
WWE NXT Results 3/21 Adam Cole vs Kassius Ohno, The Dusty Classic Continues & More!

WWE NXT tonight at 8PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of WWE NXT. Tonight we have a great show as in our main event Adam Cole faces Kassius Ohno, Roderick Strong’s partner for the Dusty Classic will be revealed when he and his partner take on Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

-Tommaso Ciampa comes out to the ring to start the show and gets in the ring and says that Johnny is gone and he’s not coming back before he gets out of the ring and tears up signs at ringside before Johnny comes out of the crowd and attacks Tommaso. Security then break them up and force Johnny out of the building as we go to commercial.

Dusty Classic Tag Team Tournament Quarter Final Match

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Roderick Strong & Pete Dunne

Strong and Oney start the match off before Oney backs Strong into his corner and tags Danny in only for Strong to back Danny into his corner and tag Pete in immediately after. All four men then square off in the ring as we go to commercial.

Pete is in control of Danny as we come back from commercial, keeping him down to the mat and focusing on joint manipulation before sending him into the corner and hitting a forearm to the back of his neck and tagging Strong in. Strong and Dunne start tagging in and out and keeping Danny in their half of the ring before Strong and Lorcan are tagged in simultaneously. Oney hits a European uppercut for a quick two count before hitting a lariat for a near fall and immediately after hitting a blockbuster for another near fall. Pete then gets the blind tag before hitting the X Plex for a near fall before tagging Strong back in and Strong hits a pendulum backbreaker into the End of Heartache for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong & Pete Dunne defeats Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan via pinfall with the End of Heartache to advance to the next round of the Dusty Classic Tag Team Tournament.

-Ember Moon has a squash match against Aliyah with Shayna Baszler on commentary as we go to commercial. We come back from commercial to Andrade Almas attacking Raul Mendoza when he comes out for his match before getting in the ring and cutting a promo on Aleister in Spanish before we go to commercial once again.

-We come back from commercial to a video package for Lars Sullivan before William Regal teases a major announcement for next week.

Adam Cole vs Kassius Ohno

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks until Adam hits Ohno with a knee to the midsection. Ohno comes back with a boot into a running senton before sending Adam over the top rope to the floor where he seemingly hurts his knee. Adam gets back in the ring and hits an enzuigiri before beating Ohno down in mount and playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Adam is in control as we come back from commercial, hitting a swinging neckbreaker for a quick two count before Ohno fights out of a rear chin lock only for Cole to hit a backstabber for a near fall. Adam plays to the crowd before Ohno comes back with a knee and a series of clotheslines into a scoop slam and a running leg drop for a quick two count. Ohno hits a cyclone kick for a near fall before the two exchange forearms and Cole hits the Last Shot for a very close near fall. Ohno counters a shining wizard into the high tension elbow that sends Cole out of the ring only to get him back into the ring and Adam hit a series of superkicks. Adam then hits the Last Shot into a shining wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Adam Cole defeats Kassius Ohno via pinfall with a shining wizard.

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