
WWE Mixed Match Challenge Live Results for 10/23/18 Pawz vs B’N’B; Day One Glow vs Awe-ska

Tonight Day One Glow take on the undefeated Awe-suka and Pawz take on B’N’B on tonight’s edition of the 2018 Mixed Match Challenge!

Good evening Fight Fans  we hope you enjoyed Smackdown  Live and will stick around for tonight’s edition of the Mixed Match Challenge!

Natalya & Bobby Roode vs Finn Bálor & Bayley

Finn and Bobby exchange jackets before mocking each other and Finn backs Roode into the corner as he struggles to take Finn’s jacket off. Bayley and Natalya tag in and Natalya rolls her up for a quick one count, Bayley immediately getting one of her own before Natalya sends her out of the ring. Roode tags himself in to the annoyance of Natalya before Finn dropkicks him and hits a running clothesline in the corner. Roode hits a blockbuster for a quick two count before chopping Finn in the corner as we see Jimmy and Naomi backstage getting ready for their match against Asuka and The Miz up next. Bayley and Natalya then brawl before clotheslining each other and Roode hits a spine buster for a near fall, Finn coming back with a shotgun dropkick into the Coup de Grace for the pin and the win.

Winner: Finn Bálor and Bayley defeat Bobby Roode and Natalya via pinfall when Finn pins Bobby with a Coup de Grace.

Asuka & The Miz vs Naomi & Jimmy Uso

Asuka and Naomi start off by grappling with Asuka taking Naomi down and the two going for a hip attack and hugging. Miz tags himself in before he and Asuka argue until everyone goes for a group hug and Miz rolls out of the ring. Jimmy tosses Miz back into the ring before putting him in a bear hug and Miz pokes him in the eyes to get out of it. Jimmy hits a hip toss before Miz catches him on the top turnbuckle and hits a snapmare as we see Rusev and Lana looking on backstage. Naomi and Asuka get the tag before exchanging kicks and Naomi misses a moonsault when Miz pulls her out of the way. Miz comes in and Jimmy drops him repeatedly before Miz catches him with a boot for a near fall that Naomi breaks up. Naomi and Jimmy hit running hip attacks in the corner to Miz and Asuka before they roll out of the ring and Miz sends Asuka into Naomi when she goes for a diving cross body. Miz then hits the Skull Crushing Finale to Jimmy for the pin and the win when Jimmy checks on Naomi.

Winner: The Miz & Asuka defeat Jimmy Uso & Naomi when Miz pins Jimmy with the Skull Crushing Finale.

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