
WWE NXT Results for 11/6/19 Shayna Baszler vs Dakota Kai, RAW Invades NXT

The NXT Women’s champion is in action and the NXT roster must be ready for an invasion by RAW and Smackdown!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for NXT from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida! Please enjoy the show and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-We open the show with The O.C. invading NXT and attacking the Undisputed Era outside of the building before AJ gets on the mic and says that they’re bringing the war to them before saying that all of their champions are out of commission before they’re interrupted by Tommaso Ciampa. Ciampa gets on the mic and welcomes The O.C. to what he calls the main roster and that NXT is the A-Show and his home. Ciampa then says that he has a problem with them proclaiming that they’re taking over before AJ says that he’s the only person with the guts to say anything before he’s joined by Keith Lee and Matt Riddle. They then set up a six man tag match up between the two sides for later tonight.

Pete Dunne vs Damian Priest

Pete counters The Reckoning to start the match before Damian counters the Bitter End and the two square off as we go to commercial.

Damian hits a falcon arrow for a two count as we return to the action as the six man tag match between the OC and Keith Lee, Matt Riddle and Tommaso Ciampa is made official for tonight’s main event. Pete comes back with an xplex and chops Priest’s chest repeatedly before hitting an enzuigiri into a missile dropkick before he lands on his feet when Priest goes for a German suplex and hits a buzzsaw kick before hitting a moonsault to the outside. Damian chokeslams Pete onto the apron before Pete catches him coming off of the top and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Pete stomps the hands of Damian before Damian counters the Bitter End and drops Pete with a roundhouse kick before hitting a flipping senton to the outside as we go to commercial.

We return to the two exchanging strikes before they collapse and Damian turns Pete inside out before Pete counters South of Heaven and Damian hits a crucifix bomb for a near fall. Pete then snaps the fingers of Damian before Pete low blows him and locks in an armbar for the tap and the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne defeats Damian Priest via submission with an armbar.

-After the match Killian Dain comes out of nowhere and attacks Pete before Damian pulls him off and Dain headbutts him out of the ring before Damian hits Pete with a senton before Damian attacks Dain when he starts to leave. Dain then sends Damian into the steps before Dain hits a cannonball into Damian into the steps before leaving.

-We get a rundown of the women’s division WarGames match before we go to Dakota Kai being interviewed ahead of her match against Shayna Baszler.

Taynara vs Santana Garrett

Santana gets a quick two count off of a roll up before Taynara ties Santana up and Santana hits several arm drags before hitting a Russian leg sweep for a quick two count. Taynara hits a high knee and kicks Santana for a quick two count before Taynara locks in a double armbar and Santana gets free before hitting a cartwheel hand spring back elbow. Santana then gets a two count before missing a hand spring moonsault and Taynara drops her with a rip cord kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Taynara defeats Santana Garrett via pinfall with a rip cord kick.

-We get a video package for Tony Nese ahead of his match against Angel Garza before we see the Horsewomen training backstage as we go to commercial.

-We return to a video package for Angel Garza ahead of his match against Tony Nese later tonight before we get a rundown of the Survivor Series matches that NXT are involved in.

Shayna Baszler vs Dakota Kai

They lock up for a surprisingly clean break before Kai shoves Shayna and boots her before rolling her up for a quick two count and hits a PK before Shayna rolls out of the ring. Shayna catches a kick by Kai and sends her into the ring post before focusing on the foot and ankle of Kai before stomping on her ankle as we go to commercial.

Shayna is in control until Kai comes back with clotheslines and kicks before hitting a mule kick for a two count before Shayna hits a gut wrench superplex for a near fall before they exchange strikes and Shayna counters a helluva kick before dropping Kai with a bicycle knee for a near fall. Shayna then locks in a rear naked choke before Kai is forced to tap for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Dakota Kai via submission with a rear naked choke.

-After the match all of the women involved in the women’s WarGames match come out and brawl until they’re ran off by Mia Yim with a kendo stick, Mia saving Kai before the other team leave through the NXT Universe.

-We get a video recapping the NXT invasions of both Smackdown and RAW.

-Ciampa and company are interviewed before their match against the OC as we go to commercial.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender Match

Tony Nese vs Angel Garza

Angel and Tony grab each other’s hair before Angel takes Tony down and they grapple on the mat until they make their way back to their feet. They run the ropes until Angel hits a huricanrrana and the two exchange chops and Angel takes down Tony before hitting him with right hands in mount. Angel counters a sunset powerbomb before hitting a missile dropkick when Tony falls off off the top turnbuckle after Tony rips his pants off by accident as we go to commercial.

Angel sends Tony out of the ring and hits a wrecking ball before hitting a moonsault to ringside and rolling Tony into the ring before hitting a butterfly backbreaker for a two count. Tony hits a pump handle falcon arrow for a near fall before Angel hits a lung blower and Tony knocks him off off the top turnbuckle and onto the apron. Tony sweeps the legs of Angel and hits a tornado DDT onto the floor before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a 450 for a near fall, Angel getting his foot on the bottom rope. Angel then superkicks Tony before they chop each other and Angel hits a rebound sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before superkicking Tony and hitting the Wing Clipper for the pin and the win.

Winner: Angel Garza defeats Tony Nese via pinfall with the Wing Clipper to become the new number one contender for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship.

-After the match NXT Cruiserweight champion Lio Rush comes out and congratulates Angel and goes to shake his hand before Angel slaps him and leaves before we go backstage to Team Rhea, Ripley saying that the fourth member of her team will be Mia Yim before saying that Dakota didn’t make the cut and Dakota leaves as we go to commercial.

Isaiah Scott vs Dominik Dijakovic

Dom puts Scott in a side headlock before Scott rolls around and avoids him before dropping him with kicks, Scott rocking Dom with a stiff forearm before Dom throws Scott across the ring. Dom hits Scott with clubbing blows and tosses Scott across the ring for a quick two count before hitting him with back elbows in the corner and a pendulum backbreaker into a springboard splash for a two count. Scott comes back with a flat liner and a German suplex before superkicking Dom and hitting a draping, spike DDT for a near fall before Dom kicks the legs off Scott out from under him. Scott counters Feast Your Eyes into a roll up for a near fall before Scott hits an enzuigiri and Dom drops him with a discus boot before hitting a choke bomb for a near fall. Scott then counters a chokeslam into a reverse huricanrrana before hitting a diving stomp and turning Dom inside out with a lariat for a near fall before Dom counters a kick and hits Feast Your Eyes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic defeats Isaiah Scott via pinfall with Feast Your Eyes.

-We get a video package for the Forgotten Sons.

The OC vs Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Riddle & Keith Lee

Everyone brawls in the ring and at ringside to kick off the match before AJ squares off with Ciampa and they brawl until AJ dropkicks Ciampa out of the ring and hits a springboard forearm to the outside and taking out Matt at ringside before Ciampa hits the Willow’s Bell when AJ gets back into the ring. Keith and Luke come in and try to knock each other over before Keith knocks Luke out of the ring with a shoulder block and Karl comes in and hits a thrust kick to the midsection. Keith then hits a running cross body as we go to commercial.

We return to AJ and the OC isolating Ciampa in their half of the ring until Karl hits a spinebuster for a two count and Ciampa gets the tag to Matt who drops the OC repeatedly. Matt hits an exploder to Karl and AJ before hitting a senton and a PK into a German suplex and the Final Flash into a GTS for a near fall that Luke breaks up. Keith slams Luke before AJ hits him with a DDT and drops Matt with an enzuigiri before hitting a brainbuster for a near fall and Matt counters a Styles Clash before Keith sends across flying into the referee. Ciampa goes for the Fairytale Ending before he’s interrupted by Finn Bálor who hits Matt Riddle with a brainbuster onto the floor and AJ and Finn Too Sweet each other. Adam Cole then attacks AJ before taking out Ciampa and staring down Finn as we go off the air.

Winner: No Contest

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