
WWE NXT (7/4/2023) Results: Creeds vs Dyad Loser Leaves NXT Tag Bout, NXT Underground, Ali vs Bate.

Results of the 7/4/2023 edition of NXT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/4/2023 edition of NXT on the USA Network.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


WWE NXT (7/4/2023).

  • Loser Leaves NXT: The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile) vs. The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Ava Raine).
  • NXT Underground Match: Eddy Thorpe (w/ Gable Stevenson) vs. Damon Kemp.
  • Lyra Valkyria vs. Jacy Jayne.
  • Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport.
  • Tyler Bate vs. Mustafa Ali.
  • Bron Breakker Speaks. 

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

– Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match.

Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport.

Davenport & Perez brawled on the outside before the match. Perez hit a Thesz Press, a Tope Suicida to the outside & a crossbody off the apron to the outside on Davenport to begin the match. Perez went for the Russian Leg Sweep on Davenport back in the ring, but Davenport blocked it before she got to the ropes, but Perez caught her with the Russian Leg Sweep for a near fall. Davenport hit a short-hand lariat on Perez before catching the former ROH Women’s Champion with a Sliding Dropkick for a near fall. Perez went for a Schoolboy on Davenport before catching her with a dropkick. Davenport slammed Perez into the ropes before slamming her into the top turnbuckle. Davenport sent Perez to the outside before catching her with a Double Stomp to the outside on Perez’s back. 

During the break, Davenport dominated proceedings. After the break though, Perez evened things up by hitting a series of strikes on Davenport before hitting a Monkey Flip. Perez went for Pop Rox on Davenport, but Davenport tossed Perez into the corner before Perez hit a crossbody on Davenport for a near fall. Davenport tossed Perez into the top rope before attempting a Super Saito on Perez, but Perez reversed it mid-air with a Plancha for a near fall. Perez clotheslined Davenport to the outside before attempting a Penalty Kick on Davenport, but Davenport evaded. Perez hit an uppercut on Davenport and attempted a second on the outside, but Davenport evaded to send Perez crashing into the stairs before hitting a Running Knee on Perez into the stairs. Perez rolled back in the ring, but Davenport greeted her with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Davenport responded by hitting two Kamigoyes on Perez for the pinfall win.

Winner: Blair Davenport.

– Ivy Nile was interviewed backstage, but was interrupted by NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton, who talked trash to Nile. 

– There was a video package of Baron Corbin, saying that from now on it was “No more bullshit” from him.

Mustafa Ali vs. Tyler Bate.

The two exchanged holds & pins to begin the match before Ali flipped over Bate, but Bate caught Ali flush with a dropkick. Bate hit a back elbow on Ali before hitting. diving uppercut and clotheslining Ali to the outside. Bate got to the outside and hit Ali with an uppercut on the outside. The two got back in the ring, but Ali caught Bate with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ali hit a snap-mare on Bate before locking in a chin lock on Bate. Ali slammed Bate with an Irish Whip before hitting a neck breaker for a near fall. Ali continued to dominate the proceedings of the bout before attempting a neck breaker on Bate, but Bate evaded and hit a Flipping Heel Kick on Ali. 

Back from the break, Bate hit a series of uppercuts before hitting a back-drop on Ali. Ali hit a roundhouse kick & an enziguri kick before attempting a Rolling Neck Breaker on Bate, but Bate caught him flush with a jab. Bate went for the Tyler Driver 97, but Ali evaded and hit a Thrust Kick before locking in a High-Angle STF on Bate. Bate broke the hold and hoisted Ali before hitting attempting the Twisting Death Valley Driver on Ali, but Ali reversed it with a DDT for a near fall. 

Bate tossed Ali to the outside with a Bandera before hitting a Tope Suicida on Ali to the outside. Ali caught Bate on the outside with a Sliding Kick before hitting a Tope of his own on Bate. Ali got Bate back in the ring and ran the ropes, but Bate got back up and hit the Rebound Lariat on Ali for a near fall. Bate hit two Scoop Slams before going for the Spiral Tap, but Ali evaded in the last moment. Ali got to the top rope, but Bate caught him with an uppercut before he met Ali on the top rope. Ali & Bate exchanged strikes before Ali pushed Bate balls-first into the top rope. Ali saw the opening and hit a 450 Splash on Bate for the pinfall win. 

After the match, Mustafa Ali challenged NXT North American Champion Wes Lee to a match for the title at NXT The Great American Bash.

Winner: Mustafa Ali.

– McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Ava Raine & Joe Gacy of The Schism backstage. Gacy guaranteed that the right team would win and that the problem from NXT Would leave forever.

Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan (w/ Dana Brooke).

The two locked up before Jordan got a Schoolboy Roll-Up on Paxley for a near fall. Jordan evaded Paxley’s arm drags before hitting an arm drag takedown on Paxley. Paxley evaded the hold before hitting a shoulder tackle on Jordan, but Jordan responded with an inside-out arm drag on Paxley before locking in another arm drag takedown on Paxley. Paxley caught Jordan flush with a back elbow before hitting a Side-Back breaker into a senton on Jordan for a near fall. Paxley locked in a chin lock on Jordan, but Jordan reversed it by hitting the Slumdog Millionaire on Paxley for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Kelani Jordan.

– After the match, Cora Jade confronted Jordan & Brooke before saying that a friend of Dana Brooke is an enemy of hers. Jordan challenged Jade to a match immediately, but Jade ran Brooke & Jordan down before storming out of the ring. 

– Andre Chase hosted a meeting with all the Chase University students, praising the work down by Duke Hudson, Thea Hail & more during his absence. When a student asked if Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey would be doing guest lectures, Hudson gave a fiery rant to the student promising that Chase University would give Dempsey & Gulak an “Andre Chase University Ass-whooping”.

NXT Underground Match.

Eddy Thorpe (w/ Gable Stevenson) vs. Damon Kemp.

The bout began with Kemp hitting a takedown on Thorpe before beforing away with strikes on Thorpe. Thorpe hit an upkick on Kemp, but Kemp responded with another takedown before hitting a suplex on Thorpe. Kemp locked in a sleeper on Thorpe before driving a knee strike in the ribs. Kemp continued to fire away with strikes on Thorpe, but Thorpe evaded before he & Kemp rolled out of the ring. The two brawled on the outside before Kemp tossed a woman onto Thorpe. Kemp continued to fire away with strikes on Thorpe before tossing him into the barricade. The two brothers (Gable Stevenson & Damon Kemp) argued on the outside before Kemp sent Thorpe over the barricade. Thorpe caught Kemp in a Triangle Choke, but Kemp lifted him up before catching him with a Powerbomb onto the apron. Kemp lifted Thorpe from the outside of the ring into the ring by hitting a German Suplex before hitting a Takedown & locking in a Sleeper on Thorpe. Thorpe kicked  Kemp before hitting a German SUplex of his own on Kemp, followed by a vicious Saito Suplex on Kemp. Thorpe tried to get at Kemp again, but Kemp blasted him with a forearm strike. Thorpe caught Kemp with a Kamigoye before going for a headbutt, but Kemp caught him and hit an Overhead Suplex on Kemp to send him flying off the ring into the ringside floor. Kemp tried to attack Thorpe, but Thorpe evaded to send Kemp crashing into the ring post before hitting another German Suplex. The two got back into the mat before Thorpe locked in a Triangle on Kemp. Kemp tried to break the hold with a Powerbomb, but Thorpe continued to keep the hold. Thorpe fired away with elbow strikes on Kemp’s head while holding the Triangle Choke, leading to the referee to stop the match to give Thorpe the submission win. 

Stevenson hit a series of Suplex on NXT Trainees on the outside, one of which included Myles Bourne. When a bigger one confronted Stevenson, Stevenson caught him with an Overhead Suplex. 

Winner: Eddy Thorpe.

– NXT Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams cut a promo backstage before Hayes invited all of Judgement Day to NXT after Rhea Ripley’s visit. 

– Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo spoke with Tony D’Angelo, to tell him that he made a deal with Joe Coffey. Stacks said that he & Coffey agreed to a match, saying that if Stacks won the charges would be dropped against D’Angelo. D’Angelo reacted to the news by breaking the phone.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Jacy Jayne.

Jayne laid in a series of knee lifts on Valkyria to begin the match, but Valkyria flipped over Jayne before getting Sunset flip for a near fall. Valkyria hit a shoulder tackle on Jayne before hitting an arm-drag takedown on Jayne. Jayne reversed it with a Head Scissor on Valkyria, but Valkyria did a kip-up to escape the hold. Jayne blasted Valkyria with a forearm, but Valkyria responded with a Roll Up before hitting a shotgun dropkick on Jayne. Valkyria went for a Dropkick through the ropes on Jayne, but Jayne caught her and hit a Wheelbarrow Face-Slam o Valkyria into the apron. 

During the break, Jayne dominated proceedings before Jayne slammed Valkyria into the corner with an Irish Whip, followed by snap-mare into a Penalty Kick to the back for a near fall. Jayne got Valyria in a headlock before slamming her into the middle turnbuckle. Jayne hit a Cannonball on Valkyria before going for a pin, but Valkyria kicked out. Jayne locked in a chin lock on Valkyria before slamming her onto the mat. 

Back from the break, Jayne locked in a Boston Crab on Valkyria, but Valkyria tossed Jayne to break the hold. Valkyria got another Sunset Flip on Jayne, but Jayne caught Valkyria with a Thrust Kick. Jayne went for another cannonball, but Valkyria evaded before hitting a lariat, a series of kicks, a pump kick to the neck, a forearm from the apron, and a Slingshot Leg Drop on Jayne for a near fall. Valkyria hit a Dropkick on Jayne through the ropes before going for a Shotgun dropkick, but Jayne evaded before hitting a Senton on Valkyria for a near fall. Jayne went for a Tornado Kick on Valkyria, but Vakyria evaded before catching her with a vicious Enziguri kick. Valkyria ended proceedings by hitting a Spinning Leg Lariat for the pinfall win.

Jayne attacked Valkyria and tore up her entrance wings after the match.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria.

– Noam Dar was crying to a picture of the NXT Heritage Cup before the rest of “The Meta Four” (Oro Mensah, Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) pulled him out of the room.

– There was a vignette of Kiana James entering her office, which was filled with pain thanks to Gigi Dolin. 

– Von Wagner attacked Javier Bernal at ringside.  Wagner was about to yeet Bernal over the barricade, but Mr. Stone told him to stop. Wagner instead put Bernal through the broadcast table with a Powerbomb. 

– There was a video vignette of Lucien Prince & Bronco Nima ahead of their NXT debut soon. They will debut next week. 

Loser Leaves NXT.

The Creed Brothers (Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile) vs. The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid) (w/ Ava Raine).

The two teams brawled before the match, with Julius hitting a Superplex on Reid while Brutus hit a Tope on Fowler to the outside. The match officially began with Julius hitting a Shooting Star Press on Reid for a near fall before Joe Gacy pulled Reid out of the ring, but the referee kicked Gacy out of the match because of that. During the break, Fowler went for a snapmare but Julius landed on his feet before hitting a dropkick on Fowler. Brutus hit an Ax Handle on Fowler before hitting a splash for a near fall. Fowler & Brutus exchanged uppercuts before Brutus hit a Delayed Suplex on Brutus. Fowler caught Brutus with a running back elbow before Reid tagged in and fired away with punches on Brutus. Reid hit. shoulder block on Brutus’s shoulder before attempting a wrist lock, but hit a chop on Brutus’s injured shoulder instead. 

Back from the break, Reed hit a Spinning Heel Kick on Brutus for a near fall. Fowler worked on Brutus’s injured arm before hitting a Kimura Lock flatliner on Brutus for a near fall. Fowler got a headlock on Fowler before going for a suplex, but Brutus reversed it with a Deadweight Suplex on Fowler before tagging Julius in. Julius hit two overhead suplex on Reid & Fowler, a double lariat followed by a dropkick on. thetwo through the ropes and a dive on both members of The Dyad to the outside. Julius got back in the ring, but Fowler caught him with an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Julius hit a knee strike on Fowler before he & Brutus hit a Knee Strike/ Spinebuster combo on Fowler for a near fall. Reid hit a thrust kick on Brutus, but Julius caught him with a knee strike. Reid & Fowler hit a cross-chop/ crucifix combo on Julius for a near fall. Julius got Reid up and hit a Liger Bomb on Reid to get the pin, but Fowler broke the pin with a chop block. Reid hit a chop block of his own on Julius before Fowler tossed Julius to the stairs. 

During the break, Fowler hit a knee breaker on Julius into the stairs. Reid met with Julius in the ring and continued to aim at Julius’s injured knee before Fowler tagged in and hanged Julius into the top rope. Back from the break, Fowler locked in a Single Leg Crab on Julius, but Julius escaped the hold before tagging Brutus back in. Brutus hit a series of clubbing blows, a corner lariat, a Torture Rack Slam & a Springboard Shooting Star Press for a near fall. Brutus locked in an ankle lock on Fowler, but Fowler broke the hold with an upkick before hitting a cross-chop. &a Diving Code Breaker on Brutus for a near fall. Julius fired Brutus back up. Fowler hit a series of forearm strikes, but Brutus ate them all and hit a vicious lariat on Reid. Julius got Reid on an Electric Chair, but Reid evaded before Fowler & Reid hit the Doomsday Device on Brutus on the outside. Fowler & Reid double-teamed Julius inside the ring, but Julius caught them with Double Northern Lights Suplexes and an Asai Moonsault on The Dyad. Ava Raine tried to get involved, but Ivy Nile attacked her to send her out of the ring. a Mysterious figure got on the apron and hit a headbutt on Julius, allowing Fowler & Reid to hit a double Code Breaker for the pinfall win.

Winners: The Dyad (Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid).

– Finn Balor cut a promo backstage, saying that there would not be a happy ending for Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams. 

– Bron Breakker came to the ring to cut a promo. Breakker ran down the crowd for not believing he had a shot against Seth Rollins in his match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Breakker then wondered what was next for him, but was interrupted by Ilja Dragunov. Dragunov said that he was next for Breakker and wanted to confront him face-to-face. Dragunov called himself the most dangerous man in NXY before blasting Breakker with a roundhouse kick. The two brawled in the ring before referees and wrestlers came in to stop them. Dragunov then blasted Breakker with a forearm to send Breakker & himself flying over the top rope in a wild brawl to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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