
WWE NXT Results 9/20 reDRagon vs Moustache Mountain & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of WWE NXT. Tonight we have a great show as in our main event The Undisputed Era’s reDRagon take on Moustache Mountain, No Way Jose, Aleister Black and Johnny Gargano are also in action so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for an hour showcasing the NXT brand!

Johnny Gargano vs Tino Sabbatelli

They lock up to start the for a clean break before Tino slaps Johnny several times. Tino chops him before dropkicking him and beating on him in the corner. Tino tosses Johnny across the ring and into the corner before putting him in a rear chin lock that he fights out of. Johnny comes back with a series of strikes before Tino powerslams him and plays to the crowd. Tino then mocks Johnny before puts him in the Gargano Escape for the tap and the win.

Winner: Johnny Gargano via submission

-Roderick Strong meets with William Regal before Regal makes a match between him and Drew McIntyre for the title in two weeks as we go to commercial.

Bianca Belair vs Lacey Evans

Bianca is in control for majority of match, just beating on Lacey and tossing her out of the ring before Lacey comes back with a series of clotheslines. Lacey hits a bronco buster in the corner and a spinning neckbreaker for a near fall before Bianca hits Lacey with her hair and a reverse powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair via pinfall

-Aleister Black comes out and talks about his career the past fifteen years, in NXT and before that. Black talks about his tattoos and his metaphorical scars before he’s interrupted by Velveteen Dream. Dream mocks Black before Black slaps him and sits down , then Dream slides out of the ring before leaving.

No Way Jose vs Lars Sullivan

Lars attacks Jose and beats him down before tossing him out of the ring and backing him into the apron. They get back in the ring and Lars hits a series of running splashes in the corner before Jose comes back with a series of strikes. Lars drops Jose with a shoulder tackle before hitting a diving headbutt and a military press slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lars Sullivan via pinfall

Moustache Mountain vs reDRagon

Tyler and Kyle start the match off by grappling before Tyler dropkicks him and tags Trent in. Kyle comes back with a jumping knee before tagging Bobby in, Fish dropping Trent with a running cross body when he’s distracted by Kyle. Kyle tags in and hits a snap suplex for a quick two count before reDRagon start double teaming Trent and tagging in and out. Trent comes back with a series of chops and a flat liner before Kyle gets tagged in and keeps Trent from tagging Tyler in. Tyler gets tagged in before Adam takes out Trent at ringside with the referee distracted as we go to commercial.

Fish beats on Trent in the corner as we come back from commercial, Trent coming back with a wrist lock lariat. Tyler tags in and hits a back elbow off of the second rope before hitting a bridging fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Kyle counters the Tyler Driver 97 with a standing guillotine, but can’t get the tap. ReDRagon hit a series of double team moves before hitting a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: reDRagon via pinfall

-After the match SANITY attack the Undisputed Era who escape through the crowd as we go off the air.

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