
WWE NXT Live Coverage & Discussion 2/15 Tyler Bate VS Trent Seven WWE United Kingdom Championship Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight is set to be a great show as in our main event Tyler Bate defends his WWE United Kingdom Championship against stable mate Trent Seven and Liv Morgan has to find a partner for her match tonight when she faces off against Billie Kay and Peyton Royce so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

Authors of Pain vs Jobbers

Rezar beats one guy in the corner then pulls the other into the ring before Akam comes in and they both hit death valley drivers into separate corners. They then hit one of them with The Last Chapter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Authors of Pain via pinfall

-After the match they hit the guys with a Super Collider.

-We get an injury update for Shinsuke Nakamura.

Billie Kay & Peyton Royce vs Liv Morgan & Ember Moon

Kay and Moon start it off, the two evenly matched until Billie and Peyton double team Ember when the referee is busy with Liv trying to get in the ring. Kay and Royce tag in and out, isolating Moon who tags in Liv, Royce getting tagged in at the same time. Liv hits Royce with a bulldog then an STO for a near fall that Billie breaks up then Kay sends Moon to the floor with a big boot. Royce tags Kay in then they hit Liv with a double team move for the pin and the win.

Winner: Billie Kay & Peyton Royce via pinfall

-We then get an interview from earlier today with No Way Jose and Roderick Strong at the performance center.

-#DIY come out and talk about their journey becoming champions and their losing the belts and AOP. Paul Ellering comes out and says they can have a rematch in two weeks. #DIY say they should do it right there and now, but The Revival hit Gargano with a Shatter Machine before running away. 

-We then get a video package for Trent Seven then a video package for Kassius Ohno.

-William Regal announces a triple threat number one contender match for next week where the winner faces Asuka.

Trent Seven vs Tyler Bate WWE United Kingdom Championship Match

They lock up for a clean break then lock up again, Seven telling Bate to try and knock him down, but he cannot. Trent hits a running shotei in the corner then a suplex for a quick 2 count as we go to commercial.

Tyler has a shoulder lock as we come back, but Trent powers out of it, but Tyler hits him with a series of uppercuts. Trent fires up like Shibata, telling Tyler to keep hitting him then Trent gets a back slide for a near fall. Tyler hits a European uppercut off the top rope that sends Trent out of the ring then Tyler dives over the top rope and takes Trent out, the two laid out on the ramp. They get back in the ring then Trent goes for a lariat, but Tyler counters into an airplane spin. Tyler goes for a dead lift German suplex, but Trent counters into a dragon suplex then puts on a single leg Boston crab. Tyler kicks his way out of it then they exchange strikes before Tyler drops Trent with a right hand. Trent then hits Tyler with The Seven Star Lariat for a very close near fall. Tyler catches Trent on the top rope then hits Trent with an exploder suplex off the top rope for a near fall of his own. They exchange strikes then Tyler hits the Tyler Driver 97 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate via pinfall

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