
WWE Money In The Bank: WWE Universal Title – Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt Result

WWE Universal Championship
Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

The match begins with Strowman shoving Wyatt across the ring, Strowman backs Wyatt into the corner again before landing a right. Strowman then drops Wyatt with a shoulder block, Wyatt fights back and he hits Strowman with some strikes. Wyatt goes for a headlock and Strowman gets free before landing a shoulder block, Wyatt leaves the ring and Strowman follows him out there before throwing him into the ring steps. Strowman then grabs Wyatt and he sends him right into the ring post, Strowman gets Wyatt back into the ring and he follows him in there before landing an avalanche. Wyatt leaves the ring and he sends a charging Strowman into the announce table, the pig puppet appears as Wyatt nails Strowman with a DDT on the arena floor. Wyatt gets Strowman back in the ring and he lands a lariat for a near fall, Wyatt follows up by nailing Strowman with a senton bomb. Strowman leaves the ring and Wyatt follows him out there before throwing him into the ring steps, Wyatt gets Strowman back into the ring and Strowman starts fighting back. Wyatt recovers and he nails Strowman with a tornado DDT and Sister Abigail for a near fall, Wyatt goes for another Sister Abigail and Strowman gets free before landing a choke slam.

Strowman then nails a cornered Wyatt with multiple avalanches, Strowman then throws Wyatt out of the ring before landing a shoulder tackle that sends Wyatt into the barricade. Strowman gets Wyatt back into the ring and Wyatt knocks him back to the arena floor, Strowman returns and he is wearing the black sheep mask. Wyatt celebrates the appearance of the old school Strowman as both fall to their knees, they get up and hug as all the puppets celebrate with Wyatt. Strowman takes off the mask and Wyatt realizes it was a ruse, Strowman stomps on the mask before nailing Wyatt with a running power slam for a three count.

Winner: Braun Strowman, still the WWE Universal Champion

You can see our full live coverage of WWE Money in the Bank 2020 at this link, and our post-show podcast at this link.

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