
WWE NXT 2.0 Results: Gallus vs. Diamond Mine, NXT Women’s Tag Title Match, Apollo Crews & More

Results for the 8/30/2022 edition of NXT 2.0.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 8/30/2022 edition of NXT 2.0, live on USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (c).

– Gallus (Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey & Wolfgang) vs. Diamond Mine (Brutus Creed, Julius Creed & Damon Kemp) (w/ Roderick Strong).

– Lash Legend & Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley. 

– Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller. 

Live Coverage.

– Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph welcomed the audience to the broadcast airing from the Capitol Wrestling Center before transitioning to the opening match. 

Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller. 

The two locked up with Waller getting Crews in a waist lock. Crews and Waller exchanged wrist locks before Crews got Waller in a headlock. Crews leaped from the middle rope over Waller before hitting an arm drag on Waller. Waller got Crews in a lateral press takedown on Crews. Waller went for an arm drag, but Crews turned into a sling lariat on Waller. Crews launched Waller into the corner before hitting a back body drop. Waller hit a jab on Crews. Crews leapfrogged over Waller before hitting a dropkick on Waller. Crews hit Waller with a standing suplex on Waller, holding Waller high for nearly a full minute. Crews hit a springboard senton on Waller for a near fall. Waller accidentally poked Crews in the eye. The doctors checked on Crews before cutting to the picture-in-picture break. Back in the ring, Waller hit a mule kick and multiple strikes on Crews in the corner before launching him into the other corner with an Irish Whip. Waller targeted his offense on Crews’ face to damage the eye and attempted a leg lariat, but Crews did a sunset flip and wet for a pin, but Waller slammed Crews in the corner. Waller hit Cravat Knee strikes before hitting. a walking middle rope elbow drop for a near fall. Waller went for a suplex, but Crews reversed it with an inside cradle for a near fall. Waller hit Anvil’s elbows on Crews before locking in a cravat snap-mare headlock on Crews. Crews hit a series of strikes on Waller before hitting another springboard senton but Waller reversed it with a rear-naked choke. Crews collapsed before Waller hit elbow strikes on the back of Crews’ neck for a near fall. Crews hit a leaping enziguri kick on Waller. Crews hit a rope-assisted enziguri, two lariats, a diving lariat, a corner splash, and a top rope Blockbuster on Waller for a near fall. Waller hit a back guillotine on Crews before gauging his eyes and hitting a rolling stunner on Crews for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Grayson Waller.

– There was a video package highlighting NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura ahead of her match in Worlds Collide. Raquel Rodriguez & Beth Phoenix were shown in the video package.

– Brutus Creed, Damon Kemp & Julius Creed trained ahead of their match. Roderick Strong came to interrupt to tell him that he had a video showing he was on their side, but Julius told him he did not trust him. Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley came to the locker room and told them to stop behaving like children before their match for the NXT Women’s Tag Championships.

– NXT Champion Bron Breakker was confronted by, of all people, Finn Balor. Balor told him he made that title the industry standard and that it was his responsibility. Balor told him to not underestimate the moment and his opponent. 

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match.

Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (c).

Nile and Carter locked up before Nile hit two waist lock takedowns on Carter for a near fall. Nile and Carter exchanged near falls before Carter hit a kick on Nile. Chance and Carter hit a rope-assisted dropkick on Nile for a near fall. Nile hit a wheelbarrow slam on CarterNile hit a running kick and a forearm strike before Paxley hit a squat bodyslam and a tornillo on Carter for a near fall. Carter got a roll-up on Paxley for a near fall before Paxley hit a dropkick on Carter. Carter hit an O’Connor Roll on Paxley before hitting a springboard double-stomp on Paxley for a near fall. Chance hit a springboard senton on Paxley for a near fall. Chance and Paxley hit each other with double clotheslines. Paxley hit an enziguri on Chance. Dolin pulled Nile off the apron. Nile fought off Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin, but that left enough time for Carter and Chance to hit the Neck-breaker/ 450 Splash for the pinfall win. 

Winners & Still NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter.

– After the match, Carter & Chance pointed out that they defeated all the teams in NXT & NXT UK and said that they would throw a party in the parking lot. From out of nowhere, Nikki ASH & Doudrop came to the ramp to confront Carter & Chance. Doudrop said that how about instead of dancing in the parking lot, they danced in the ring for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles. Chane & Carter accepted their challenge, setting up a match for Worlds Collide.

– Kiana James was in her office narrating how Zoey Stark blew her chance for the NXT Women’s Championship & WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. James said that after her match later in the night, it would be a long time before Stark got another title match.

– Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid were backstage calling out Cameron Grimes, telling him it was time for him to decide his future and join The Schism.

– The Schism was in the ring to cut a promo, with Joe Gacy saying that great things happen when worlds collide. Half of the promo was cut by the USA Network bleeping the “Shut The Fuck Up” chants from the crowd, but Gacy put over The Dyad for their win against Legado Del Fantasma. Gacy gifted The Dyad smiley pins, with Jagger Reid saying together they were whole. Gacy reversed a seat for Cameron Grimes and join the Schism. Grimes came to the ring and told him he was not here to join the celebration but to talk to him. Grimes acknowledged Gacy’s invitation and Grimes said that he does not need him or anybody to go to the moon. Gacy said that Grimes’ soul was nothing but misery and said he was one of the toughest in NXT, but that he wears a mask to hide his insecurities. Grimes said that he was right but he got himself in championships and that he would do it again. Joe Gacy pointed out Grimes’ dead father, to which Grimes retaliated by attacking The Dyad. Gacy hugged Grimes, but Grimes pushed him off and got out of the ring.

– There was a video vignette of Roxanne Perez relieving her feud with Cora Jade. Perez blocked Jade’s contact on her phone after sending a message that read “Watch your back Cora. No one knows you better than I do”.

– NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate was confronted by Fit Finlay, who gave him an iPad to take with somebody. That somebody was none other than Butch, formerly known as Pete Dunne. Butch told him to unify the NXT World Championships for NXT UK, NXT Europe & British Strong Style.

Lash Legend & Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen & Fallon Henley. 

Henley and Legend locked up before Henley hit a punch on Legend for a near fall. Legend bounced Henley’s head in between the ropes before tossing her across the ring. Legend hit a back body drop on Henley, but Henley clotheslined Legend out of the ring before hitting an apron cross-body. Kit Wilson tagged in, but Henley slapped Wilson before Briggs punched him. Briggs hit an atomic drop/ pounce combination on Wilson. Prince tagged in and went for a top rope move, but Briggs caught him with an atomic drop. Briggs & Jensen hit a back body drop on Prince. Jensen and Briggs tossed Wilson out of the ring before they launched Henley onto Legend with a kick. Briggs tossed Henley onto Wilson, Prince & Legend to the outside of the ring before the commercial break. Back from the break, Briggs hit a side slam/ standing splash on Prince. Wilson hit a DDT on Briggs before launching strikes on Briggs. Wilson and Briggs exchanged strikes before hitting a side backbreaker and a leaping back elbow on Briggs. Prince hit a running back elbow on Briggs before launching strikes on Briggs. Wilson and Legend attacked Briggs while the referee was distracted. Briggs and Wilson exchanged uppercuts before Wilson threw punches at Briggs. Wilson got Briggs in a rear naked choke, but Briggs tossed him out of the ring, but Prince caught him with a low bulldog from behind. Prince got Briggs in a rear naked choke, but Briggs tagged in Jensen. Jensen hit multiple strikes, an atomic drop, a bulldog, and a famous-er on Prince. Prince and Jensen hit stereo crossbodies on each other. Jensen kicked Prince out of the ring, but Gallus came to the ring to distract Jensen. Joe Coffey hit a boot on Jensen, leading to Prince getting him in an O’Connor Roll for the pinfall win. The three teams brawled backstage.

– Shayna Baszler confronted NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose backstage, telling Rose that she better unify the titles for the brand because if she does not win, everything she said before Sunday would become garbage. 

– JD McDonagh was interviewed backstage, where he acknowledged that Wes Lee called him creepy for his unorthodox methods of recovery. McDonagh said that he preferred to be creepy in his methods of recovery than to be weird like Lee.

Andre Chase (w/ Bohdi Hayward & Thea Hail) vs. Charlie Dempsey.

Dempsey and Chase locked up, with Dempsey getting Chase in a side headlock before locking in a leg headlock on Chase. Chase reversed it with a leg headlock of his own, but Chase reversed it by attempting a bridge, but Chase reversed it with a lateral press for a near fall. The two got in a Greco roman before exchanging monkey flips for near falls by breaking each other’s bridges. Chase hit a hip toss on Dempsey. Dempsey and Chase exchanged wrist locks before exchanging strikes. Dempsey hit an uppercut on Chase before hitting a double under hook suplex on Chase for a near fall. Dempsey laid his elbow on Chase’s back before locking in cattle mutilation on Chase. Dempsey hit a knee strike on Chase, but Chase hit two jabs, an elbow strike, an atomic drop, and a Russian Leg Sweep. Chase hit the Chase U Stomps on Dempsey before hitting the Side effect on Dempsey for a quick kick out, with Dempsey locking in a Fujiwara arm bar. Dempsey transitioned into a knee bar before locking in a crossface on Chase. Dempsey attacked Bohdi Hayward and hit a Gut Wrench Suplex on Hayward. Chase rolled up Dempsey for the pinfall win.

Winner: Andre Chase (w/ Bohdi Hayward & Thea Hail).

– NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura was confronted y her former enemy Alba Fyre, where Satomura said that she won the title from a great champion. 

– WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther confronted NXT UK Champion Tyler Bate backstage, with Gunther telling him to unify the titles because European Wrestling depends on it. 

Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James.

Stark and James began the match pushing each other before Stark hit a running elbow strike on James. Stark hit a back elbow on the corner before hitting spring rope tornillo on James for a near fall. Out of the ring, Stark hit an elbow strike on James. James stomped down Stark in the corner for a near fall. James got two lateral presses on Stark for a near fall before hitting an elbow drop for a near fall. James got Stark in a seated abdominal stretch, but Stark broke the hold and exchanged strikes. James rolled Stark’s arm into the mat for a near fall. James got Stark in a seated hammerlock on Stark, but Stark hit an arm drag, two lariats, three back elbow strikes, and a sliding kick on James for a near fall. James hit an elbow strike on Stark before hitting a standing moonsault on Stark for a near fall. Stark hit a Superkick and shouted at James “Liability My Ass” before hitting a nasty Belly-To-Back GTS on James for the pinfall win. James tried to attack Stark from behind with a Tote Bag, but Nikkita Lyons came to the ring and hit a spinning kick on James.

Winner: Zoey Stark.

– Blair Davenport was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, but she was confronted by Rhea Ripley backstage. Ripley told Davenport that she looked confident but to not screw it up. 

– Nathan Frazier and Axiom were backstage reading comic books, saying that their worlds would collide. Frazier suggested he and Axiom faced each other in a Heritage Cup Match, to which Axiom accepted.

Gallus (Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey & Wolfgang) vs. Diamond Mine (Brutus Creed, Julius Creed & Damon Kemp) (w/ Roderick Strong).

Julius and Joe Coffey locked up before Julius hit a waist lock takedown on Joe. Joe got a rope break and laid in strikes on Julius, but Julius hit a suplex on Joe. Brutus hit a fireman’s takedown, but Joe hit an uppercut on Brutus. Mark Coffey tagged in, but Brutus hit a double-hand strike before hitting a gut-wrench suplex on Mark. Mark hit an uppercut on Damon Kemp, but Kemp responded with a Fall Away Slam. Wolfgang tagged in and exchanged wrist locks with Kemp before Kemp hit two waist takedowns on Wolfgang. Brutus laid in strikes on Wolfgang but Wolfgang attempted a hip toss on Brutus, but Brutus stood on his feet and hit hulk strikes on Wolfgang. Kemp & Julius Joined the party and hit Hulk Strikes on Joe Coffey & Mark Coffey before they ran to the outside. Julius hit a Fireman’s takedown on Mark before getting a wrist lock on Mark. Brutus hit a knee strike on Mark’s abdomen before Kemp hit a Fireman’s takedown and a Kimura Lock on Mark Coffey. Brutus hit Mark with corner spears. Mark and Joe lay in blows on Brutus before Joe hit a snap-mare Cravat on Brutus, but Brutus hit a back body drop on Joe. Julius hit a chop-block & a forwards suplex on Joe. Julius hit Joe Coffey with a deadlift body slam on Joe Coffey before locking him in an ankle lock, but Joe Coffey got a rope break. Back in the ring, Mark Coffey tripped Julius before hitting half-and-half uranage on Julius for a near fall. Joe Coffey tagged back in and hit a series of strikes on Julius before locking in a cross-arm headlock on Julius, but Julius reversed it with a cross-arm headlock of his own, but Wolfgang tagged in from behind and hit a horizontal senton on Julius for a near fall. Wolfgang got Julius in a Guillotine Choke before  Julius tossed Wolfgang in the corner. Kemp tagged in and hit a series of body shots, an overhead suplex, a bull hammer on Joe Coffey, and a lariat on Mark Coffey. Roderick Strong came to the ramp with his phone, but Kemp stomped his phone before hitting spine buster on Mark Coffey, but Joe Coffey caught him with a Discus Lariat for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Gallus (Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey & Wolfgang).

– Diamond Mine, Pretty Deadly, Gallus, Briggs & Jensen brawled in the ring after the match, with the entire locker room and backstage personnel joining to stop the chaos. 

– Ciampa returned to NXT to confront NXT Champion Bron Breakker, telling him that there is a responsibility that is brought to being the NXT Champion. Ciampa told him that he was here to tell him to embrace NXT and add to his legacy and the legacy of former NXT Champions. Ciampa told him that, most importantly, win his match. 

– Quincy Elliot cut a promo backstage, saying that everyone thought who he was, but they did not know who he was at all. Elliot said that no one lived the life of Quincy, the Super Diva. 

– NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams came to the ring to talk about his absence in Worlds Collide, with Carmelo saying that he was secondary to nobody. Hayes said that he would not be defending his title on Worlds Collide because there was no one on his level or below him. Then, the lights went out and went back on to reveal none other than Ricochet. Ricochet told Williams and Hayes to respectfully shut the hell up before saying that there was no reason to not throw some SmackDown on Worlds Collide before telling him that no one can do it like him. Carmelo and Ricochet said that there was not enough belt for both of them, but Ricochet told him that Hayes’ reign was impressive because no one remembers his title reigns. Ricochet officially challenged Hayes before hitting. spinning heel kick and a flat liner on Hayes. Ricochet stood tall with the NXT North American Championship to end the broadcast.

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