and begins a promo before getting in the ring and says that they will be future tag-team champions. Fandango and Tyler Breeze are in Knight’s Guard uniforms. This irritates Gibson, and the match begins with Breeze and Gibson. Breezango takes control first as they switch in and out a few times, getting multiple strikes in on Gibson.

Gibson tags James Drake and Drake are taken to the outside after they both get knocked to the outside; Breeze then runs flips over the top rope taking the Grizzled Young Veterans out. They come back from the commercial break, and James sells a leg injury. The referee checks on him, and in the meantime, Gibson pokes the eye of Fandango, and Drake is up and begins striking Fandango. Fandango gets to Tyler Breeze for the hot tag, and Breeze takes out the Grizzled Young Veterans on his own. Breeze gets back the ring; however, The Grizzled Young Veterans are ready for Breeze, and they both begin double-teaming Breeze, and they get the win after hitting the Ticket to Mayhem.

Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans


After the match, Indi Hartwell is getting interviewed, but it is interrupted by The Way; Bronson Reed appears and says he thinks she should try and be with Lumis. Theory then says he spoke to Regal and says that he will be wrestling Bronson Reed.

They come back from the commercial break, and they go backstage for a promo with Cameron Grimes. Grimes starts bragging about winning NFT’s; he then begins to read a piece of paper in his hands informing that Ted Dibiase outbid him.

Zoey Stark vs. Sarray

The match begins with Zoey Stark and Sarray with a handshake, and then both women lock up with neither getting the upper hand.  Sarray soon has control by using a flurry of kicks and different punches. Sarray then locks up Stark with a bridge; Stark makes it to the ropes and releases the hold.

Stark is now getting a few strikes in on Sarray; Stark now drops multiple elbows on the shoulders of Sarray. Stark throws Sarray to the corner, and Sarray goes down hard. Starks now has an armlock on Sarray; however, Sarray gets out of it. Sarray and Stark begin exchanging multiple strikes. Sarray now delivers multiple dropkicks; she then hits the Fisherman’s suplex but only gets a two count. Stark hits the sliding knee and then goes for 450 splash, but Sarray moves out of the way. Stark recovers and then hits a spinning wheel kick, but Sarray comes back with one of her own. Sarray then hits a Saito Suplex to get the victory. After the match, Sarray and Stark embrace; as Stark leaves, she gets attacked by Toni Storm.

Winner: Sarray

They head to a backstage segment for Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai; Gonzalez says that all the women can get in line, and she will take each one down, one by one.

We are back from another commercial with Candice LeRae talking to Indi Hartwell about focusing on wrestling and not boys.

We get a Kushida montage about his begin win that featured William Regal and Steve Corino. Kushida now is out and says he won his match last week in an open challenge, and he will offer the same deal.

NXT Cruiserweight Open Challenge
Oney Lorcan vs. Kushida (C)


Kushida and Oney Lorcan start with a tie-up and reverse a variety of holds. Wade Barrett mentions that Kushida is not wearing boots and is wrestling with tape around his feet. Kushida and Lorcan are still reversing moves, and out of nowhere, Kushida puts Lorcan in a cross-arm breaker. We go to another commercial break.

Lorcan is now in control as we come back from commercial break; Lorcan has Kushida in an abdominal stretch. Kushida gets out of it by hitting a few elbows. Kushida then delivers a series of strikes and throws Lorcan into the corner. Lorcan hits Kushida and then hits the Blockbuster and then goes for the pin, but Kushida kicks out. Kushida is now back up and delivers some strikes to Lorcan; Lorcan comes back with a huge chop. This actually gets Kushida fired up, and after a series of strikes, Kushida gets Lorcan in the Hoverboard Lock to get Lorcan to tap out. After the match ends, Legado Del Fantasma comes out and attacks Kushida. They get some punches and kicks in, but MSK makes the save, and Legado Del Fantasma retreat.

Winner: Kushida

We are back from break with Johnny Gargano talking to Austin Theory about why he talked to William Regal. Indi Hartwell shows up and tells them that they get a tag-team title match.

Ever-Rise vs. Imperium (w/Alexander Wolfe)

The match begins with Fabian Aichner goes right after Scott Parker with multiple strikes, and then Marcel Barthel gets the tag, and he delivers a big dropkick to Parker. Killian Dain comes out to maybe interfere, but he does not do anything. He appears to be leaving, but now Drake Maverick is out and trying to get to Imperium, but Dain holds him back. Parker goes for the roll-up pin on Aichner; Aichner kicks out at two. Aichner and Barthel double-team Parker and take him down. Aichner now picks up Parker and has him on his shoulders. Marcel jumps from the top turnbuckle and hits a European Uppercut to Parker; Parker hits the mat, and Barthel pins him for the victory.

Winners: Imperium (w/ Alexander Wolfe)

Kyle O’ Reilly vs. Cameron Grimes

Before Kyle O’Reilly heading to the ring, he stops and has a staredown with Karrion Kross, but neither man says a word, and O’Reilly walks off. Cameron Grimes makes his way out to the ring now, and the match starts right away. O’Reilly puts Grimes in a wrist lock right away and is pretty much toying with Grimes. Grimes and O’Reilly’s exchange holds, and each man gets the upper hand for a few seconds, but it never lasts.

O’Reilly delivers a powerful knee strike and then a few vicious kicks. Grimes makes a comeback with a few chops; Grimes is now put in an armbar, but he gets to the ropes, and it is broken up. O’Reilly goes right back for Grimes. However, Grimes went around O’Reilly and hit him with an impressive German suplex. They now go to their last picture-in-picture commercial break with Grimes in control.

Grimes has O’Reilly back in the ring, and both men are again exchanging strikes. Grimes throws O’Reilly into the ropes then hits him with a powerful clothesline. Grimes now whips O’Reilly into the corner, and O’Reilly hits it hard. O’Reilly is attempting a comeback, and O’Reilly knees Grimes in the midsection after he threw him into the ropes. O’Reilly has Grimes in a leg submission; however, Grimes grabs the ropes easily, so he lets it go. O’Reilly has Grimes in a sleeper hold, but let’s go; then he delivers a huge kick to Grimes. Grimes gets up quickly and nails O’Reilly with a big spinning slam. Grimes goes for the pin; it’s not enough, and O’Reilly kicks out.

Grimes and O’Reilly are now striking each other; Grimes nails O’Reilly with a Superkick. O’Reilly comes back and hits a huge brainbuster. O’Reilly now goes to the top rope and comes down, hitting Grimes with a flying knee strike. O’Reilly then pins Grimes to get the victory.

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly






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