WWE NXT Live Coverage 10/5 – The Revival, Rich Swann & More!
Welcome to the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight is jam packed as we have Rich Swann in action as well as The Revival. Tonight is the start of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Who will advance and who will be eliminated? Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST! to find out!
-We get a video package for the Dusty Tag Team Classic.
The Bollywood Boys vs The Authors of Pain
Akum and Razar beat on one of the brothers then he hits a jawbreaker and tags his brother in, his brother getting ran over by Akum. AOP hit a double gutbuster then Razar splashes Gir in the corner. They hit the clothesline leg sweep for the pin and the win.
Winner: The Authors of Pain via pinfall
-We get a vignette for the debut of Dan Matha as we go to commercial.
Rich Swann vs Patrick Clark
They run the ropes and do plenty of flips to start the match then Swann drops Clark with a dropkick. Clark hits a spinebuster for a series of quick 2 counts. Swann drops Clark with a series of kicks for the pin and the win.
Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall
Peyton Royce Danielle Kamella
Kamella gets a roll up for a quick 2 count. Royce is in control with a rear chin lock, but Kamella backs her into the corner to get free. Royce hits her with a running knee then hits the fisherman's suplex for the pin and the win.
Winner: Peyton Royce via pinfall
-Dan Matha comes out for his match, but Samoa Joe comes out and murders him.
-We have No Way Jose and Rich Swann backstage talking about the Dusty Tag Team Classic.
Andrade Almas & Cedric Alexander vs The Revival
Cedric and Dawson start it off. Cedric drops Dawson repeatedly with arm drags then does the same to Wilder. Almas comes in and he and Cedric send The Revival to the outside with dropkicks. Wilder takes control of Almas then he and Dawson do some double teaming before Almas tags in Cedric and he and Almas take out The Revival again. Almas does his trademark pose in the ropes then Cedric dives over top of him over the top rope and takes out The Revival on the outside. Cedric gets a quick 2 on Dawson then tags in Almas who gets double teamed by The Revival. Dash stomps on Almas's shoulder then throws him shoulder first into the post as we go to commercial.
Dawson gets a quick 2 count as we come back then tags in Wilder who hits a double axe handle onto Almas for another quick 2 count. Dawson keeps Almas away from his corner. Almas rolls Dawson up, but Wilder distracts the referee and only gets a 2 count. Wilder hits a step up enzugiri and tags in Cedric as Wilder tags in Dawson. Cedric hits a handspring enzugiri for a very close 2 count. Cedric hits a bridging pin for a very close 2 count again, but Dawson gets out. Wilder takes Almas out on the apron then they hit Shatter Machine for the pin and the win.
Winner: The Revival via pinfall with The Shatter Machine
-After the match Almas turns on Cedric and attacks him.