
WWE NXT Results for 4/17/19 Two Championships on the Line, Johnny Gargano Returns

It’s a night of title matches on tonight’s edition of WWE NXT as the NXT Women’s Championship and the North American Championship are on the line!

Hey Fight Fans, hopefully you had a great day are ready to cap it off with a stacked edition of WWE NXT! While you’re here you can comment down below during the show, and if you’re interested we have forums to talk about all things combat sports, whether it’s wrestling, MMA or boxing!

NXT North American Championship Match

Velveteen Dream (c) vs Buddy Murphy

Buddy takes Dream down and keeps him in a side headlock for several minutes before they go back and forth until Buddy hits a huricanrrana that sends Dream out of the ring. Dream gets right back in and Buddy drops him with a v-trigger for a near fall before sending him into the ring post and hitting a flipping senton, Buddy tossing Dream back into the ring and hitting a diving meteora for another near fall. Buddy locks in a rear naked choke before Dream gets to his feet and drives Buddy into the corner before he comes back with a superkick and collapses to the mat. Dream dropkicks Buddy and clotheslines him over the top rope before hitting a diving ax handle to the floor and tossing Buddy back into the ring. Dream hits a code breaker for a near fall before he catches Buddy on the top turnbuckle and they both fall down onto the apron and down onto the floor.

They get back into the ring at the count of nine before exchanging forearms and Buddy hits a snap DDT for a near fall before Dream hits a Dream Valley Driver. Dream gets a near fall before Buddy hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall and Dream hits a famouser in the ropes and another DVD. Dream then hits the Purple Rainmaker for the pin and the win.

Winner:Velveteen Dream retains his NXT North American Championship by defeating Buddy Murphy via pinfall with the Purple Rainmaker.

-The NXT champion Johnny Gargano comes out to the ring and addresses the NXT Universe. Johnny talks about the journey to the NXT Championship before he’s interrupted by the Undisputed Era, Adam saying that he beat Johnny and that he should be champion. They then set up a match between Johnny and Roderick Strong when Roderick attacks him from behind as we go to commercial.

-We come back from commercial to debuts of NXT alum during the Superstar Shakeup.

Dominik Dijakovic vs Aaron Frye

Dominik immediately lays Aaron out with a discus boot for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic defeats a local performer via pinfall with a discus boot.

NXT Women’s Championship Match

Shayna Baszler (c) Kairi Sane

Shayna drops Kairi with a knee and hits a running bicycle knee in the corner before Kairi comes back with a spear and a dragon screw into a running blockbuster. Kairi locks in the Anchor before Shayna crawls to the ropes for the break and Kairi hits a diving stomp before Shayna tries to break her arm. Shayna hits a gut wrench suplex for a near fall before locking in a variation of a Kimura before Kairi gets to the ropes for the break. Io then comes out and checks on Kairi before Shayna drags her back into the ring and goes to stomp on her arm before Io stops her for the disqualification and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler retains her NXT Women’s Championship by defeating Kairi Sane via disqualification when Io Shirai interferes.

-After the match Shayna has the other Horsewomen attack Io and hold her back before Shayna stomps on Kairi’s arm before leaving as we go off the air.

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