
WWE NXT New Year’s Evil (1/10/2023) Results: Bron Breakker vs Grayson Waller, Dijak Competes & More.

Results for the 1/10/2023 edition of NXT’s New Year’s Evil on the USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 1/10/2023 edition of NXT’s New Year’s Evil on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show:


NXT New Year’s Evil (1/10/2023).

– NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Grayson Waller.

NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Battle Royale – Winner Challenges at NXT Vengeance Day: Wendy Choo vs. Cora Jade vs. Indi Hartwell vs. Thea Hail vs. Jacy Jane vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Elektra Lopez vs. Jakara Jackson vs. Nikkita Lyons vs. Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley vs. Zoey Stark vs. Tatum Paxley vs. Ivy Nile vs. Amari Miller vs. Layra Valkyria vs. Lash Legend vs. Sol Ruca vs. Valentina Feroz vs. Dani Palmer. 

4-Team Gauntlet Match: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. TBA, TBA & TBA.

– NXT North American Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Dijak vs. Tony D’Angelo (w/ Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo.

– The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) vs. Indus Sher (Veer Mahaan & Sanga).

– Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker (w/ Drew Gulak).

– The “New Year” kicks off

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens. 

Live Coverage. 

– After a video recap of Andre Chase recapping the card of New Year’s Evil to his class, Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

NXT North American Championship #1 Contender’s Match.

Dijak vs. Tony D’Angelo (w/ Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo.

NXT North American Champion Wes Lee joined the broadcast team for the match. D’Angelo threw his hat before throwing punches & clotheslining Dijak out of the ring to begin the match. The two brawled on the outside before Dijak went for a big boot, but Dijak landed the kick onto the stairs as D’Angelo evaded. Back in the ring, D’Angelo caught Dijak with a punch before stomping away at D’Angelo. D’Angelo got a headlock on Dijak, but Dijak reversed it with a sleeper before D’Angelo slammed Dijak into the corner and hit a lariat on Dijak for a near fall. Dijak got D’Angelo to hit a Flapjack on D’Angelo onto the top rope before hitting a lariat for a near fall. Dijak went for a DVD on D’Angelo, but D’Angelo hit elbow strikes to get down before clotheslining each other to the outside. Back in the ringside area, Dijak tossed D’Angelo onto Stacks into the barricade, but D’Angelo got up and hit a spear on Dijak onto the ring floor. Dijak got up and slammed D’Angelo onto the ring post before tossing him across the broadcast table. Dijak saw Stacks and hit some series on him before hitting a chokeslam on Stacks onto the apron before handcuffing Stacks onto the middle turnbuckle on the outside. D’Angelo got himself & Dijak back in the ring, but Dijak got him in between the ropes and hit a Draping DDT on D’Angelo for a near fall. Dijak got D’Angelo and locked in a Cravat. Dijak held the hold for a lengthy amount of time before D’Angelo hit body shots, a lariat, a back elbow, a belly-to-belly, and a Spinebuster on Dijak to break the hold for a near fall. D’Angelo went for the Fisherman’s Suplex, but Dijak hit a thrust kick to the abdomen and went for the back fist, but D’Angelo evaded before Dijak hit a Thrust Kick followed by the Seated Chokeslam on D’Angelo for a near fall. Stacks got in the ring and tried to eat the bullet for his boss, but D’Angelo told Stacks that he was not his boss but he was family. D’Angelo tossed Stacks into the floor before Dijak hit D’Angelo with a vicious, nasty, egregious Big Boot for the pinfall win. 

Winner & New NXT North American Championship #1 Contender: Dijak. 

– Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne cut a promo backstage ahead of their involvement in the NXT Women’s Battle Royal later in the night. 

– Sanga revealed that Veer Mahan was not in the building for their match, but Jinder Mahal came in in his place. The two attacked The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed). Jinder said that Veer & Sanga fight for respect, but he did not. 

– Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) were backstage preparing, but NXT Tag team Champions The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) told them that they were next. 

4-Team Gauntlet Match.

Gauntlet Match 1.

Pretty Deadly (Elon Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. Fake Rockers.

Absolute domination from Pretty Deadly, hitting Spilled almost immediately on one of the members of the Fake Rockers for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson)

Gauntlet Match 2.

Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs Malik Blade & Edris Enofe. 

In the Final embers of the match, Prince hit a superplex on Enofe, but Blade caught him with a frog splash for a near fall. Enofe went for an Inside cradle on Prince, but Wilson pushed Prince to allow Prince to get the pinfall win. 

Winners: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).

Gauntlet Match 3.

Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey).

Gallus immediately attacked Pretty Deadly to begin the match before Prince & Coffey got back in the ring. Coffey hit a slam on Prince, but Prince responded with an uppercut. Coffey hit a double-chop on Prince & a dropkick on Wilson before Wolfgang & Coffey hit an enziguri kick/power slam combo on Pretty Deadly for the pinfall win. 

Winners of Gauntlet: Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey). 

– Julius Creed headed to the ring to challenge Jinder Mahal, but Ivy Nile was against the idea. 

– Trick Williams (wearing a mask of AAA’s Cuartero) & Carmelo Hayes were in Apollo Crews’s diner to mock Apollo Crews & Axiom. 

– To kick off the “New Year” a returning Tiffany Stratton made her way to the ring after months of absence. Stratton said that one had the skill she had, saying that 2023 can officially begin because the center of the universe is back. 

– There was a video package of the NXT Championship Match between Grayson Waller & champion Bron Breakker ahead of their match. 

– NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Katana Chance & Kayden Carter were interviewed backstage, with them saying that they were going to become the longest reigning tag champs in NXT history. 

NXT Championship Match.

Bron Breakker (c) vs. Grayson Waller.

The match for NXT’s biggest price began with the two locking up before Breakker pushed Waller away. Waller slapped Breakker, to which Breakker responded by chasing Waller across ringside. Breakker hit a kick on Waller before getting Waller and hitting a stalling suplex on Waller, followed by a standing Moonsault on Waller. Waller got back up and hit a Tornado DDT before locking in a Guillotine choke into a cravat on Breakker. Waller laid in the knee strikes on Breakker before locking in another Guillotine Choke, but Waller got back up and reversed it with a suplex attempt, but Waller evaded and hit a back suplex on Breakker for a near fall. Waller went for a punch, but Breakker hit an Overhead toss, an exploder suplex, and a tilt-to-world slam on Waller. Breakker went for a hammer throw, but Waller reversed it with an Irish Whip on Breakker before hitting a corner spear on Breakker, breaking the middle turnbuckle completely apart. Waller hit a suplex on Breakker before locking him in a headlock on Breakker. Breakker hit a chin breaker on Waller to send him to the outside. The two brawled on the outside. Back in the rebuilt ring, Waller got a near fall on Breakker before Breakker hit a gut punch on Waller. Waller hit a DDT on Breakker for a near fall before locking in a Single-Leg Crab on Breakker. Breakker rolled over and reversed it into a Fujiwara Arm Bar on Waller before Waller broke the hold with a rope break. Waller & Breakker exchanged strikes before Waller hit a lariat to the back of Breakker’s neck. Waller went for the Steiner Recliner on Breakker, but Breakker was unphased and slammed Waller across the ring before hitting two shoulder tackles, a shooter Spinebuster, and a top rope Bulldog on Waller. Breakker went for the spear, but Waller rolled out of the ring before hitting a Rolling V-Trigger on Breakker for a near fall. Waller climbed to the top rope, but the middle turnbuckle collapsed again to send him to the outside. With Waller knocked out, Waller was not able to beat the count-out, giving Breakker the win & title retention via count-out. 

Winner & Still NXT Champion: Bron Breakker.

– NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell backstage, saying that she looked forward to the 20-woman Battle Royale and stated she did not mind anyone else winning besides Cora Jade. 

– Axiom met with Apollo Crews backstage, with the two planning strategy to get their revenge on Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes. 

Charlie Dempsey vs. Hank Walker (w/ Drew Gulak).

The two began the match locking up before Dempsey hit a forearm strike to Walker’s abdomen. Walker hit a shoulder breaker on Dempsey for a near fall. Walker got Dempsey and tossed himself & Dempsey out of the ring through the middle rope. Back in the ring, Dempsey caught Walker with an upkick before locking in a reverse cravat on Walker. Dempsey hit a Dragon Screw before locking in the Regal Stretch, but Walker got a rope break before hitting another up-kick on Dempsey. Dempsey hit an uppercut on Walker before slamming him into the top rope, but Walker locked in the Yuji Gatame arm bar on Dempsey. Walker hyper-extended the arm, but Dempsey rolled over and hit a headbutt on Walker’s back before locking in the Regal Stretch on Walker for the submission win

Winner: Charlie Dempsey. 

– Sol Ruca was confronted by Alba Fyre after Isla Dawn attacked her before their match a few weeks ago Fyre offered Ruca the match, to which Ruca accepted. 

– There was a video package of former two-time NXT UK Champion, former NXT Tag team Champion & NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate ahead of his NXT return on the 1/17/2023 edition of NXT. 

– There was a vignette of NXT Annonymous stalking SCRYPTS.

Jinder Mahal (w/ Sanga) vs. Julis Creed.

Creed hit a double-leg takedown on Mahal to begin the match. Creed slammed Mahal to the corner before hitting a spinebuster on Mahal. Creed slammed Mahal into the ring posts before clotheslining Mahal to the outside. The two brawled on the outside before getting back in the ring. Mahal went for a suplex, but Creed hit a snap suplex on Mahal. Creed laid in the strikes on Mahal before hitting a slam on Mahal for a near fall. Creed slammed Mahal to the corner with an Irish Whip, but Mahal evaded and hit a lariat on Creed. Creed caught Mahal with a dropkick to send him to the apron. Creed laid in the punches on Mahal before going for a superplex on Mahal, but Mahal dropped him off the top rope. Creed leaped back to the top rope and hitting a super front-face lock suplex on Mahal for a near fall. Creed hit four corner spears on Mahal before going for a move, but Mahal dumped Creed onto the top rope with a flapjack before hitting. running shotgun dropkick on Creed for a near fall. Mahal got. modified headlock on Creed before going for a corner lariat, but Creed caught him and hit an exploder suplex on Mahal. Creed hit two forearm strikes & a T-Bone Suplex on Mahal for a near fall. Mahal hit the Anvil Elbow Strikes on Creed, but Creed caught him and hit the flipping slam on Mahal. Creed climbed to the top rope but was distracted by Sanga before attempting. a Shooting Star Press, but Mahal evaded and hit a running thrust Kick before hitting the Khallas for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Jinder Mahal (w/ Sanga).

– Kiana James, Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen were backstage after Gallus attacked Jensen & Briggs earlier in the night. 

– There was a video vignette of Stevie Turner doing a stream within the broadcast ahead of her NXT debut in America. 

NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Battle Royale – Winner Challenges at NXT Vengeance Day.

 Wendy Choo vs. Cora Jade vs. Indi Hartwell vs. Thea Hail vs. Jacy Jane vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Elektra Lopez vs. Jakara Jackson vs. Nikkita Lyons vs. Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley vs. Zoey Stark vs. Tatum Paxley vs. Ivy Nile vs. Amari Miller vs. Layra Valkyria vs. Lash Legend vs. Sol Ruca vs. Valentina Feroz vs. Dani Palmer. 

The match began in all-out chaos, with Layra Valkyria eliminating Cora Jade immediately as the match began. James tossed Paxley into the ring post to eliminate her from the match. Miller laid in the strikes on Lash Legend, but Legend got Miller and dumped her to the outside to eliminate her. Dolin & Jayne tried to eliminate Ruca, but Ruca did a handstand to get back in the ring, and ode to Kofi Kingston & Katana Chance. The Hail tossed Valentina Feroz out of the ring to eliminate her. Legend went for a big boot, but Indi Hartwell evaded and tossed Legend out of the ring. Valkyria dumped James out of the match before Stark dumped Palmer onto Legend & James onto the outside with a gorilla Press. Cora Jade & tried to attack Valkyria, but Valkyria lowered the rope to send Jade flying to the outside. Fallon Henley was on the apron, but Fyre hit a basement dropkick to eliminate her from the match. Hail hit the Chase U Stomps on Jayne, but Elektra Lopez dumped Hail to the outside to eliminate her. Nile was on the apron, but Dolin caught her with a forearm strike to send her to the outside while Jayne dumped Hartwell out of the match. Lyons hit a spinning heel kick on Lopez to send her out of the ring. Choo landed on a pillow after Stark kicked her off the apron, but Lopez pulled the pillow under her to eliminate her. Stark hit a clothesline to eliminate Lyons, but Ruca eliminated Stark. Ruca went. fora flipping corner splash, but Fyre caught her with a gut kick before sending her to the outside. The final four were Valkyria, Fyre, Dolin & Jayne. Valkyria hit a double shotgun dropkick on Jayne & Dolin before hitting n enziguri kick on Dolin, a headbutt to the gut of Fyre. Valkyria & Fyre got on the apron before Fyre got back in the ring. Valkyria eliminated Fyre with the head scissors. Jayne & Dolin eliminated Valkyria after Jade’s distraction. Jayne & Dolin celebrated in the ring, but because the referees did not end the match, it continued. Jayne offered Dolin to eliminate herself, but Dolin was against it. Instead, Jayne hit a Thrust Kick on Dolin before dumping her onto the apron. Dolin slammed Jayne into the corner before sending her into the other side of the ring corner. Jayne hit an enziguri kick before attempting a superplex, but Dolin laid in the strikes. The two hit. double headbutt to fall into the ring floor at the same time. The referees were questioning who won as the crowd was bamboozled, but the referees used VAR to get some help. With VAR, the win was given to both Dolin & Jayne after landing at the same time. Perez walked to the ramp at the end of the match. 

Winners & New NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contenders: Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne. 

– After the controversial proceedings of the NXT Championship Match earlier in the day, Shawn Michaels revealed in a sit-down segment that Waller & Breakker would face each other at NXT: Vengeance Day in a Steel Cage match to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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