
WWE NXT 2.0 Results (6/28/2022): Jade & Perez vs Chance & Carter NXT Women’s Tag Title Shot + More!

Results for the 6/28/2022 edition of NXT 2.0, live on the USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/28/2022 edition of NXT 2.0, live on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast, before transitioning to the opening match to determine a #1 contender for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships.

#1 Contender’s Match for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships

Katana Chance & Kayden Carter vs. Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez.

Jade and Carter locked up twice, with Carter transitioning into a waste lock and a wrist lock. Carter hit an arm-drag on Jade, followed by a forearm strike. Carter hit a spring-rope arm drag, which Katana followed up with an elevated Thesz press for a near fall. Chance tripped Jade before taunting her, which she followed with a leg-facebuster on Jade for a near fall. Chance hit a hip toss Jade, but Jade reversed it with a pinfall attempt for a near fall. Perez hit an uppercut on Chance, followed by Tijeras, and hit an arm drag on Chance. Jade hit a wrist-lock toss on Chance for a near fall. Perez hit an arm-lock on Chance. Carter hit forearm strikes on Perez for a near fall. Chance hit a spring-rope senton on Perez for a near fall. Chance went for a frankensteiner, but Perez tossed Chance into the top rope. Jade hit a double stomp and Perez a low-dropkick on Chance before the commercial break. During the picture-in-picture break, Chance and Carter continued to work on Perez. Carter stomped Perez’s back. Chance and Carter hit a double-stomp/ back-stabber combo on Perez for a near fall. Carter got Perez in a Boston Crab, transitioning into a single-leg crab before tagging in Chance. Chance got Perez in a Boston Crab of her own, but Perez reversed it into a pin for near fall. . Jade hit two lariats, a Tijeras, an enziguri kick, and a rising knee-bulldog combination on Carter for a near fall. Carter and Jade exchanged strikes before both fell down. Chance hit Perez with a super kick. Chance and Carter went for the double-stomp/ neck breaker combination, but Perez evaded the move and hit Chance with Pop Rox for the pinfall win, becoming the #1 contenders for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship.

Winners: Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez.

– The Creed Brothers were training backstage before being confronted by The Dyad and Joe Gacy, offering a space in this squad. The Creed Brothers conclusively denied their offer before Roderick Strong came in and called Gacy an idiot. Gacy challenged Diamond Mine for a match.

– NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose & NXT Women’s Tag Champions, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, talked trash to Perez and Jade for winning their match. Nikkita Lyons confronted Mandy Rose, who challenged her to a match in her return.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Ikeman Jiro.

Jiro cartwheeled in front of Vinci before Vinci pushed him off. Vinci got Jiro in a wrist lock, which Jiro reversed with a wrist lock of his own. Vinci tripped Jiro before Jiro hit him with palm strikes. Vinci hit a back suplex on Jiro. Vinci hit three chops on Jiro, channeling his former stable-mate Gunther. Jiro hit a spinning kick and two more strikes on Vinci. Vinci hit an Enziguri on Vinci. Jiro went for a spring-rope moonsault on Vinci, but Vinci moved. Vinci hit Jiro with a spring-rope Tornado DDT before hitting Last Ride elevated powerbomb for the pinfall win. Vinci said that Great American Bash cannot happen without Giovanni Vinci, teasing a match for him in the show.

Winner: Giovanni Vinci.

– NXT Norht American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams were interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell, with Hayes saying that he is successful because of Hustle, Loyalty, and DISRESPECT, a play on John Cena’s catchphrase. Grayson Waller asked Carmelo Hayes to sign some merch and memorabilia for his family in Australia.

– After winning the titles in NXT UK, NXT UK Champions Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen came to the ring to cut a promo, alongside Fallon Henley. Unfortunately, there were loud USA Chants for Briggs and Jensen. Jensen thanked Briggs for picking him as his brother in arms. Former NXT UK Champions Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) came to the ring to say that the titles are stained by country trash. Prince said that those two muppets lowered the prestige of the titles, saying that they will bring back the prestige to the belts. Briggs erroneously said that Pretty Deadly were not great tag team champions, despite holding the belts for more than 200 days. The two teams brawled in the ring, with Henley, Jensen & Briggs standing tall in the ring.

– There was a video package highlighting NXT Champion Bron Breakker.

– Carter and Chance threw a tantrum backstage. Carter told Tatum Paxley to mind her business before Paxley told them that she is not responsible for their misfortune.

Indi Hartwell vs. Kiana James

James and Hartwell locked up before exchanging wrist locks, with Hartwell transitioning into a waist lock. James got Hartwell in a wrist lock, but Hartwell reversed it with three arm drags, transitioning into a arm-lock. Hartwell tossed James in the top turnbuckle before James guilllotined James in the middle rope. James hit a spear in the ring former for a near fall. James got Hartwell in body scissors, BUT Hartwell reversed it into a pinfall attempt for a near fall. Hartwell hit two lariats, two right hands, and elbow strikes on James before hitting a running boot for a near fall. Hartwell went for a spring rope elbow drop, but James evaded and go Hartwell in a rope-assisted roll-up for the pinfall win.

Winner: Kiana James.

– It was inferred that Tony D’Angelo and Stacks tossed Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan into a river, writing him off NXT TV. Donovan was released from WWE on June 12, 2022 (you can read about it here)

– There was a backstage promo by Wes Lee, challenging Trick Williams to a match for Great American Bash 2022.

Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong, Julius Creed & Brutus Creed) (w/ Ivy Nile & Damon Kemp) vs. Joe Gacy & The Dyad)

Gacy and Strong locked up, with Strong and Gacy exchanging wrist locks before Gacy hit a shoulder tackle on Strong. Strong got Gacy in a modified chicken wing before Dyad One tagged in. Brutus hit a take-down on Dyad One. Dyad One punched Brutus, to which Brutus responded with a Kareline Suplex. Julius Kareline Suplexed Brutus onto Dyad One. The Creeds hit knee strikes on Dyad One’s abdomen. Dyad One rolled out of the ring. Dyad One hit a lariat on Julius Creed, followed by a reversed headlock on Julius. Dyad One got Julius in an S-Grip choke on Julius before Dyad Two tagged in and hit a lariat on Julius. Dyad Two shoved his forearm on Julius’ head before punching Julius. Gacy tagged in and punched Julius. Dyad One tagged in and went for a body slam, but Julius caught him with an inside cradle for a near fall. Dyad One hit a forearm strike. While on the ground, Julius lifted Dyad One for a suplex before Dyad Two and Gacy took down Dyad One. Diamond Mine hit a triple suplex on The Dyad and Gacy before the picture-in-picture break. During the break, Gacy got Brutus in an arm-lock, but Brutus powered off and got Gacy in an arm-lock, followed by another Kareline Suplex. Gacy hit a chop block on Brutus, followed by a DDT on Brutus for a near fall. The Dyad and Gacy got Brutus in an assisted Uranage for a near fall. Dyad One hit an elbow drop on Brutus, followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Dyad Two hit a lariat on Brutus. Dyad Two got Brutus in an S-Grip choke. Brutus punched down both members of the Dyad before Julius tagged in and hit an overhead suplex and a powerbomb-position suplex on Dyad Two. Roderick Strong hit a Knee Strike on Dyad One. The Creeds and Strong argued before The Dyad hit Strong with the Assisted Elevated DDT on Strong for the pinfall win.

Winners: Joe Gacy & The Dyad.

– McKenzie Mitchell revealed to Carmelo Hayes hat he will be defending the NXT North American Championship after Waller tricked Hayes to sign a contract for a match on Great American Bash.

– Lash Legend sent an update on Alba Fyre, saying that she put her on the shelf “permanently”. No official word on whether it is actually permanent or not.

– Roderick Strong and The Creed Brothers argued backstage, with Strong & Kemp challenging them to a match for the NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

Xyon Quinn vs. Sanga.

After a brawl before the commercial break, Quinn hit punches and headbutts to Sanga before hitting a running kick. Quinn hit a strike to Snaga’s back, but Sanga hit a shoulder tackle on Quinn. Sanga hit an elbow strike on Quinn’s back before clotheslining Quinn out of the ring. Quinn got back in the ring and kicked Sanga’s chest. Sanga hit an overhead punch on Quinn’s back. Sanga tossed Quinn in the top-turn buckle twice before hitting another overhand strike on Quinn. Sanga hit a body slam on Quinn before going for an elbow drop, but Quinn evaded and hit a shoulder tackle on Sanga for a near fall. Quinn got Sanga in a sleeper hold, but Sanga broke the hold by running Quin into the ring corner. Sanga got Quinn in a rear-naked choke on Quinn followed by a shoulder tackle. Sanga hit a body slam on Quinn before hitting a choke slam on Quinn for the pinfall win.

Winner: Sanga.

– There was a video package highlighting the road of Cameron Grimes into the NXT World Heavyweight Championship Match against Champion Bron Breakker, for Great American Bash 2022.

– There was a backstage vignette showing Wendy Choo going into Wendy Choo’s dreams for some reason. Choo woke up and challenged Tiffany Stratton for a match on Great American Bash 2022.

Nikkita Lyons vs Mandy Rose (w/ Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne).

Lyons and Rose locked up before Lyons tossed Rose across the ring. Rose got a waist lock on Lyons, but Lyons got an arm drag on Rose. Rose kicked Lyons’ injured left leg. Lyons kicked Rose’s left leg before hitting three spears on Rose in the corner. Lyons hit three corner splash/hip toss combos on Rose before Rose rolled out of the ring prior to the commercial break. Back from the break, Lyons and Rose exchanged punches in the round before Rose got Lyons in. a leg lock. Lyons and Rose continued to exchange punches before Lyons got Rose in an arm bar before Rose got a rope break. Lyons caught one of Rose’s punches before hitting two lariats, a corner splash, and a German Suplex on Rose for a near fall. Lyons place Rose on the top rope, but Rose pushed Lyons before hitting a top-rope dropkick on Lyons. Lyons hit two leg kicks and a spinning kick on Rose. Jayne hit a chop block on Lyons, costing Rose the match via disqualification. Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez came to the aid of Lyons, with Perez hitting a superkick on Rose.

Winner: Nikkita Lyons (via disqualification).

– Solo SIkoa and Apollo Crews were backstage talking about the match Sikoa lost against Waller. Quinn confronted Crews, saying that Crews cannot be the perfect WWE superstar because that’s him. Crews told Quinn that his future doesn’t look too good before leaving the scene.

– There was a video package showing that JD McDonagh, former NXT Cruiserweight Champion Jordan Devlin, will be coming to NXT 2.0.

– Wade Barrett hosted the NXT Championship, with Cameron Grimes and NXT Champion Bron Breakker participating. Breakker told Grimes that he was going to be a tough challenge because Grimes has nothing to lose. Grimes said that instead of going back for the NXT North American Championship, he went for Breakker to put all his chips on him. Grimes recalled Breakker being in the Baltimore Ravens before being cut from the team, which lead to him signing to WWE. Breakker told Grimes that he will spear him in half. Grimes told him that he will get back up, which Breakker refuted by telling Grimes that he will beat Grimes so badly that he will reach out to Ted DiBiase again. Breakker lifted Grimes up before Grimes escaped and tossed Breakker into the ring corner, breaking the top turnbuckle. The WWE Medical team came down to the ring to assist Breakker’s left arm, possible teasing either an injury angle or an actual injury. We’ll have more about Breakker’s injury on Fightful.com & Fightful Select. Grimes stood on the ramp and did the “To The Moon” taunt to end the show.

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