
WWE NXT Results for 8/21/19 Matt Riddle vs Killian Dain, Mansoor vs Damian Priest

The Original Bro and The Beast of Belfast go head to head and The Undisputed Era are in the house tonight at 8pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida!

-We open the show with a sizzle reel for tonight’s show, featuring Matt Riddle and Killian Dain in the main event.

-The Undisputed Era come out to the ring to start the show and talk about Kyle and Bobby nearly winning the NXT Tag Team Championship from the Street Profits before Adam talks about his defending his title and definitively defeating Johnny Gargano in a two out of three falls match. UE shows evidence that Kyle and Bobby did not lose to the Street Profits and demands that William Regal make a rematch before they pose in the ring and leave up the ramp before they’re interrupted by the winner of the NXT Breakout Tournament, Jordan Myles who is holding a contract for a shot at the NXT Championship. Adam says that there is nothing worse for a young career than wasting a championship opportunity before saying that he’ll make him a failure. Jordan then tosses the contract at Adam before leaving.

-We get an interview segment with Bronson Reed at the Performance Center before he’s interrupted by fellow Aussie Shane Thorne, setting up a match between the two for later tonight.

Mansoor vs Damian Priest

Damian drops Mansoor and tosses him out of the ring, but he skins the cat and slides through his legs before Damian drops him with a right hand. Mansoor gets a near fall off of an inside cradle before countering a chokeslam and hitting an enzuigiri before sending Damian out of the ring. Mansoor hits a flipping senton and tosses Damian back into the ring before hitting a slingshot neckbreaker and goes for a tornado DDT before Damian turns him inside out with a lariat and hits a razors edge powerbomb. Damian then hits The Reckoning for the pin and the win.

Winner: Damian Priest defeats Mansoor via pinfall with The Reckoning.

-NXT moving to USA Network and moving to two hours starting September 18th is announced.

Mia Yim vs Vanessa Borne w/Aliyah

Vanessa drops Mia with a kick to the midsection and locks in a headlock before Mia drops her with a shoulder block and hits her in the throat before Aliyah distracts her by grabbing her foot. Vanessa hits a Samoan drop for a quick two count and traps Mia in the ropes before kicking her in the back. Vanessa slaps Mia who takes her down and wails on her with right hands before chopping her in the corner and tossing her across the ring by her hair. Mia then hits Eat Defeat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mia Yim defeats Vanessa Borne via pinfall with Eat Defeat.

-Shayna Baszler comes out onto the stage after the match and says that Mia is a badass and talks about how much of a fight she put her through before trying to invite her to the Horsewomen, but Mia turns her down before she, Marina and Jessamyn attack and lay Mia out.

-We get a video package for the rivalry between Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic.

Bronson Reed vs Shane Thorne

Shane uses Reed’s aggression against him, avoiding him for several minutes before Reed takes him down and sits on his back before Shane lays into him with kicks. Reed counters a dropkick into a sit-out powerbomb and hits a running knee in the corner before Shane counters a military press slam and rains down strikes on Reed until the referee forces him to back off. Shane hits a PK to Reed’s back and mocks him before dropkicking him and hitting a running dropkick into a cannonball for a near fall. Bronson comes back with a powerslam and clotheslines into a running senton before hitting several running splashes in the corner, Shane rolling out of the ring right after and trying to leave. Reed drags Shane back before Shane knocks Reed from the top and hits a shining wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shane Thorne defeats Bronson Reed via pinfall with a shining wizard.

-The Velveteen Dream comes out onto the stage on his couch and says that he can beat one person, three or the entire locker room before leaving.

-The NXT Championship match between the champion Adam Cole and Jordan Myles is announced for two weeks from tonight’s show and the NXT Tag Team Championship rematch is announced for next week’s show.

Matt Riddle vs Killian Dain

Matt attacks Dain from behind and kicks him in the corner before Dain tosses him out of the ring and Matt rushes right back in before sending Dain out of the ring with an enzuigiri. Matt hits a flying forearm off of the stairs before chopping him once they’re back in the ring and Dain hits a running cross body before suplexing Matt for a quick two count. Dain locks in an abdominal stretch and knees Matt in his injured ribs before driving his boot into them and standing on Matt. Matt comes back with a fisherman’s buster and a running forearm in the corner into an exploder suplex and a senton for a two count before elbowing Dain in the side of the head. Matt hits a dead lift German suplex and a Final Flash knee before Dain hits a shotgun dropkick into a cannonball for a near fall before slamming Matt down. Matt locks in a sleeper before Dain tosses him off of his back and Matt hits a GTS and another Final Flash for a very close near fall before Matt misses a phoenix splash and Dain sends him into the ring post and out of the ring. Matt sends Dain into the ring steps before Dain drops him face first across them and hits a running senton onto Matt onto the steps before hitting a Vader bomb off of the apron. Dain then rolls Matt back into the ring and hits two more three more Vader bombs off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Killian Dain defeats Matt Riddle via pinfall with three Vader bombs.

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