
WWE NXT Results 10/11 Johnny Gargano vs Andrade Almas, Lars Anderson vs Danny Burch & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE NXT. Tonight we get one step closer to seeing who will face Kairi Sane at the next Takeover, Johnny Gargano squares off against Andrade Almas and Danny Burch will try to stop the unstoppable force known as Lars Sullivan. Be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE NXT brand!

Women’s Triple Threat Match

Liv and Nikki send Peyton out of the ring to start the match before she comes back in and Liv hits an enzuigiri that sends her right back out of the ring. Liv squares off with Peyton once she’s back in the ring after they get rid of Nikki, then Peyton puts her in a tarantula. Nikki hits a missile dropkick to Liv before hitting a running forearm in the corner and taking Peyton down. Nikki hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count before they hit a tower of doom in the corner. Peyton and Nikki exchange pin attempts before Peyton hits a bridging fisherman’s suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Peyton Royce via pinfall

Lio Rush vs Velveteen Dream

Lio shows off his speed by dodging Dream repeatedly before dropping him with a kick. Dream whips Lio across the ring and into the opposite corner before hitting a backbreaker for a quick two count. Lio rolls him up before hitting a tornado DDT for a near fall, then Dream hits a DVD and a splash off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Velveteen Dream via pinfall

-After the match Dream sits in the ring and mocks Aleister Black.

Lars Sullivan vs Danny Burch

Burch slaps Lars to start the match before hitting an enzuigiri, only for Lars to drop him with a knee to the midsection. Lars beats on Danny before tossing him into the corner and whipping him hard across the ring and hitting a splash in the corner. Lars hits a series of delayed suplexes before finishing up with a uranage for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lars Sullivan via pinfall

Johnny Gargano vs Andrade Almas

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before they start grappling and Gargano takes Almas down for a quick two count. Johnny goes to lock in a submission, but Almas is quick to the ropes for the break. They counter each other until Gargano hits a huricanrrana for another quick two count. Gargano starts focusing on the arm of Almas before slapping him in the corner. They go out onto the apron and brawl before Almas slams him down onto the apron and off and onto the floor as we go to commercial.

They counter each other as we come back from commercial until Gargano hits and armbreaker and they exchange strikes. Gargano hits an enzuigiri before Almas catches him on the top turnbuckle, but Gargano hits a flat liner, then sends Almas out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside. They get back in the ring and counter each other until Almas hits a straight jacket suplex for a near fall. They then counter each other’s finishers before Almas hits a series of running knees in the corner and a DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Andrade Almas via pinfall

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