
WWE NXT Live Results for 9/12/18 Bianca Belair vs Nikki Cross, Raul Mendoza vs Lars Sullivan

The former SAnitY member Nikki Cross takes on the athletic young talent Bianca Belair on NXT tonight at 8pm EST on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fight Fans  and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT! You can leave a comment while you’re here and if you want to you can discuss all things combat sports with fellow Fightful faithful over at our forums! Enjoy the next hour showcasing the WWE NXT brand from Full Sail Live in Orlando  Florida!

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Adrian Jaoude & Cezar Bononi

Danny and Cezar start the match off with Danny dropping Cezar with a headbutt and a missile dropkick before Oney comes in and Cezar backs him into the corner. Adrian gets the tag and he and Cezar double team Oney until Burch gets the tag. Danny hits a double blockbuster before hitting a wheelbarrow neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch defeat Cezar Bononi and Adrian Jaoude when Danny pins Cezar with a wheelbarrow neckbreaker. 

NXT champion Tommaso Ciampa comes out to the ring with new theme music and ​​​​​​mocks the NXT Universe and the speculation that he attacked Aleister Black. Ciampa says that when he wants to attack someone he does so with an audience and that he would have defeated both Black and Gargano if Black had somehow managed to make it to NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV. Tommaso says that the title thanks him for winning it and he says that he talks the talk and walks the walk before saying that he is the greatest success story in NXT and why he’s champion.

Shayna Baszler vs Violet Payne

Shayna takes Violet down and brutalizes her for several minutes by trying to dislocate her shoulder and rip her arm out of socket before dropping her with a bicycle knee and finishing with a rear naked choke for the referee stoppage.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Violet Payne via submission with a rear naked choke.

-We get a video of Heavy Machinery getting into a dispute with Tommaso Ciampa before William Regal makes him come to his office.

Lars Sullivan vs Raul Mendoza

Raul side steps Lars and dropkicks him before kicking him repeatedly and rocking him with a springboard enzuigiri. Lars catches Raul when he goes for another springboard move before launching him across the ring several times. Lars hits a running splash in the corner before hitting a release side slam and turns Raul head over heels with a lariat. Raul then hits an enzuigiri into a missile dropkick before Lars hits a pop-up powerslam and the Freak Accident for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lars Sullivan defeats Raul Mendoza via pinfall with the Freak Accident.

-We have the announcement of a champion versus champion match between Ricochet and Pete Dunne. We then get a vignette for the Forgotten Sons debuting soon. 

Bianca Belair vs Nikki Cross

Nikki plays mind games with Bianca before Bianca drops her with a shoulder block and Nikki hits a monkey flip before locking in a choke. Bianca falls back to break up the choke before driving her shoulder into her in the corner and locks in a bear hug. Nikki gets free before catching Bianca coming in, then Bianca hits a military press before missing a jumping splash. Nikki hits a running cross body and a Thesz press before stomping Bianca in the corner. Nikki hits a running splash in the corner before Bianca rolls out onto the apron and Nikki hits a chop block before trapping her in the apron and beating on her.

Bianca drives Nikki into the ring steps before falling back on the ramp when Nikki locks in another choke. They exchange strikes on the ramp until officials have to come and stop them once the match is a double count out.

Winner: No Contest due to double count out.

-After the match they brawl until Nikki hits a diving cross body off of the announce table as we go off the air. 

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