
WWE NXT Results for 6/26/19 NXT Women’s Championship Steel Cage Match

Something’s gotta give tonight when Shayna Baszler defends NXT Women’s Championship in a rubber match against Io Shirai in a steel cage!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida featuring an NXT Women’s Championship Steel Cage match!

NXT Breakout Tournament First Round Match

Joaquin Wilde vs Angel Garza

Angel backs Wilde into the ropes for a clean break before Wilde applies a side headlock and hits an arm drag. They flip several times before Angel chops Wilde and Wilde hits a springboard arm drag into a variation of a sliced bread. Angel counters a huricanrrana into a spinning sit-out slam for a one count before Angel hits a running knee in the corner into an inside out facebuster for a near fall. They exchange chops and strikes before Angel dropkicks Wilde and locks in a straight jacket before Wilde rolls backwards and reverses into one of his own. Wilde hits a unique pop-up mule kick for a near fall before hitting a suicide dive through the ropes at the turnbuckle before Angel hits a Spanish fly for a near fall. Wilde then gets a near fall off of a rolling crucifix before Angel hits a butterfly stunner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Angel Garza defeats Joaquin Wilde via pinfall with a butterfly stunner to advance to the next round of the tournament.

-We get a video package for KUSHIDA before we have Damian Priest being interviewed last week backstage.

Street Profits vs Forgotten Sons (Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake)

Steve and Ford start the match with Steve backing Ford into the corner and stomping on him before FS hit Ford with a double team move for a quick two count. Ford gets the tag to Angelo who drops both Cutler and Blake with right hands and suplexes before hitting running splashes in opposite corners. Ryker then drags Angelo out of the ring and punches Angelo for the disqualification.

Winner: Street Profits defeat the Forgotten Sons via disqualification when Jaxson Ryker interferes.

-The two sides brawl after the match before Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch run the Sons off. Lorcan and Burch and Street Profits square off in the center of the ring before Oney and Danny hand them their titles and tells them that they owe them as we go to commercial.

-We get a vignette for Killian Dain before we cut to Aliyah and Vanessa Bourne talking about Mia Yim ahead of Mia’s match with Aliyah next week.

Nykos Rykos vs Keith Lee

They exchange chops before Keith nearly launched Nykos out of the ring with a shoulder tackle and hits the Limit Breaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Keith Lee defeats Nykos Rykos via pinfall with the Limit Breaker.

-We get a video package for Adam Cole on his championship victory tour.

NXT Women’s Championship Steel Cage Match

Shayna Baszler (c) vs Io Shirai

Shayna kicks the legs of Io as soon as the match begins and locks in a variation of a lion tamer before stomping the head of Io. Io hits a shotgun dropkick and an open hand palm strike before she tries to escape the cage and Shayna sends her face first into the side of the cage. Shayna traps Io between the ropes and the cage before wrenching her neck and sending her into the cage. Shayna kicks Io in the back for a quick two count before trapping her again and punching her in the midsection. Io sends Shayna into the cage and hits a shotgun dropkick before hitting double knees to the back. Io hits a release German suplex and double knees in the corner before she goes to the top of the cage and Shayna pulls her down before Io jumps up and hits an avalanche German suplex for a near fall.

The Horsewomen then come down to ringside before Io kicks the door and takes out the referee at ringside inadvertently before Marina locks the door. Io climbs the cage before Candice LeRae comes down to ringside and takes out the Horsewomen. Candice comes into the ring by hitting a diving cross body off of the top of the cage before Io hits a moonsault off of the top of the cage before Io gets to the door and Shayna chokes her in the door way. Io then slams the door into Shayna until she breaks the hold before Shayna falls out of the cage and down onto the floor for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler retains her NXT Women’s Championship by defeating Io Shirai by escaping the cage first.

-We end the show with Io taking out her frustration on Candice by wearing a chair out on her and screaming at her before suplexing her onto it as we go off the air.

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