
WWE NXT Live Coverage 11/9 NXT World Championship Match Contract Signing & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! We are weeks away from the rematch everyone has been waiting for as Samoa Joe looks to get back his title from Shinsuke Nakamura, but first things first; a contract to make the match official must be signed tonight. What with Joe and Swagsuke do when they come face to face after weeks of attacking one of other? These questions and more will be answered tonight so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST!

-We open with a recap of last week's Dusty Classic and a plug for #DIY versus The Authors of Pain. 

#DIY vs The Authors of Pain

Ciampa and Akum start it off with Akum overpowering Ciampa in the corner, but Ciampa tries to use his speed as his advantage, tagging in Gargano, the two hitting dropkicks, unable to take the big man down. AOP and #DIY go at it in the ring until #DIY sends Razar over the top rope and Akum out the other side. AOP regroup and Gargano dives out onto them, but he's caught then as Ciampa goes to dive they throw Gargano into him as we go to commercial.

AOP are in control as we come back, Razar choking Gargano with the top rope then gets a quick 2 count after Ellering chokes him, following it up with a quick 2 count. Akum comes in and they hit a double team move for another quick 2 count. Gargano tries to fight out of the corner, but AOP keep him isolated in theirs, the two tagging in and out frequently. Akum puts Gargano in a Razor's Edge torture rack, but Gargano hits a DDT then an enzugiri as Ciampa gets in. CIampa hits Razar with a series of kicks, but Razar stops his momentum with a knee. They exchange chops then Ciampa hits a kick then a high knee, Ciampa going for a German suplex, but can't then after they get out of the corner he does it again and succeeds for a close 2 count. Gargano gets back in and Razar catches them both and throws them across the ring like Michael Elgin does for a very close 2 count on Gargano. #DIY roll them up then send AOP to the outside after AOP go for a double powerbomb that they turn into huricanrranas. Ciampa gets back in then they hit a knee and superkick to Akum, Paul Ellering distracting them then The Revival come out from under the ring and take out Gargano before leaving through the crowd. AOP hit The Last Chapter for the pin and the win and go on to the finals.

Winner: Authors of Pain via pinfall with The Last Chapter


Fulton and Wolfe attack TM61 before the match, throwing them into the stairs as we go to commercial.

Thorne is double teamed by SANITY to start the match, Fulton and Wolfe getting a close 2 count off of a double team move. Fulton puts a submission on Thorne who powers out then is backed into the corner and dropped for a quick 2 count. Wolfe comes in and they do some unique double teaming in the corner, Wolfe starting to dance around the ring then stomps on Thorne for another quick 2 count. Wolfe focuses on the shoulder of Thorne like Fulton had earlier, no sign of Shane Miller for this entire match so far. Miller finally gets on the apron, but Wolfe knocks him off of it, tagging in Fulton, but Miller finally gets in and drops both Fulton and Wolfe. Miller hits both of them with clotheslines in the corner then hits Fulton with another for a quick 2 count. Miller sends Wolfe to the apron and Fulton splashes him from behind, Fulton tagging him in and they go for their finisher, but Thorne comes in and stops it then Miller rolls Wolfe up for the pin and the win.

Winner: TM61 via pinfall

-After the match William Regal announces The Revival will face #DIY at NXT Takeover Toronto in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

Ember Moon vs Rachel Evers

They lock up to start the match for a clean break then Moon gets two quick 2 counts. Moon hits a head scissors then a back elbow, missing a springboard crossbody. Evers hits a gut wrench suplex for a quick 2 count then puts on a rear chin lock that Moon quickly powers out of, but Evers throws her down by her hair. Moon hits a series of strikes and kicks into a leg lariat, following up with a front flipping clothesline then goes up top and hits her finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ember Moon via pinfall

-William Regal is out in the ring with plenty of security and introduces Shinsuke first then Samoa Joe. Joe sets up his own table and chair on the ramp and says he'll stay where he is. Joe demands Regal bring him the contract to sign and he does so, Joe signing it then Regal takes it back to the ring for Shinsuke to sign. Shinsuke takes out the security, including powerbombing one through the table in the ring. Shinsuke then signs the contract, Joe on the ramp as we go off the air.


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