
WWE Money In The Bank 2022 – Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles – The Usos vs. The Street Profits Result

Still The Ones 

The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) retained their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships against The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) at WWE Money in the Bank 2022. 

The finish was not without controversy as the Usos hit 1D, leading to the cover, but Montez’ shoulder was up. The replay clearly showed his shoulder up and the incident was acknowledged by commentary and the Street Profits. 

WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship
The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) vs. The Street Profits

Pat McAfee, Michael Cole, and Corey Graves were in charge of narrating the match. The Usos cut a promo before the match, saying that they were going to bet on themselves to win the match since they are in Las Vegas. Dawkins and Jimmy began the match exchanging words before locking up, with Dawkins getting Jimmy in a side headlock. Jimmy hit a shoulder tackle on Dawkins before taunting the crowd. Dawkins got another side headlock on Jimmy before hitting a shoulder tackle on his own. Dawkins hit a somersault to evade Jimmy’s offense before hitting a dropkick and a spine buster on Jimmy. Ford went for a frog splash, but Jimmy evaded. Ford pushed Jimmy off before Jimmy tagged in Jey. Jey and Ford locked up before Jey got a side headlock on Ford. Ford hit a shoulder tackle on Jey, but Jey hit a forearm strike on Ford. Ford hit a dropkick on Jey. Dawkins hit a shoulder tackle on Jey before tossing Ford onto Jey for a near fall. Dawkins hit some punches on Jey, but Jimmy tagged in and The Usos it a double choke slam on Dawkins. Jimmy hit a Tope Suicida on Dawkins onto the outside of the ring. The Usos hit a suplex on Dawkins onto the ring post. Jey tagged in and got Dawkins back in the ring. Dawkins punched Jey before Jey hit an open hand slap on Dawkins, to which Dawkins collapsed to the ground. Jimmy hit a leaping forearm strike on Dawkins. Jimmy choked Dawkins in the middle rope before punching down Dawkins on the ground. Dawkins slapped Jimmy before tagging in Ford. Ford hit an enziguri kick and went for a cross body, but the recently tagged-in Jey Uso hit a mid-air super kick on Ford for a near fall. Jey hit an Irish Whip on Ford. Jimmy hit a leaping low dropkick on Ford while the referee was distracted by Jey. The Usos hit a back-breaker/double ax handle on Ford for a near fall. Jimmy hit two chops on Ford’s chest before choking Ford in the middle rope. The Usos extended the legs of Ford. Jey hit cross-face strikes on Ford before locking in an S-Grip Headlock on Ford, transitioning into a guillotine choke. Jey broke the hold to slap Dawkins off the apron. Ford punched down Jimmy and Jey. Ford did the “Suck It” taunt but was met with a nasty open hand slap from Jimmy Uso. Jimmy went for a suplex on Ford on the apron, but Ford hit the suplex on the apron before Jimmy. Ford rolled across the ring before tagging in Dawkins, who hit a Tope Con Giro on both Usos outside the ring. Dawkins hit two lariats, a leaping elbow, an enziguri kick, and a corkscrew neck breaker on Jimmy for a near fall. Dawkins got out of the ring and hit the Pounce on both Jimmy and Jey Uso. Street Profits hit a pounce/ back-suplex combo on Jimmy Uso for a near fall. Ford hit an enziguri kick on Jey. The Street Profits hit a Doomsday Blockbuster on Jey for a near fall. Jey and Dawkins exchanged strikes before Jey hit an enziguri kick on Dawkins. Dawkins punched both Jimmy and Jey. Street Profits went for another Doomsday Blockbuster on Jey but Jimmy pulled Jey off and slammed Dawkins into the ring post. The Usos hit a double super kicks on Ford for a near fall. Ford tossed both of The Usos out of the ring before hitting a Tope Con Giro over the ring post onto The Usos. Dawkins hit a spine buster before Ford hit a frog splash. The Street Profits had the match won, but Jimmy Uso broke the pinfall attempt at the count of two. The four wrestlers brawled before Jimmy hit a superkick on Dawkins, sending him over the barricade. The Usos hit another double super kick before hitting the 1D for the pinfall win, retaining the WWE Undisputed Championship.

Winners & Still WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions: The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c)

Check out Fightful’s coverage of WWE Money in the Bank by clicking here. Plus, check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here

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