
WWE NXT Results 12/27 NXT Championship Number Contender Fatal Four Way, NXT Women’s Championship Match & More!

The final NXT of 2017 kicks off tonight at 8PM EST!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of WWE NXT. Tonight is the final show of the year and the NXT brand is looking to end the year with a bang as in our main event we have Lars Sullivan, Aleister Black, Johnny Gargano and Killian Dain squaring off in a fatal four way to determine who will face Andrade Almas at the next TakeOver event. Not to be outdone we also have NXT women’s champion Ember Moon defending her title against Sonya DeVille and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

Street Profits vs Enhancement talent

Ford locks up with Starr to start the match before they do several flips, then Ford suplexes him before tagging Angelo in. Angelo takes out Apex when he tags in, then tags Ford back in and Ford hits a high arching splash off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Street Profits via pinfall

NXT Women’s Championship Match

Ember Moon (c) vs Sonya DeVille

They grapple to start the match before exchanging standing switches, then Sonya goes for an ankle lock, but Ember is quick to the ropes for the break. They both miss kicks before Sonya sweeps the legs out from under Moon, then Ember dropkicks Sonya out of the ring before hitting a cannonball off of the apron as we go to commercial.

Sonya is in control as we come back from commercial, keeping Ember grounded before Ember sends Sonya face first into the bottom turnbuckle. Ember suplexes Sonya before hitting a flurry of offense for a quick two count. Ember hits a springboard dropkick into a running forearm in the corner before hitting the Eclipse for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ember Moon defeats Sonya DeVille via pinfall with the Eclipse to retain the NXT Women’s Championship.

-After the match Kairi comes out and points to Ember from the ramp before Shayna shows up from behind and chokes her out until she’s pulled off by the officials as we go to commercial.

Fatal Four Way Number One Contender Match

They brawl to start the match before Aleister sends Lars out of the ring and Lars takes out Gargano at ringside before Dain hits a tope through the ropes and out onto Lars on the floor as we go to commercial.

Rain is in control of Gargano as we come back from commercial, splashing him in the corner for a quick two count before Lars does the same thing for one of his own. Dain drags Lars out of the ring where he brawls with Black on the ramp before sending Black off of the ramp and tossing Gargano onto Aleister when he tries to go after Lars. Aleister and Johnny double team Lars before Dain comes out of nowhere and hits a running splash off of the stage and through the announce table that Lars fell on top of. Johnny and Aleister get back to the ring and Aleister gets a quick two count before Johnny locks in the Gargano Escape. Dain comes out of nowhere once more and breaks it up before hitting a senton to Johnny and powerbombing him before finishing with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Lars comes back in and clears the ring before he and Dain square off and exchange right hands and forearms until Lars drops Dain. Dain comes back with a running clothesline out of the corner before Aleister drops both Dain and Lars with a flurry of offense. Adam Cole shows up and takes out Aleister before Johnny hits a tope to the outside and takes out Cole before rolling Aleister back into the ring. Johnny then takes out both Lars and Dain at ringside before hitting a slingshot DDT and pinning Aleister for the win.

Winner: Johnny Gargano wins via pinfall to become the new NXT championship number one contender.

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