
WWE NXT Results for 6/12/19 KUSHIDA vs Drew Gulak, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Undisputed Era

It’s an action packed edition of WWE NXT with two huge main event matches!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT, from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida!

Io Shirai & Candice LeRae vs The Horsewomen (Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir)

Candice and Duke start the match, Duke trying to attack Candice from behind when she’s talking to Io before Candice hits a basement dropkick. Duke and Shafir isolate Candice in their corner and keep her in their half of the ring as Shayna looks on from the stage, Io chomping at the bit to get into the match. Marina stretches Candice before Candice hits an arm drag and Marina kicks Io off of the apron before tossing Candice into her corner. Duke drops Candice with knees for a quick two count and Candice takes out Shafir on the apron before hitting Duke with an enzuigiri. Io gets the tag and drops Duke with double ax handles and hits a variation of a 619 before hitting a springboard shotgun dropkick.

Io stomps the arm of Duke like Shayna does before hitting a moonsault to the outside, Candice following her with a suicide dive. Io then sends Shayna into the ring steps and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: No Contest

-Everyone brawls after the match we go to a recap of the NXT North American Championship match between the champion Velveteen Dream and the challenger Tyler Breeze.

Submission Match

Drew Gulak vs KUSHIDA

The former MMA fighter and the former college wrestler grapple on the mat and KUSHIDA goes for the Hoverboard Lock, but Drew counters and chops him in the corner. KUSHIDA hits a rolling kick that sends Drew off of the apron before locking in a straight armbar, Drew getting to his feet and reversing it into an inverted slam. Drew hits a reverse body slam and a variation of the Gory special before transitioning into a Boston crab. KUSHIDA flips Drew away and Drew takes him down with a side headlock takeover before KUSHIDA gets to his feet and hits a hip toss into a cartwheel dropkick. KUSHIDA hits an enzuigiri into a tornado DDT before locking in an armbar, Drew getting his foot on the bottom rope right before tapping.

KUSHIDA locks in an ankle lock before Drew counters into one of his own and KUSHIDA crawls to the ropes for the break. KUSHIDA then hits a huricanrrana and the two exchange forearms before KUSHIDA locks in the Hoverboard Lock and Drew immediately taps for the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Drew Gulak via submission with the Hoverboard Lock.

Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan vs Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong

Kyle goes for a heel hook, but Oney kicks him away before they exchange strikes in the corner until they go at it in the center of the ring. All four men get into the ring and brawl before Danny and Oney clear the ring and Oney hits a tope to the outside. Danny hits an enzuigiri before Oney hits a half hatch suplex and Danny a high knee for a near fall that Strong breaks up. Strong sends Danny into Oney, making him spear him before Strong hits a backbreaker and Kyle hits a running knee into the ribs. Strong catapults Oney throat first into the bottom rope and locks in a variation of a cravat before Strong breaks the hold and knocks Danny off of the apron.

Kyle hits a gut buster into a diving knee drop before Oney drops him with an uppercut and Kyle goes for a standing guillotine, but Oney drops him. Danny gets the tag and hits an exploder suplex before Kyle gets the blind tag and Danny headbutts Kyle before powerbombing him. Danny locks in a cross face before Kyle gets to the ropes with Strong’s help and Kyle hits a Discus lariat before hitting a brainbuster for a near fall that Oney breaks up by spearing Strong on top of them. Everyone then hits a move before Jaxson Ryker comes down to the ring and takes out security before Danny rolls up Kyle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan defeat The Undisputed Era via pinfall when Danny pins Kyle with a roll up.

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