
WWE NXT Results for 12/7/21 Steel Cage Match O’Reilly vs Wagner, Gargano addresses NXT Universe

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– The show begins with highlights from this past weekend’s NXT WarGames.

– We are welcome to NXT by NXT commentator Vic Joseph. 

Steel Cage Match
Von Wagner vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Von Wagner is making his way out to ringside; however, Kyle O’Reilly gets attacked from behind. O’Reilly and Wagner make it into the ring, and the bell rings. The action goes back and forth to begin things; O’Reilly was the first to gain the upper hand. Next, O’Reilly works on Wagner with multiple kicks and elbows.

Wagner hits O’Reilly with a big kick, and it sends O’Reilly down to the mat. Then, Von Wagner goes to work on O’Reilly’s neck. O’Reilly hits Wagner with a few punch and kicks combinations; he ends up going for a pin attempt on Wagner; however, he only gets a two count. The action has somewhat come to a stand-still as Wagner holds O’Reilly with a waist lock for an eternity. O’Reilly hits Wagner with multiple kicks again. Finally, Wagner comes back and hits O’Reilly with a thunderous clothesline. We head out for the first picture-in-picture commercial break with both men lying on the canvas.

During the break, Von Wagner would control the match. First, he would nail O’Reilly with a backbreaker, and then he grabs O’Reilly and has him in a waist lock. The waist lock allows O’Reilly to hit Wagner with a few back elbows. 

We return from the break, and O’Reilly retakes control. He nails Von Wagner with a big knee to the chin. O’Reilly has Von Wagner locked into a guillotine. Von Wagner gets out of it by hitting O’Reilly with a suplex. O’Reilly and Wagner are now on the top turnbuckle, and O’Reilly knocks Von Wagner off. O’Reilly jumps from the top turnbuckle with a knee. Von Wagner makes it back up, hitting O’Reilly with a low blow. Von Wagner then throws a few more punches and hits him with his under-hook slam. Von Wagner then pins O’Reilly for the win. After the match, Von Wagner attacks O’Reilly by slamming the cage door on his face multiple times. Finally, Wagner leaves the ring, and the crowd chants “you still suck” at him as we go to a commercial break.

Winner: Von Wagner

– We see the video Sam Roberts tweeted of Johnny Gargano talking to the crowd after NXT WarGames. Gargano states that he will speak to everyone on Tuesday night on NXT.

– We get a vignette from Joe Gacy talking about some of the barriers he has come across. Gacy then says Harland will make his in-ring debut next week. Gacy says, “together, they can change the world.”

– Bron Breakker comes out for a promo. Bron begins by saying, “Team Black and Gold were tough as nails, and he has the utmost respect for Team Black and Gold.” Breakker then immediately challenges Tommaso Ciampa; however, he gets interrupted by Malcolm Bivens and Diamond Mine. Bivens tells Bron that Roderick Strong has his eyes set on you. Bivens makes the match for next week’s NXT between Roderick Strong and Bron Breakker.

Brooks and Jensen vs. Diamond Mine’s The Creed Brothers (w/ Malcolm Bivens and Ivy Nile)

The bell rings, and immediately Imperium’s music hits. However, that does not stop Julius Creed from attacking Jensen. Jensen recovers quickly, both Briggs and Jensen double-team Julius. Briggs and Jensen celebrated a little bit too long, and Julius tags in Brutus Creed. Julius hits Briggs with a massive blackbody drop. Now, The Creed Brothers are double-teaming and exchanging tags in and out. Brutus sends Briggs over the top rope and lands hard on the outside.

While the referee is distracted, The Grizzled Young Veterans take the tag-rope; the referee will not let Briggs tag out. However, it does not matter as Briggs sends Brutus into the ropes and collides with Jensen. Briggs takes advantage, and he gets the roll-up pin. After the match, The Creed Brothers are mad and focus on The Grizzled Young Veterans for costing them the match.

Winners: Brooks and Jensen

– We come back from the commercial break with Xyon Quinn preparing for his match against Santos Escobar tonight.

– Duke Hudson comes out wearing a blonde wig; he says that Cameron Grimes did not take that much hair. Duke says he only changed a few things; he gets cut off by Cameron Grimes. Grimes tells Hudson that he cheated. Grimes challenges Duke Hudson to a No Holds Barred Match. Duke Hudson attempts to attack Cameron Grimes is ready for it, and Grimes gets the upper hand over him.

– After the match, Jacket Time interrupts Brooks and Jensen celebrating their victory. We see Grizzled Young Veterans appear, and they ask Brooks and Jensen, “why are they celebrating? They won because of us.” Brooks and Jensen walk off, and then we see Grizzled Young Veterans and Jacket Time begin fighting, and NXT referees break things up.

– Grayson Waller is outside the backstage area; he showed this Woman some photos from his WarGames match last night. Waller asked her if she wanted to hang out tonight, and she declined because she was hanging out with LA Knight. So, Knight drives off with her, and Waller is mad.

Dexter Lumis vs. Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams)

The bell rings, and Dexter Lumis stares down Trick Williams instead of Carmelo Hayes. Hayes attacks Lumis; Hayes gets the upper hand on Lumis. Hayes hits Lumis with a few chops, Lumis has enough, and he grabs Hayes and throws Hayes into the corner Sternum first.

Hayes is down, and Lumis takes his eyes off Hayes and then walks toward Trick Williams. Hayes goes after Lumis; however, Lumis is ready for him, and Lumis continues to control the match. Hayes gets some energy and hits Lumis with a springboard clothesline. Hayes begins working on the “injured” hand of Dexter Lumis. Lumis makes it back up, and Lumis is now just having his way with Hayes. Lumis again begins to focus on Trick Williams. We see Lumis slithering in the ring to Williams; however, Lumis gets hit with a knee strike from Carmelo Hayes. They head out for a commercial break.

We return from the break, and Hayes is again working on the hand of Dexter Lumis. Hayes is continuing the onslaught against Lumis. Lumis takes his eyes off Hayes; Hayes goes for a suplex; however, Lumis counters and hits him with the suplex. Lumis hits Hayes with a Bulldog and follows it with a leg drop. Lumis goes for the pin; Hayes kicks out at two. Lumis has a submission hold on Hayes, Trick Williams hits Lumis, the referee calls for the bell, and Lumis wins by DQ.

Winner: Dexter Lumis

– MSK finally meets their Shaman, and it is none other than Matt Riddle. Riddle says he has been waiting for them. They ask Riddle for advice, and Riddle says they don’t need to change and need to be MSK. Riddle says he will be by their side.

– Vic Joseph is interrupted by Mandy Rose; she tells him to shut up and that Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne have some business they need to take care of right now.

– Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta are having a backstage segment; Persia asks Indi if she is ready to go after the NXT Women;s

Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne) vs. Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon

The bell rings, and Jacy Jayne gets taken down by Valentina Feroz. Feroz and Yulisa Leon control the match to start. Gigi Dolin gets the blind tag, and she takes down Leon with ease, and now Jayne is controlling the match. Jayne hits Leon with a big dive in the corner. Now, Feroz and Dolin are the legal competitors. Feroz hits Dolin with a big crossbody from the top rope.

Jacy Jayne gets the blind tag now, and she hits Feroz with a big clothesline and then a big boot. Jayne then pins Feroz to get the victory. After the match, Mandy Rose cuts a promo and says, “that Toxic Attraction are the baddest bitches in town, and they have all the gold.” Rose says, “anyone who wants an opportunity to bring it on and they will be waiting.” Cora Jade’s music hits, and Jade comes out and reminds Mandy Rose that she beat her two weeks ago. Raquel Gonzalez comes out before Toxic Attraction attacks her, and they Toxic Attraction retreat.

Winners: Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne)

– Tony D’Angelo is cutting a promo backstage, and he says he has some property of Pete Dunne, and it is the mouthpiece that Dune wears. D’Angelo is interrupted by Andre Chase, and Chase challenges him to a match on next week’s NXT.

– Cora Jade and Raquel Gonzalez are backstage for a promo. Jade says she can’t believe how things are going, and soon she might be the NXT Women’s Champion. Gonzalez tells her to slow down a little, and Kay Lee Ray appears; and Kay Lee Ray hands Jade her bat and says Jade will need it more than hair.

Xyon Quinn vs. Santos Escobar (w/ Legado del Fantasma’s Elektra Lopez, Joaquin Wilde, and Raul Mendoza)

The match begins, and Santos Escobar gets some shots in on Quinn; however, Quinn controls the match easily. Quinn is punishing Escobar with some heavy strikes. Quinn clobbers Escobar with a shot at Escobar’s back. Quinn wants to go for a maneuver of some sort; however, he loses focus of Escobar and watches Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza. Santos Escobar knocks Quinn down off the apron. Escobar goes after Quinn, but Quinn is ready for him, and Quinn sends Escobar into the commentary desk. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial with Escobar in control.

We return from the break, and Escobar is still controlling the match. Quinn makes a comeback; Quinn hits Escobar with a big lariat. Quinn then delivers a big hip toss to Escobar. Quinn goes for the pin, but Escobar kicks out at two. Escobar nails Quinn with an enzuigiri kick; Escobar goes to end it, however Quinn counters and slams Escobar hard into the mat. Now, both men are on the top turnbuckle and are exchanging strikes. Escobar hits Quinn with a big hurricanrana; both men are laid out. Lopez puts brass knuckles into the hands of Xyon Quinn. Quinn gets rid of them and punches Raul Mendoza. Escobar then hits Quinn with the Phantom Driver and gets the victory.

Winner: Santos Escobar (w/ Legado del Fantasma’s Elektra Lopez, Joaquin Wilde, and Raul Mendoza)

– We get a backstage segment with Carmelo Hayes confronting Malcolm Bivens and Diamond Mine, and Bivens says Strong will beat Breakker next week, and they will keep going from there. Hayes says that he has the “A” title and segment ends.

– We see Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, and their pup Pawdme. Gargano is getting ready to address NXT.

– We get a vignette from Boa.

– Johnny Gargano comes out to his original theme, Rebel Heart. Johnny comes out and appears to be emotional. The crowd is chanting “Johnny Wrestling,” and Gargano opens up, saying that “Heartbreak told me, I can stay on as long as he wants and Chucky is not on but London Has Fallen is on, and they can wait.” 

Gargano says that the fans do not know how much they gave him; Gargano thanks, William Regal. Gargano says the WWE told him that he would never make it to NXT. That the crowd at Full Sail is chanting “Johnny Wrestling.” WWE had to bring him back. Johnny then starts to name the people who have helped him.

Johnny says his most important job will begin in February when he becomes a Father. He thanks the NXT crowd and says that he will show his son this video one day, and he will be proud. Grayson Waller then attacks Johnny Gargano. Grayson hits him with a chair and continues to beat down Johnny Gargano. Grayson Waller talks about how this is a new NXT, and they go off the air.

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