
WWE NXT Live Results for 08/15/18 Tyler Bate vs Roderick Strong, Kairi Sane vs Aliyah

The former United Kingdom champion Tyler Bate takes on one half of the NXT Tag Team champions in Roderick Strong on the final NXT before NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV!

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Street Profits vs The Mighty

Shane and Montez start the match off before Angelo gets the blind tag and SP double team Shane before Angelo misses a splash in the corner. Shane tags in Nick who takes Dawkins down and beats on him for a quick two count, then fish hooks him in the ropes. The Mighty hit a double back drop before Shane misses an elbow drop and Angelo tags in Ford. Ford  then hits a PK to Nick at ringside before rolling up Shane for the pin and the win.

Winner: Street Profits defeat The Mighty via pinfall when Montez Ford rolls up Shane Thorne.

Kairi Sane vs Aliyah

Kairi backs Aliyah into the corner before countering a huricanrrana into a sunset flip for a quick two count. Kairi locks in a stretch muffler before Aliyah gets to the bottom rope for the break, then hits a blockbuster before a sliding forearm in the corner. Kairi then finishes with three Insane Elbows before locking in the Anchor until Aliyah taps for the win.

Winner: Kairi Sane defeats Aliyah via pinfall with the Anchor.

-We get a video package for the NXT North American Championship Match where Adam Cole will defend his title against Ricochet at Takeover: Brooklyn IV before Velveteen Dream comes out to talk about his match against EC3. Dream mocks the NXT Universe before saying that EC3 has his attention before EC3 comes out onto the stage and says that he will keep winning at Takeover and after. EC3 tries to get Dream to fight him before Dream tosses his shirt in EC3’s face and attacks him. EC3 then counters a DVD into the One Percent before leaving as we go to commercial.

-We then get an update on the attack of Aleister Black, a video showing all of the NXT talent in the area at the time of the attack. Lastly we get a video package for the NXT Championship Last Man Standing Match between the champion Tommaso Ciampa and his bitter rival Johnny Gargano.

Tyler Bate vs Roderick Strong

They exchange strikes as soon as the match starts before Tyler hits a high back drop and Strong hits a backbreaker when Tyler gets distracted by Kyle at ringside. Strong takes Tyler down and puts him in a headlock before Tyler gets to his feet only for Strong to hit another backbreaker. Strong chops Tyler in the corner before setting him on the top turnbuckle, but Tyler fights him off before beating Strong down in the corner and whipping him across the ring into opposite corner. Tyler hits a standing shooting star press for a near fall before hitting a suplex and the two exchanging strikes until Tyler counters the Strong Hold into a roll up for a near fall. Tyler counters the End of Heartache twice and turns Strong inside out with a lariat before hitting a suicide dive to the outside. Back in the ring Tyler gets distracted by Kyle before they rock each other and Tyler hits the Tyler Driver ’97 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate defeats Roderick Strong via pinfall with the Tyler Driver’ 97.

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