
WWE NXT Gold Rush (6/27/2023) Results: Hayes vs Corbin, Dragon Lee vs Frazer, Two More Title Bouts.

Full results for the 6/27/2023 edition of NXT Gold Rush.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/27/2023 edition of NXT Gold Rush on the USA Network.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


WWE NXT Gold Rush (6/27/2023).

  • NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Baron Corbin.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Match: Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail (w/ Duke Hudson. Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey).
  • NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) (c) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade.
  • Gigi Dolin vs. Kiana James.
  • NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match: Nathan Frazer (c) vs. Dragon Lee.

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Live Coverage.

– Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match. 

NXT Women’s Championship Match.

Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail (w/ Duke Hudson. Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey).

The opening contest began with Hail & Stratton locking up before Stratton got a headlock on Hail, but Hail reversed it with a Roll-Up for a near fall. Hail went for multiple pins before Hail locked in a Leg Scissor/ Kimura Lock on Stratton, but Stratton got a rope break. Hail went for the Kimura Lock again, but Stratton evaded before Hail hit an Overhead Arm Drag into a dropkick on Stratton to send her to the outside. Hail went for a Springboard Asai Moonsault on Stratton, but Stratton chopped her down into the apron before catching her with a Discus Lariat on the outside. Back in the ring, Stratton hit a back flip back elbow, a double stomp, and a running senton on Hail for a near fall. Hail sent Stratton to the outside before she hit her with a Springboard Senton. Hail got Stratton back in the ring, but Stratton caught Hail with a Sky High for a near fall. 

Stratton continued to dominate proceedings, stomping down Hail before locking in a headlock, but Hail hit an arm drag to break the hold. Hail ran the ropes, but Stratton caught her with an Uppercut for a near fall. Stratton tossed Hail to the outside before posing in the center of the ring. Back in the ring, Stratton caught Hail with a Toe Kick before going for a pin, but Hail kicked out at two. Stratton locked in a chin lock on Hail.

Back from the break, Haul got out of the hold and hit a Code Breaker onto Stratton’s left arm. Hail hit two spinning back elbows, a Hip Attack & a T-Bone Suplex on Stratton before connecting her with the Chase U Stomps followed by a Rolling Senton & a Springboard Senton for a near fall. Hail went for the Kimura Lock, but Stratton caught her with a Body Slam. Stratton went for a Liger Bomb, but Hail rolled over and locked in the Kimura Lock. Dempsey pulled the bottom rope away from Stratton, which distracted Hail and the referee. Hail locked in the Kimura Lock and had Stratton tapping out, but the referee was distracted by Drew Gulak. Hail argued with the referee, which allowed Stratton to get the roll-up win.

Winner AND STILL NXT Women’s Champion: Tiffany Stratton.

– Gulak, Dempsey, Hail & Hudson argued in the ring before Gulak & Dempsey attacked Hudson. The continued to beat down Hudson until Andre Chase made his NXT Return. Hudson & Chase beat down Gulak & Dempsey to run them out of the ring. 

– There was a video package for Ilja Dragunov. 

– Backstage, NXT Tag Team Champions Mark Coffey & Wolfgang spoke that they would retain the tag titles tonight and take care of Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. This was followed by Edris Enofe & Malik Blade hyping each other up ahead of their match against Gallus.

– There was a backstage segment showing Kehlani Jordan & Dana Brooke from backstage. Brooke told Jordan that her gymnastic skills pay off. Brooke told Jordan that she would like to face her whenever she heals up. 

NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey) (c) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade.

Blade & Coffey began the match locking up before Coffey slammed Blade onto the mat. Coffey got a headlock on Blade before catching him with a shoulder tackle. The two locked up again before Coffey went for a chop, but Blade evaded in quick fashion. The two locked up again before Coffey backed up to tag in Wolfgang and try to double-team Blade, but Blade evaded the two. Blade went for a Sunset Flip, but Wolfgang evaded. Wolfgang went for a DVD, but Blade caught him with an up-kick before Enofe tagged in and hit an ax handle on Wolfgang. Enofe got a wrist lock on Wolfgang before going for a diving splash, but Wolfgang caught him and slammed Enofe into the corner. Coffey tagged in and locked up with Enofe, but Enofe caught him with a dropkick before Enofe tagged Blade into the match off Coffey’s back. Blade locked in a headlock on Coffey before catching him with a running forearm. Enofe & Blade hit a double dropkick on Coffey & Blade before they hit a Knee Strike/ Frog Splash combo on Coffey of the near fall as Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo watched the match from the Raven’s Nest. 

During the break, Blade & Enofe continued to double-team Coffey before Wolfgang pulled Coffey out of the ring, but Enofe & Blade caught them with crossbody splashes on Gallus to the outside. The two teams brawled on the outside before Enofe & Coffey got back in the ring. Blade tagged in and hit a back elbow on Coffey before going for a headlock, but Coffey caught him with a headbutt before backing Blade in the corner and tagging in Wolfgang. Wolfgang locked in a Cravat on Blade before hitting a snap-mare pin; however, Blade revered it with a cravat of his own before Coffey tagged in and laid out Blade. Coffey locked in a Cravat on Blade, but Blade broke the hold with a dropkick. Wolfgang tagged back in and caught Blade with a Flapjack into the top rope. Coffey & Wolfgang continued to double-team Blade in the corner before locking in a modified sleeper on Blade. Coffey tagged in and hit a diving Shoulder Tackle on Blade for a near fall. Coffey locked Blade in a Guillotine, but Blade evaded the hold before Enofe tagged in.

Enofe hit two lariats and a dropkick on Coffey, a series of jabs on both members of Gallus before trying a move off Coffey’s back, but Enofe slipped. Enofe hit a Spinebuster on Coffey before Blade & Enofe hit. a Samoan Drop/ Neck Breaker combo for a near fall. Blade hit a Splash on Coffey before Enofe hit an Elbow Drop on Coffey for a near fall. Coffey & Blade brawled on the outside before Stacks appeared and hit an Uppercut on Enofe into the barricade. Coffey & Wolfgang saw the opening and hit the F5/ Running Knee combination on Enofe to get the win.

Winners AND STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Gallus (Wolfgang & Mark Coffey).

– The Meta Four (Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) were interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell. Dar refused to answer any questions regarding losing the NXT Heritage Cup before Jackson & Legend called out WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler. Mitchell tried to get an answer from Dar, but Dar responded by saying that Mitchell sucked. 

– The Schism (Joe Gacy, Ava Raine, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) were assembled in a “Family Reunion”. Reid that he felt that since joining Schism, he felt that Gacy was full of crap. Gacy then responded that Reid & Fowler were two lost souls that he saved them from obscurity. Fowler pointed out that Gacy kept changing sides from inclusivity and exclusivity, but Gacy responded that he continued to preach inclusivity because that brought her to Raine, and would never apologize for that. Diamond Mine (Julius Creed, Brutus Creed & Ivy Nile) interrupted them and the meeting before The Creeds said that Fowler & Reid did not want to be here so why don’t they just leave, followed by him calling out Gacy for making NXT Cancerous. Gacy proposed a match between Dyad against Creed Brothers in a loser Leaves NXT next week. 

– There was a video package of Bronco Nima & Lucien Price recapping their childhood before promising to dominate NXT.

– Hank Walker and Tank Ledger talked backstage with SCRYPTS and Axiom before Nathan Frazer met them. Axiom wished Frazer in his match. SCRYPTS asked Axiom if he was interested in the NXT Heritage Cup, but Axiom responded by saying that he was drawn to it.

– Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams trained backstage before NXT Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley confronted Hayes backstage. Ripley said that Hayes interrupting Balor last week was none of his business, meaning that they are now Judgement Day’s business. 

NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match.

Nathan Frazer (c) (w/ Yulisa Leon) vs. Dragon Lee (w/ Valentina Feroz).

Round One.

Frazer & Lee adhered to the code of honor before the two locked up. The two locked up again before Lee locked in a wrist lock on Frazer, but Frazer evaded before going for a takedown, but Lee landed on his feet. Frazer got a headlock takeover on Lee as Axiom watched the match from ringside. Lee hit an Atomic Drop on Frazer, but Frazer maintain the hold as SCRYPTS argued with Axiom on the ramp. Frazer & Lee exchanged pin & kick attempts before the two had a staredown. The two locked up again before the end of Round one. 

Round Two (Frazer: 0- Lee: 0).

Frazer and Lee locked up again before Frazer hit a snap-mare on Lee, but Lee responded with a shoulder tackle. The two ran the ropes before Frazer hit a lighting-fast dropkick on Lee. Frazer hit a chop and a forearm strike on Lee, but Lee rolled over before catching Frazer with a vicious Dragon Screw before hitting a Frankensteiner on Frazer, but Frazer rolled over int a pin to get the first fall. 

Round Three (Frazer: 1 – Lee: 0).

The two ran the ropes before Frazer hit a Sing Blade on Lee. Frazer went for the Hurricanrana, but Lee landed on his feet before hitting a dropkick on Frazer to send him to the outside, followed by hitting a Tope Con Giro on Frazer to the outside. Back in the ring, Lee locked in a wrist lock on Frazer into the rope before hitting a snap-mare/ shotgun dropkick combo on Frazer for a near fall. Lee locked in a SIngle-Leg Crab on Frazer, but Frazer got to the rope for a rope break before hitting an enziguri kick and locking a Boston Crab on Lee. Frazer then transitioned into an STF on Lee before locking in a Bulldog Choke, but Lee reversed it with a pin before hitting a Yushigoroshi and a shotgun dropkick on Frazer’s back for a near fall to end the round. 

Round Four (Frazer: 1 – Lee: 0).

Lee immediately went on the offense and caught Lee with a dropkick before hitting an Inside Out Drop and the Shibata Dropkick on Frazer into the bottom turnbuckle for a near fall. Lee went for a suplex, but Frazer reversed it with an Inside Cradle for a near fall before tossing Lee to the outside. Frazer hit a Tope Con Giro on Lee to the outside before bringing him back in the ring. Frazer went for a dive, but Lee caught him with a knee strike. Lee & Frazer exchanged vicious thrust kicks before Lee hit a vicious Schoolboy Powerbomb on Frazer to get the fall. 

Round Four (Frazer: 1 – Lee: 1).

Lee hit a Shotgun Dropkick on Frazer, but Frazer caught Lee flush with a thrust kick. Frazer climbed t the top rope, but Lee pushed him into the rope before hitting him with the Hanging Stomp on Frazer. Lee went for the Incinerator, but Frazer caught him with an Overhead Suplex into the turnbuckle. Frazer got himself & Lee on the top rope before hitting Lee with a Superplex, but Lee rolled over and hit a Lift-Off Powerbomb on Frazer for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before Lee locked in the Cazadora on Frazer for a near fall. Frazer went for a Roll-up before going for a lariat, but Frazer evaded and got a pin. The two exchanged pins before Fraazer locked in the pin for the pinfall win and the title retention in the last second. 

Winner AND STILL NXT Heritage Cup Champion: Nathan Frazer.

– There was a TikTok recapping Raw Underground. After that, Gable Stevenson & Eddy Thorpe trained ahead of Thorpe’s match against Damon Kemp next week. 

– Myles Bourne and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee spoke backstage before Mustafa Ali interrupted him. Ali said that “he called it right in the middle”, but Tyler Bate interrupted. Bate requested a rematch, but Ali requested that he wanted a shot too. Ali & bate argued backstage before Wes Lee left the arena

– Mr. Stone spoke with Von Wagner backstage. Wagner said that he could not speak with Mr. Stone right now after relieving his childhood trauma. 

Gigi Dolin vs. Kiana James.

Dolin & James locked up before the two exchanged pins. Dolin hit two arm drags on James before locking in a wrist lock on James. James went for a gut kick, but Dolin blocked it and hit a takedown before hitting her with a slam off the bottom rope. Dolin locked in another wrist lock on James before catching her with a thrust kick, a hip attack into the bottom rope, and a running dropkick on James for a near fall. James hit a slap on Dolin, but Dolin responded with forearm strikes and an uppercut. James hit a punch on Dolin, but Dolin responded by tossing herself & James to the outside. 

Back in the ring, Dolin go a Backslide on James, but James kicked out at two. James slammed Dolin into the corner, but Dolin responded by tossing her with a Bandera. James caught Dolin with a forearm before hitting a springboard elbow drop on Dolin for a near fall. Dolin continued to attack James’ abdomen, but James responded with a knee lift before tossing Dolin to the outside. Dolin & James continued to brawl on the outside before the two headed back into the ring. James continued to beat down Dolin, but Dolin caught her with a Lateral Press for a near fall. James regained control and locked in a chin lock on Dolin.

Back from the break, Dolin blasted James with a forearm before hitting James with a back drop. Dolin brought James back in the ring, but James rolled back out of the ring before catching Dolin with a boot kick. Back in the ring, James continued to slam Dolin’s face into the mat before hitting a knee drop on Dolin’s arm for a near fall. James locked in a headlock on Dolin, but Dolin broke the hold by hitting a series of body shots before hitting a forearm strike, a knee lift, two lariats, and a pump kick on James. James hit a toe kick on Dolin, but the two laid each other out with stereo lariats. James tried to hit Dolin with her bag, but Dolin evaded before hitting the Schoolboy Bomb on James for the pinfall win.

James was not happy about that and hit Dolin with her bag from behind before catching her with a Flatliner. James got two buckets of paint and spilled them all over Dolin in revenge.

Winner: Gigi Dolin.

– Tony D’Angelo was confronted in the jail cell by Joe Coffey. Coffey told D’Angelo that a lot has changed since he got locked up, but D’Angelo responded by saying that he was lucky that he was in a cell. Coffey told D’Angelo that Stacks sold D’Angelo out, but D’Angelo did not believe it. Joe Coffey played a video of Stacks saying that’s was the new Don in the streets before Coffey told D’Angelo that things aren’t what they seem.

– There was a video showing Blair Davenport attacking Roxanne Perez backstage. 

– Jacy Jayne talked trash about Lyra Valkyria with Tatum Paxley & Brooklyn Barlow before Valkyria blasted Jayne with a forearm strike. Jayne was flabbergasted by Valkyria’s forearm until Rhea Ripley confronted her and said that she kind of deserved it.

– The Dyad (Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) spoke with Ava Raine backstage, with The Dyad saying that they were frustrated by Gacy making decisions for him. Dyad said that if Gacy did not a strategy for them, they would make one of their own.

NXT Championship Match.

Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Baron Corbin.

The main event of the show began with the two locking up before Corbin went for the End of Days, but Hayes landed on his feet. Corbin slid out of the ring and caught Hayes with a lariat, but Hayes responded with a Code Breaker. Corbin rolled out of the ring, but Hayes caught him with a Swan Dive to the outside. The two continued to brawl on the outside, with Hayes slamming Corbin into the barricade.

During the break, Corbin slammed Hayes into the ring post before tossing him into the barricade with a hip toss. Back in the ring, Corbin slammed Hayes with an Irish Whip into the corner before catching flush with a back elbow for a near fall. Corbin continued to hit elbow strikes on Hayes before locking in a Chicken Wing on Hayes. Back from the break, Corbin tossed Hayes to the outside of the ring before tossing Hayes over the barricade. Hayes got back up and fired away at Corbin before going for a dive, but Corbin evaded and caught Hayes with a vicious Boot Kick before getting Hayes back in the ring for the pin, but Hayes kicked out at two. Corbin hit a series of Anvil Elbows on Hayes before locking in the Chicken Wing on Hayes again, but Hayes got a rope break and flipped over Corbin before hitting a dropkick, a boot kick, and a Springboard Lariat on Corbin for a near fall. 

Hayes ran the ropes, but Corbin caught him and hit a Tilt-to-whirl back-breaker on Hayes. Hayes hit a vicious haymaker on Hayes before catching him with a forearm strike followed by a back elbow on Hayes. Corbin continued to fire away with punches on Hayes before catching Hayes with a lariat for a near fall. Corbin got Hayes on the top rope, but Hayes dropped Corbin before catching Corbin off the top rope with a Frog Splash for a near fall. Hayes fired away with body shots on Corbin before catching him with a pump kick, followed up by the Fade-away Leg Drop on Corbin. Hayes hit a thrust kick and a Code Breaker on Corbin before hitting him with a Nasty Springboard DDT on Corbin for a near fall. Hayes fired away with kicks on Corbin’s head before climbing to the top rope and going for the Diving Leg Drop, but Corbin evaded. Corbin went for a Chokeslam, but Hayes rolled over for a pin before going for another Code Breaker, but Corbin caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver into a Nick Gage Choke Breaker for a near fall.

Corbin went outside to attack Hayes, but Hayes evaded to send Corbin to the stairs. Hayes went for a West Coast Bump on Corbin, but Corbin caught him before hitting him with a Powerbomb into the broadcast table. Corbin slammed Hayes’s head into the table before going for a pin on Hayes inside the ring, but Hayes kicked out at two. Corbin hit another forearm strike on Hayes and hit a jab on Hayes before running the ropes, but Hayes caught him with a knee strike, and the Tijeras on Corbin, but Corbin caught him with the Deep Six to get the win on Hayes, but Hayes kicked out at two. Corbin went for the End of Days on Hayes, but Hayes reversed it with a Headlock Takeover before hitting him with a DDT into the apron. Hayes climbed to the top rope and hit the Diving Leg Drop on Corbin to get a hard-fought pinfall win.

Winner AND STILL NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes.

– After the match, Bron Breakker stormed out of Shawn Michaels’s office in anger. When asked by a WWE Media person what went on, Breakker said that everyone would find out next week before tossing the camera way to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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