
WWE MMC Results for 11/4/18 Awe-suka vs Day One Glow, Fenomenal Flair vs Fabulous Truth

It’s an Smackdown! Live edition of the Mixed Match Challenge when Team Awe-suka take on Day One Glow, and Fenomenal Flair take on Fabulous Truth tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live exclusively on Facebook Watch!

Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will stick around for the Mixed Match Challenge!

Charlotte & Jeff Hardy vs R-Truth & Carmella

Jeff and Truth get things started off by dancing before Carmella and Charlotte come in and Charlotte chops her before Carmella moon walks and kicks Charlotte away when she goes for the figure four before rolling out of the ring. Truth and Carmella clear the ring and dance before Charlotte drops Carmella from behind and plays to the crowd before stomping her in the corner. Charlotte locks in a hear scissor and sends Carmella face first into the mat repeatedly before Carmella comes back with a frankenteiner and tags Truth in as Jeff gets the tag on the opposite side. Truth drops Jeff repeatedly and hits a running clothesline in the corner before Charlotte breaks up a two count and Jeff goes up top before Carmella distracts him and Jeff misses a Swanton Bomb. Truth then rolls Jeff up after he misses the Swanton Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: R-Truth and Carmella defeat Charlotte and Jeff Hardy via pinfall when Truth pins Jeff. 

Jimmy Uso & Naomi vs The Miz and Asuka

Naomi and Asuka counter each other to start the match before Naomi gets a quick two count and hits a single leg dropkick before they shake hands. Asuka tags Miz in who exchanges standing switches and head locks with Jimmy before Jimmy hits a series of hip tosses and Miz sends him into the ring post. Miz hits several running dropkicks in the corner before Jimmy clotheslines him and hits a Samoan drop and a running hip attack in the corner. Miz hits a back suplex for a two count and locks in a front choke before Jimmy tags Naomi in who drops Asuka repeatedly before missing a running splash in the corner. Naomi counters a running hip attack in the corner before Asuka rocks her with a bicycle knee and Naomi drops her with a springboard kick. Naomi then gets a near fall off of the Rear View before Asuka locks in the Asuka Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Asuka and The Miz defeat Naomi and Jimmy Uso when Asuka submits Naomi with the Asuka Lock.

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