
WWE NXT Live Results for 7/10/19 The Street Profits vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

The NXT Tag Team Championship is on the line and the NXT Breakout Tournament continues tonight at 8pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you had a great day and are ready for tonight’s edition of NXT featuring a NXT Tag Team Championship Match!

-Io Shirai comes out to the ring and addresses her attack on Candice LeRae two weeks ago, Io saying that she doesn’t need any friends or any of the NXT Universe before dropping the mic and leaving up the ramp.

-Velveteen Dream is interviewed at a press conference where he says that Roderick Strong doesn’t deserve a title shot before leaving.

Damien Priest vs Blanco Loco

Damien immediately drops Loco with a boot before hitting a running back elbow in the corner into a release falcon arrow and spins him around with a lariat before hitting a second one and a whirlwind kick into a rolling cutter that he calls The Reckoning for the pin and the win.

Winner: Damien Priest defeats a local performer via pinfall with The Reckoning.

-We get a video package for Killian Dain talks about his horrific childhood in Northern Ireland.

NXT Breakout Tournament First Round Match

BOA vs Jordan Myles

BOA backs Jordan into the ropes for a clean break before he takes the high flyer Jordan down repeatedly with a side headlock takeover. Jordan hits several arm drags and flips before dropkicking BOA and BOA drops him with a stiff kick to the chest traps him in the ropes before kicking him in the spine for a quick two count. BOA boots Jordan into the corner and suplexes him for a near fall before he goes for an armbar and Jordan turns it into a pin attempt for a near fall. Jordan catches a kick and kicks BOA in the corner before tripping BOA and hitting a basement dropkick into a discus clothesline and a 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Myles defeats BOA via pinfall with a 450 to advance to the next round of the tournament.

-Dexter Lumis versus Bronson Reed is announced for next week before we go backstage to Shayna Baszler being interviewed about Mia Yim, saying that she doesn’t care about her childhood.

-We get a video package for Keith Lee who returns to action next week. William Regal then announces that Apollo Crews will face KUSHIDA next week as well as Adam Cole’s first title defense next week against an unnamed opponent.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

The Street Profits (c) vs Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch

Ford and Oney start the match off by exchanging wrist locks before Angelo and Danny come in and SP hit a flap jack before sending Oney into Danny and Ford hits a double banzai drop. Oney and Danny roll out of the ring and regroup before Danny drops Angelo and he and Oney hit a double Russian leg sweep for a two count. D&O hit a double suplex for a two count and Oney beats Angelo down in the corner with punches and kicks before he locks in a cross face. Ford breaks the hold with a PK and squares off with Danny before Danny hits Angelo with clubbing blows. Montez gets the tag and drops both Danny and Oney before hitting an Alabama slam and a high angle back drop driver into a standing moonsault for a near fall.

SP hit an assisted shiranui for a near fall before Danny hits a shotgun dropkick and Oney an enzuigiri before Oney hits a half hatch suplex and Danny a knee strike for a near fall. Danny hits a German suplex and Angelo comes in before everyone hits a move and Ford hits a flipping senton to the outside before Montez hits a spine buster and Ford a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Street Profits retain their NXT Tag Team Championship by defeating Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch when they pin Danny with a frog splash.

-We end the show Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish coming out onto the ramp, seemingly challenging Street Profits to a match.

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