
WWE NXT (July 20th) Recap: Samoa Joe vs Rhyno, Bayley vs Nia Jax & Authors of Pain vs American Alpha

Welcome to the live coverage for WWE NXT where tonight promises to be a great night of action as former NXT Women’s champion Bayley takes on the always dangerous Nia Jax, Rhyno faces off against reigning NXT World champion Samoa Joe in what is expected to be a violent good time and the dominant force that is the Authors of Pain are set to take on American Alpha. be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all the action!

Rhyno vs Samoa Joe

I’d be lying if I said I thought they’d start off the night with this match, but it just goes to show how packed tonight’s show is. Rhyno and Joe start off very much in a strong style, the two trying to show who’s tougher, alternating running into one another and trying to knock them down. They’re referring to Joe as The Emperor now, I kind of like it. Joe takes control after a perfect enzugiri and tries to keep the very dangerous Rhyno grounded, a good idea since his main weapon is his brute force. Rhyno finally gets some offense, going for the Gore, but Joe counters and drops him. Joe then quickly capitalizes and locks in the Coquina Clutch for the tap and the win.

WInner: Samoa Joe via submission with the Coquina Clutch

-They interview Asuka backstage who says that she will fight Bayley, Nia or both. Her english is heavily accented and somewhat broken, but I feel that is part of her character, like with Shinsuke, they both understand english very well and I’m sure they can hold conversations. They then show a recap of the WWE Draft from Smackdown! Live last night, specifically Finn Balor getting drafted to RAW then American Alpha being drafted to Smackdown!. They then show the three women who were drafted in the supplemental draft.

Authors of Pain vs American Alpha

Before the match can even begin AOP come out and attack AA on the ramp. After we come back from commercial AA rush into the ring and clean house.

The match finally manages to start as a very aggressive AA back one of them into the corner, but it is short lived as Gable is nearly broken in half with a bear hug. After the AOP alternate tags and offense on Gable, Chad tags in Jordan who gets only a 1 count. These, as of now unnamed guys are being booked like absolute monsters. Gable shows off some amazing strength with a t-bone suplex for a 2 count. After being outside and driving Jordan into the steps, the AOP drag Gable back into the ring and hit a clothesline, reverse sto combo for the pin and the win.

Winner: Authors of Pain via pinfall

-They interview The Revival backstage who say no one can beat them until they’re interrupted by TM-61 who says that time is running out and they will become the NXT Tag champions.

Patrick Clark vs Austin Aries

Clark and Aries struggle to find an advantage until Aries plants Clark with a dropkick as they plug the WWE Performance Center All Access. Aries plants Clark with a knee then instantly applies the Last Chancery for the very quick tap and win.

Winner: Austin Aries via submission with the Last Chancery

-Afther the match No Way Jose comes out and attacks Aries to continue their feud. They plug Bayley vs Nia Jax as we go to commercial.

Nia Jax vs Bayley

Bayley tries to get a hold of Nia, but is shoved away each time. Bayley starts targeting the arm of Jax. Every time Bayley tries to land some offense, Nia just shuts it down. Nia plays to the crowd after throwing Bayley outside then uses the ropes to choke her when she drags her back in. The crowd is strongly behind Bayley as Nia repeatedly lands brutal elbows onto the grounded Bayley. Bayley lands some offense then it literally thrown across the ring and rolls back out as we go to commercial. Nia has so much brute strength that I can see why they called her up so soon.

Nia catches Bayley with a backbreaker then sends her out of the ring again. Bayley stays out on the floor until the very last second, crawling back in at the count of 9. Jax immediately continues her assault on Bayley. Bayley sends Nia out of the ring and tosses her into the steps. Nia gets back in at a count of 9 as well and Bayley finally gains some momentum, tying Jax up in the ropes momentarily. Bayley then lands a cross body off the top rope for a 2 count. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly then Nia counters with a powerbomb, but Bayley counters that with a victory roll for a 2 count. Nia plants Bayley with a jackhammer ala Goldberg for a very close 2 count. Nia goes uptop, but Bayley jumps up and does a Bayley to Belly off the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bayley via pinfall with Super Bayley to Belly

By Ryan Cook 

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