
WWE NXT Recap (July 27th) Shinsuke Nakamura, TM621, Kota Ibushi Debuts & More

Welcome to the Fightful.com NXT live coverage for tonight. I’m Ryan Cook and I’ll be taking you through all the action as history will be made as tonight is the debut of Japanese superstar Kota Ibushi so this is bound to be an unforgettable night. Be sure to come back here at 8 PM tonight for all the action!

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Wesley Blake

The match starts off with Shinsuke getting the early advantage, Blake and Nakamura really playing to the crowd, Blake blowing a kiss and Nakamura catching it as Shinsuke hits two good vibrations in the corner. Blake turns Shinsuke inside out with a clothesline, but only gets a 1 count. He hits a knee off the top rope for a 2 count this time. Blake drops Shinsuke with a reverse elbow and goes for another pin for the same result. Shinsuke floors blake with a flurry of punches and kicks then just stomps his head in in the corner. Shinsuke then sets him up on the ropes and hits the double knee into a reverse exploder suplex. Shinsuke finishes it off with a Kinshasa and gets the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall with the Kinshasa.

-Immediately after the match William Regal comes out and congratulates Shinsuke, announcing that Shinsuke will be facing Samoa Joe at NXT Takeover: Brookyln for the NXT World Heavyweight title.

Billie Kay vs Santana Garrett

Santa takes an early advantage with a dropkick after they exchange holds, but she’s quickly dropped for a quick 2 count. Kay hits a suplex for another 2 count, staying on Santana, keeping her grounded. Santana hits a handspring back elbow, but she’s quickly dropped with a big boot by Kay for the pin and the win.

Winner: Billie Kay via pinfall with a big boot

TM621 vs Enhancement Talent

TM61 take control early, cutting off the ring, doing a lot of double team moves until the two geeks land some offense, TM621 playing the good guys in this one even with the isolation tactic. They fnish them off with Thunder Valley for the win.

Winner: TM61 via pinfall with Thunder Valley

No Way Jose vs Steve Cutler

This is just great, the crowd is chanting “Jose” like crowds do the ole chant. Cutler tries to outmuscle Jose until Cutler insults him and Jose puts on a flurry, Jose drops Cutler with the Fastball Punch then lays him out for the pin and the win with a a spinning full nelson slam.

Winner: No Way Jose via pinfall

-After the match he cuts a promo on how big a coward Austin Aries is and that he isn’t going to run, he’s not stopping. They show Kota Ibushi next then, saying he’s debuting next again Murphy, this should be good.

Kota Ibushi vs Buddy Murphy

As Kota comes out he gets a huge pop, the crowd chanting Ibushi as the announcers really talk him up. As the match starts Murphy hits some offense, but it’s halted with a beautiful dropkick by Ibushi. Kota then hits an amazing standing moonsault for a quick 2 count, this guy never ceases to amaze, no wonder they signed him from the Cruiserweight Classic. Murphy smartly grounds Ibushi with a side headlock as the crowd gets behind Ibushi. Murphy hits a double running knee and almost gets the 3 count out of it. Ibushi kicks Murphy’s head off and turns it into a bridging german suplex for a close 2 count. Murphy using some innovate moves, almost getting the win with a roll up. Murphy sets Ibushi on the top rope, but Ibushi counters and hits the Golden Star Bomb for the pin and the win. Great match by these two.

Winner: Kota Ibushi via pinfall with the Golden Star Bomb

-They show Samoa Joe finding out about WIlliam Regal’s announcement, saying he’s going to do something about it right now as we go to commercial. They tease the debut of Bobby Roode next week as Samoa Joe comes out to the ring. He says that since he wasn’t consulted about the match first, that it won’t be happening, that Shinsuke Nakamura doesn’t deserve to get a title shot and he hasn’t done enough to win the belt and not #1 contender material. Joe says that he will not be facing Shinsuke as William Regal comes out. Regal says he’s heard enough, he’s general manager and he will fight who he says he will. Joe says that he had to beat everyone to get a chance to win the belt and that Shinsuke has not done that.

Joe says he will give Regal an opportunity to correct the direspect, that they can go to the back and discuss a contender that he’d approve. Regal says that if he refuses to fight and he will make him forfeit the belt. Joe says he’s going to hand him nothing and that he’ll do it, but it’s the biggest mistake he’ll ever make, saying he destroyed his golden boy Finn Balor and that he’ll do the same to Shinsuke. Joe threatens that he may see Shinsuke before Brooklyn and not make it there at all as Shinsuke’s music hits. Shinsuke comes out and they have a staredown from the ramp. 

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