
WWE NXT: Deadline (12/10/2022) Results: Breakker vs Crews, Two Iron Survivor Challenges, New Day.

Results for the 12/10/2022 edition of NXT: Deadline live from the Capitol Wrestling Center at Orlando, Florida on Peacock.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 12/10/2022 edition of NXT: Deadline live from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida on Peacock. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful & Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE.

Here’s what’s set for the show:


NXT Deadline (12/10/2022).

NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Apollo Crews.

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Grayson Waller vs. Axiom vs. Joe Gacy (w/ Ava Raine, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) vs. JD McDonagh.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Roxanne Perez vs. Cora Jade vs. Kiana James vs. Indi Hartwell vs Zoey Stark.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods). 

– Alba Fyre vs. Isla Dawn. 

Live Coverage.

– After a vignette of the show, Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge.

Roxanne Perez vs. Cora Jade vs. Kiana James vs. Indi Hartwell vs Zoey Stark.

Perez & Stark began the match as the first entrants. The two locked up before Stark got a headlock before doing a takedown on Perez for a near fall. Stark got a wrist lock on Perez, but Perez reversed it with a Victory Roll into a Bridge for a near fall. Stark leaned Perez into the corner before hitting an arm breaker on Perez, transitioning into a hammerlock but Perez reversed it with a headlock on Stark. Perez & Stark ran the ropes before Perez went for a backslide, but Stark held her weight before launching Perez into the ropes, but Perez got a Tijeras into a roll-up on Stark for a near fall. Stark got a waist-lock takedown on Perez maintained control of the match before Perez got an arm bar into a Fujirawa Armbar on Stark before the five-minute mark clicked din and Kiana James joined the match. James laid out Perez before hitting a sunset flip on Stark for a near fall. James hit a Buzzsaw kick on Stark for the pin, but Perez broke the pin. James got Perez in a Fireman’s carry, but Perez got down before hitting a shoulder tackle on Perez. James got Perez in a fireman’s carry, but Stark hit a dropkick on James, but James landed on Perez for a pin, but Stark broke the pin. Stark hit a thrust kick on James, but Perez laid in some vicious strikes. Perez got on the apron, but Stark hit a vicious enziguri kick before connecting a sliding dropkick on Perez. Stark stomped Perez’s arm into the stairs as she went back in the apron, but James slammed Stark into the ring post before getting a lateral press on Perez for a near fall. Perez hit a backdrop on James & a double axe handle on Stark. Perez got up and connected the Belly-To-Back GTS on Perez for the first fall, giving her the first point of the match. Cora Jade joined the match and immediately attacked James & Stark before Perez got out of the penalty box after the one-minute mark. Perez hit a thesz Press on Jade before kicking her in the abdomen. Perez got an O’Connor Roll on James before hitting a Thesz Press on Stark. Perez hit a shotgun drop, a corner uppercut on James, a double corner uppercut on James & Stark, and a Russian Leg Sweep on Stark for a near fall. Perez went for Pop Rox, but Jade hit a thrust kick to send Perez to the mat before Jade got a roll-up on James to score a fall. (1-1-0-0-0 so far). Perez & Stark hit double-thrust kicks on Jade before Stark went for a Crossface, but Jade locked in a Deathlock on Stark, but Perez got out of the hold and got the head scissors on Jade before James got out of the penalty box and attacked Jade & Perez. James dumped Perez out of the ring before hitting a corner spear on Stark and a back flip into a spinning back suplex on Jade. Indi Hartwell joined as the final member of the match and started cleaning house. Hartwell hit a pump kick on James, but Perez got a crucifix on Perez for a near fall. Hartwell dumped Perez into the top rope before hitting a big boot on Perez for a fall, leaving the score as a three-way tie for Indi, Jade & Stark. Stark & Jade exchanged kicks before Stark hit a German Suplex on Jade, but James pulled Stark out of the ring. Stark tried to slam James, but James leaped into the barricade and hit a moonsault on Stark. Perez got out of the penalty box and slammed James into the stairs as she cleaned house in the ring, but Stark hit a vicious forearm strike on Perez. Perez got a pin on Stark before getting a fall, causing a four-way tie with only James not having a fall. The four competitors went for pins before they brawled out inside & outside of the ring. Perez tossed James out of the ring while Hartwell hit a suplex on Jade into the ring floor. Perez & Hartwell locked eyes in the ring before Stark joined the match again Stark hit lariats on Jade, Hartwell & Perez before Stark dropped Hartwell with a basement kick and a scissor kick to Indi’s neck. Satrk hit a corner uppercut on Jade & a German Suplex on James, but Perez hit an uppercut on Stark before hitting a Tope Suicida on Hartwell, but Jade hit a cannonball on James & Perez. Stark hti a diving cross body to the four competitors on the ring. Hartwell hit the hidden blade on Stark, but James hit a flatliner on Hartwell. Perez hit a back-stabber on Hartwell before hitting Pop Rox on Jade for the pin, with Perez taking the lead. James, Hartwell, & Stark took turns in taking pins, with Hartwell going or a powerbomb before Perez launched Hartwell to the outside. Stark hit a thrust kick on James, but she & James climbed to the top rope. James hit a Spanish Fly on Stark, but Jade came in to take the pin. Jade hit a Future Shock DDT on Perez, but Perez rolled out of the ring as the buzzer sounded for the end of the match, awarding Roxanne Perez the win. Final Score: James 0, Stark – 1, Hartwell – 1, Jade – 1 & Perez – 2.

Winner: Roxanne Perez (2-1-1-1-0).

– Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley were interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell. Nile said that Julius & Brutus Creed not wrestling was the right decision before NXT Women’s Tag Champions Katana Chance & Kayden Carter interrupted them. They said that they’ve grown to respect them and told them that they are not afraid to defend the belts against Nile & Paxley. 

Alba Fyre vs. Isla Dawn

Fyre fired away with punches on Dawn, but Dawn responded with a slap on Dawn. Fyre tossed herself and Dawn out of the ring before slamming her into the broadcast table. Dawn threw Fyre back in the ring as Fyre went for a Tope, but Dawn caught her with an enziguri kick. Fyre hit two thrust kicks on Dawn back in the ring, to which Fyre quickly transitioned into the Koji Clutch before Dawn turned it into a pin for a near fall. Fyre went for the Gory Bomb, but Dawn slammed Fyre into the corner before stomping away at Fyre. Dawn hit a side backbreaker on Fyre for a near fall. Dawn slammed Fyre into the corner before taking off the pad in the middle turnbuckle. Dawn went for an Air Raid Crash, but Fyre reversed it with A roll-up for a near fall. Dawn hit a Meteora on Fyre. Dawn paced Fyre in the corner before hitting a snap-mare kick on Fyre. Dawn slammed Fyre into the mat, but Fyre got back up. Dawn responded by placing Fyre’s leg into the middle rope and booting it. Dawn climbed to the top rope and hit a Leaping Meteora on Fyre for a near fall. Fyre tossed Dawn to the outside before running to the top turnbuckle and hitting a Triangle Sommersault on Dawn to the outside. The two got back in the ring at the count of nine before the two exchanged strikes. Fyre hit a face plant on Dawn before hitting two chest kicks on Dawn, but Dawn reversed it with a roll-up for a near fall. Fyre hit a Tornado DDT on Dawn for a near fall. Fyre went for a Gory Bomb, but Dawn escaped and connected Fyre with a vicious Saito Suplex for a near fall. Dawn climbed to the top rope, but Fyre dropped her to the outside with an enziguri kick before hitting a Tope Suicida on Dawn to the outside. Fyre hit a Gory Bomb on Dawn on the outside. Fyre got Dawn & herself back in the ring and went for a pin, but Dawn kicked out and smiled after the bomb. Fyre hit a modified DVD on Dawn before hitting a Swanton Bomb on Dawn, but the referee started spitting black mist in the corner. Fyre hit a thrust kick Dawn before a new referee came to the ring, but Fyre only got a near fall. As the referees checked o the poison referee, Dawn slammed Fyre into the exposed turnbuckle before hitting Fyre with the Bloody Sunday for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Isla Dawn.

– McKenzie Mitchell interviewed The New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston), with Woods saying that they came to NXT to scout the competition and aim to become triple-crown tag team champions. 

NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods).

Wilson & Woods began the match with the two exchanging taunts. The two finally locked up with Woods getting a headlock on Wilson before leaping over him and hitting a chop on Wilson. Woods slammed Wilson into the corner, but Wilson hit a shoulder tackle on Woods. The two ran the ropes before Woods hit a leg trip & a senton on Wilson for a near fall. Kingston tagged in and he & Woods hit double chops, double kicks and a double bulldog on Wilson for a near fall. Prince distracted the referee to allow Wilson to slam Kingston by the braids. Wilson & Prince hit a leg drop/ running splash combo on Kingston for a near fall. Prince hit a Monkey Flip on Kingston, but Kingston landed on his feet and started twerking. Prince was irate and did the worst twerk imaginable. Kingston & Prince had a twerk-off before Kingston hit a single-leg dropkick on Prince for a near fall. Kingston hit a PK kick on Prince before Woods hit a sliding elbow, to which Kingston followed up with a springboard splash before Woods hit a leaping elbow drop on Prince for a near fall. Wilson tagged in and went for a top rope move, but Woods caught him with a shot gun dropkick. Kingston tagged in before he & Woods exchanged corner splashes on Wilson before Woods hit a rolling lariat on Wilson. Kingston dumped Wilson out of the ring and hit a dropkick on Prince off the apron before Kingston hit a Tope Con Giro on the two. Prince & Wilson dumped Kingston onto the top rope before Wilson hit an uppercut on Kingston, to which Prince responded by slamming Kingston into the ring post. Wilson & Prince double-teamed Kingston in their corner before Wilson hit a snap-mare knee drop on Kingston. Kingston tried to tag Woods in, but Wilson slammed Kingston into the corner. Kingston hit a DDT on Wilson before Prince & Woods tagged in. Woods hit two lariats, a rolling elbow, and a corner lariats on Prince before hitting a dropkick on Wilson. Woods hit. sliding senton on Prince while hitting a dropkick on Wilson before hitting a slingshot DDT on Prince for a near fall. Woods went for a suplex, but Prince responded with a Shote & a lariat on Woods for a near fall. Prince & Woods exchanged punches & forearm strikes before Prince hit a lariat to the back of Woods’s neck. Wilson hit an assisted Code Breaker on Wilson for a near fall. Prince, Wilson, Woods & Kingston tried to pretend they were all strucked down with the belt, but the referee bought none of it. As the referee pulled n of the titles, Wilson struck Woods with the belt for a near fall. Wilson & Prince went for Spilled Milk, but Kingston pulled Wilson to hit Trouble in Paradise on Wilson. Woods slammed Prince’s face into the turnbuckle before he & Kingston hit the Midnight Hour on Prince for the pinfall win, crowning new NXT Tag team Champions. 

Winners & New NXT Tag Team Champions: New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods).

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge.

Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Grayson Waller vs. Axiom vs. Joe Gacy (w/ Ava Raine, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) vs. JD McDonagh.

Axiom & JD McDonagh began the match as the first two participants. Axiom attacked JD to begin the match before going for a leaping thrust kick, but JD evaded and went for Axiom’s injured leg, connecting a knee-breaker. Axiom hit an up-kick to send JD to the outside. Axiom went for a Tope, but JD caught him with an uppercut. Axiom slammed JD into the ring post before hitting a Tope Suicida on JD to the outside, with Axiom landing right on his dome. After brawling on the ramp. Axiom & JD got back in the ring before going for a top rope move, but JD caught him mid-air with a dropkick. Axiom got JD in a Victory Roll for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes in the ring before Axiom hit a leaping enziguri kick and a Buzzsaw kick on JD. Axiom went for a second, but JD went for a roll-up, but Axiom rolled over and hit a vicious Hidden Blade on JD for a near fall. Axiom hit a leaping single kick on JD before hitting a leaping dropkick on JD for a near fall. Axiom went for an O’Connor Roll, but JD caught him with a rolling lariat before hitting a Liger Bomb on Axiom for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes as Hayes joined the match. Hayes hit a springboard lariat on JD before hitting the Fadeaway Leg Drop on Axiom for a near fall. Hayes flipped over JD before launching Axiom into JD, who hit a Hurricanrana on JD onto Hayes but Hayes caught JD before hitting a DDT while Axiom hit a lariat on Hayes, with Axiom getting a near fall on JD. Axiom hit a double Tijeras on JD & Hayes. Hayes hit a kick on Axiom, a forearm strike on JD, and went for a springboard lariat before JD hit a Uranage on Axiom and a Reverse DDT on Hayes at the same time. JD hit a standing moonsault on Axiom, but Hayes hit JD with a Suplex Cutter on JD into Axiom before getting a fall on Axiom, taking the lead in the match (1-0 to the rest). Hayes & JD exchanged strikes as Axiom was sent to the Penalty Box. JD hit a suplex on Hayes before hitting a back breaker on Hayes. JD hit a standing Spanish Fly on Hayes, but Axiom got out of the Penalty Box and hit a Diving Cross body on JD & Hayes. Axiom hit chest kicks on Hayes & JD, but Hayes caught his kick. Axiom hit a kick on JD before Axiom went for a thrust kick on JD, but JD slammed JD’s boot into Hayes’s face before hitting a headbutt on Axiom. Waller joined the match and immediately hit a double rolling stunner on Axiom & JD to get two falls on Axiom & JD, with Waller taking the lead (2-1). Waller & Hayes evaded each other’s offense before Hayes got a backslide on Waller for a near fall, to which Waller responded with a rolling forearm for a near fall. Waller slid under the ring, but Hayes evaded and hit a pump kick on Waller from the apron, but Waller responded by hitting a rolling stunner on Hayes. JD & Axiom brawled on the penalty box before Axiom slammed the Penalty Box door on JD, but Waller attacked Axiom. Hayes hit a thrust kick on Waller before sending Axiom back in he ring and hitting a DDT on Axiom for a near fall. Hayes talked trash to Axiom and went for the springboard lariat, but Waller dumped him out of the ring. Waller hit a back suplex on Hayes before calling Booker T a bitch, which bamboozled Booker. Waller got back in the ring, but Axiom got him in a small package to get a fall. JD got back in the ring, but Axiom caught him mid-air with a Canadian Destroyer before hitting the single leg thrust kick on JD, tying the score to 2 with Waller as Gacy joined the match. Gacy hit a pump kick on and corner lariats on Axiom & Hayes before Gacy hit a wicked lariat on Axiom for a near fall, to which Gacy responded by locking in the Brutalizer on Axiom for a submission fall. JD & Waller agreed to attack Gacy, but Gacy & Hayes attacked Waller & JD. Gacy hit the Front-Flip Lariat on Hayes for a fall. Gacy hit a diving crossbody on JD & Waler. Axiom hit a Moonsault on Waller, JD & Gacy off the Penalty Box. Gacy cleaned house on everyone before Hayes hit a pump kick on Gacy. Hayes & Waller got back in the ring, with Hayes hitting La Mistica on Waller for a near fall before locking in a cross face on Waller, with Waller immediately submitting to get a second fall. Gcy slammed Waller into the penalty box before attacking Hayes. Gacy hit a corner lariat and went for a Uranage, but Axiom reversed it with a Yuji Gatame before locking in a Triangle Choke, but Hayes hit a Scissor Kick. JD got Axiom and hit a Saito on Axiom & a Saito on Gacy before catching Waller (who exited the penalty box) with a Saito for a near fall. JD stomped down everyone in the corners, but the four got up and laid JD out with four stereo-thrust kicks. Gacy took out Waller with a Uranage into the stairs. Gacy hit a Bully Bomb on Hayes before locking in the Brutalizer on Hayes, but JD broke the hold. Gacy locked in the Brutalizer on JD, but Axiom attacked Gacy to break the hold. Gacy locked in the Brutalizer on Axiom, but JD & Hayes hit stereo thrust kicks on Gacy. Axiom hit a Rainbow DDT on Gacy, but Hayes caught him with a springboard leg drop for a near fall, but Waller intercepted Hayes and got the pin on Axiom. Waller ran out of the ring as the clock ticked, with Waller winning. Final Score: Waller – 3, Gacy – 2, Hayes – 2, Axiom – 2, McDonagh – 0.

Winner: Grayson Waller (3-2-2-2-0).

– Damon Kemp was interviewed backstage but was interrupted by Drew Gulak. Gulak told Kemp he would keep an eye on him on Tuesday. 

NXT Championship Match.

Bron Breakker (c) vs. Apollo Crews.

The match began with the two locking up before the two broke the lock-up. The two locked up again before Crews hit a monkey flip on Breakker, but the two kept the hold. The two ran the ropes before evading each other’s moves. Crews got a headlock on Breakker, but Breakker reversed it with leg scissors before the two stalled. Breaker got a waist lock on Crews before the two leaned in the corner. Crews pushed Breakker before hitting a dropkick on Breakker and a standing moonsault for a near fall. Crews hit a moonsault on Breakker to the outside. Back in the ring, Crews hit a Springboard senton on Breakker for a near fall. Breakker got a headlock on Crews before Breakker ran the ropes and got a stalling suplex on Crews before doing a kip-up and a standing moonsault on Crews for a near fall. Breakker hit a wicked Tope Con Giro on Crews to the outside. Breakker went for a top rope move, but Crews caught him mid-air with a leaping knee strike. Crews got up and laid in the punches on Breakker before hitting a DVD on Breakker for a near fall. Crews hit five German Suplexes on Breakker for a near fall. Breakker got a jack-knife on Crews for a near fall, but Crews called back to his Ooha Nation days and hit three powerbomb on Breakker for a near fall. Crews hit a frog splash on Breakker for a near fall. Crews went for a diving corner splash on Crews, but Breakker evaded and hit two lariats and a tackle on Crews. Breakker climbed to the top rope and hit a leaping bulldog on Crews for a near fall. Breakker went for a Gorilla Press on Crews but Crews hit a DDT on Breakker for a near fall. Crews went for a Standing Ovation Slam, but Breakker reversed with a Uranage on Crews for a near fall. Crews hit a Gorilla Press into A Powerslam on Breakker for a near fall. Breakker & Crews exchanged punches. Crews went for the Standing Ovation Slam on Breakker, but Breakker evaded and hit a Spear on Crews for the pinfall win & shocking title retention.  

Winner & Still NXT Champion: Bron Breakker. 

– Grayson Waller attacked Bron Breakker after the match with the rolling Stunner on him before holding the title. Waller stood tall to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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