
WWE NXT 2.0 Results 5/10/2022: Natalya vs Cora Jade, Wendy Choo & Roxanne Perez In Action + More

Results for the 5/10/2022 edition of NXT 2.0, live on the USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com‘s live discussion & coverage for the (5/10/22) edition of WWE NXT 2.0 on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE.

— The show begins with a video of Joe Gacy taking Bron Brekker to a mystery location with the two disguised individuals.

Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jane) (with Mandy Rose) vs. Roxanne Perez & Wendy Chu

 The match begins after Wendy Choo attacks Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin from behind. Toxic Attraction takes over and double-teams Roxanne Perez to maintain an advantage. Jayne starts stretching out Perez; Perez gets out of it by tossing Jayne. Finally, Perez gets to Choo for the hot tag. Choo clears the ring, and we go to our first commercial break. Toxic Attraction controls the match throughout the break. We return, and Toxic Attraction loses control of the match. Mandy Rose enters the ring and distracts Chu. Jayne hits Perez with a superkick, and Dolin then rolls up Perez to get the victory for Toxic Attraction. After the match, Wendy Choo attacks Jayne and Dolin. Mandy takes out Choo from behind. Toxic Attraction stands tall, celebrating their victory.

Winners – Toxic Attraction

 Tiffany Stratton and Grayson Waller are shown shopping. 

 We get The Creed Brothers walk up to talk to Roderick Strong and tell him they want him to have their back when they challenge The Viking Raiders. Strong tells The Creed’s that he has someone that will help them get to the next level. He introduces Damon Kemp to The Creed Brothers.

 Joe Gacy is out to cut a promo and tells Bron Breakker that he will need to face his next journey alone. Joe Gacy talks about the two men that were with him, and he says that they stepped up and helped him get his message out. Gacy tells Breakker to join him and be a part of the movement. 

 We see Bodhi helping Andre Chase get ready for his match. Sarray walks up to Chase and tells him that she wants to make his match a mixed tag-team match, so they could challenge Grayson Waller and Tiffany Stratton.

 The Ivy Nile Challenge begins and she challenges multiple men to a challenge of different exercises.

 We see all the competitors for the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament. Roxanne Perez, Nikkita Lyons, Kiana James, Lash Legend, Tatum Paxley, Sloane Jacobs, and Fallon Henley.

Sloane Jacobs vs Fallon Henley — NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament

 The match begins with Fallon Henley taking down Sloane Jacobs. Henley controls the match from the beginning and maintains control the match easily, until Sloane Jacobs hits Henley with a dropkick. Brooks and Jensen come to the ring to support Fallon. Fallon celebrates with Brooks and Jensen as she takes down Jacobs. Then, Henley begins hitting Jacobs with a combination move. Finally, Henley hits Jacobs with an elbow and then pins Jacobs to get the victory and advance to the next round in the NXT Breakout Tournament.

Winner – Fallon Henley 

 After the match, Henley and Jacobs embrace, celebrating the match with Brooks and Jensen.

 We get a promo for Legado del Fantasma. Santos Escobar says that Tony DeAngelo has their attention. Santos tells Raul Mendoza to go get the car.

Alba Fyre vs. Amari Miller

The match begins with Alba Fyre getting a few shots in on Amari Miller. Miller and Fyre exchange strikes and takedowns. Miller hits Fyre with a neckbreaker, Miller goes for the pin, but Fyre kicks out of it. Alba Fyre hits Miller with a swinging DDT and hits her with a Superkick. Fyre goes for the pin; however, Miller kicks out at two. Frye and Miller are exchanging heavy strikes. Fyre nails Miller with the Fire Bomb (Gory Bomb) and then goes to the top rope and dives onto Miller. Fyre pins Miller to get the victory.

Winner – Alba Fyre

— We see Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams arrive at the Capitol Wrestling Center. They get to the door, however, Solo Sikoa locks them out and we go to a commercial break.

 Cora Jade says she is ready for her match against Natalya and how she can win.

 Solo Sikoa is out to cut a promo, Solo says it is supposed to be Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams TV time, but Solo took it instead. Solo says he will be next in line for the match. Cameron Grimes interrupts Sikoa and Grimes tells Sikoa after he beats Hayes that Sikoa will get a title shot for the North American Title.

 Sikoa leaves the ring and Grimes watches him, but he gets attacked by Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. Sikoa returns to save Grimes from Hayes and Williams.

 Santos Escobar sees that Raul Mendoza is gone and he calls Tony DeAngelo and says they will meet next week. Before hanging up Escobar says ‘f*** you’ to DeAngelo and hangs up.

 Nathan Frazer is interviewed and asked about his match against Grayson Waller. He said he is still on cloud nine. 

Grayson Waller and Tiffany Stratton vs. Duke Hudson and Sarray (with Bodhi Hayward)

 The match begins with Grayson Waller and Duke Hudson, and Waller takes down Hudson. Hudson and Waller tie up again; now, Hudson takes over and hits Waller with multiple takedowns. Waller tags in Tiffany Stratton and hits Sarray with a quick takedown. Sarray and Hudson control the match as we go to a commercial break. We return to the match with Waller and Hudson in the ring. Waller takes down Hudson and then tags in Stratton. Stratton runs right at Sarray and takes her out, and then Stratton hits a flipping senton on Chase and tags in Waller. Waller goes for the pin, however, Sarray breaks it up. Hudson hits Waller with a back body drop and tags in Stratton. Stratton is taken out by Sarray right away. Waller tags back in, however, he takes down Waller and holds him up so Sarray can hit him with a Sarray dropkick. Stratton is back in, and she takes down Sarray. Stratton goes for the pin, but Bodhi blows an air horn, which stops the pin. Stratton dives over the top rope and lands on Bodhi. Then, Stratton got back into the ring and rolled up for the pin.

Winners – Duke Hudson and Sarray

 Von Wagner is being interviewed with Robert Stone and he is asked about the people he has hurt recently in his attacks. Before he can say anything, he is getting attacked by Ikemen Jiro.

 Toxic Attraction is backstage with Indi Hartwell, and they make fun of her for the troubles that she has gone through recently.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Ariana Grace — NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament

— The match begins, and Ariana Grace starts it by slapping Nikkita Lyons across the face. Lyons takes down Grace with ease. Grace is lying on the mat, grabs Lyons, and puts her in an armbar. Grace is controlling the match and has Lyons in a headlock.

Lyons makes it back to her feet. Lyons sends Grace into the corner and then hits Grace with numerous kicks. Lyons hits Grace with a German suplex and the Tornado Kick and pins Arriana Grace to move on to the semi-finals in the NXT Breakout Tournament.

Winner – Nikkita Lyons

 The Viking Raiders cut a promo and said they respect The Creed Brothers for not wanting the win. However, Arik and Ivar say that the respect is gone next week and that they will go to war.

Cora Jade vs. Natalya

 The bell rings with Natalya and Cora Jade starting with a tie-up. They reverse holds, and neither Woman gets an advantage. Natalya goes for a pin attempt, but Jade counters it into a pin attempt. Natalya kicks out at two. Natalya is surprised by Jade’s offense. Jade attempts to go for the Sharpshooter, but Natalya escapes it and rolls to the outside of the ring as we go to a commercial break. Natalya controls the match during the commercial break. We return from the break and Natalya is still in control. Jade hits Natalya with a dropkick, and now Jade controls the match. Jade hits Natalya with a running knee and then hits Natalya with a DDT. Jade goes for the pin, however Natalya kicks out at two. Jade goes to the top, but Natalya is there, and stops Cora’s momentum. Natalya attempts to put on the Sharpshooter, but Jade gets out of it. Natalya sends Jade to the corner and begins attacks Cora Jade’s knees. Natalya slams Jade’s knees into the ring post. Jade gets a few kicks in on Natalya and uses the bottom rope to jump on top of Natalya. Jade goes for the pin attempt, but Natalya kicks out. Jade puts the Sharpshooter on Natalya, but has to let it go when her knee goes out. Now, Natalya has to put the Sharpshooter on Cora Jade. Jade passes out, and the referee calls for the belt.

Winner – Natalya

 After the match, Natalya is somewhat shocked to see that Cora never tapped out. Natalya extends her hand out to Jade, and they hug as the show goes off the air.



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