WWE Mixed Match Challenge & 205 Live Results 3/6 Little Big vs Glowish Penitentiary, Mustafa Ali vs Buddy Murphy & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episodes of the WWE Mixed Match Challenge and WWE 205 Live. Tonight we have Team Little Big taking on Team Glowish Penitentiary on the WWE Mixed Match Challenge and on 205 Live we have the semi finals of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament when Mustafa Ali takes on Buddy Murphy and Drew Gulak squares off with Mark Andrews so be sure to come back here at 10:30 PM EST after Smackdown! for all of the action!
Mixed Match Challenge
Little Big vs Glowish Penitentiary
Jimmy and Braun start the match off, Braun quickly overpowering and rag dolling Jimmy until he tags Naomi in. Alexa and Naomi come in and lock up before Alexa drops Naomi with a slap only for Naomi to slap her back. Naomi beats on Alexa in the corner before hitting a sliding clothesline and putting her in a straight armbar, Alexa getting to the bottom rope for the break before Jimmy comes in and repeatedly kicks Braun off of the apron. Alexa is sent into Braun twice before Braun chases Jimmy around ringside and sends him into the barricade. Alexa beats on Naomi until she comes back and rolls Alexa up for a near fall before Braun sends Jimmy off of the apron when Naomi goes to tag him in. Braun then hits a running powerslam through the announce table before Alexa rolls Naomi up for the pin and the win.
Winner: Braun Strowman & Alexa Bliss defeat Jimmy Uso & Naomi via pinfall when Alexa rolls Naomi up.
205 Live
Drew Gulak vs Mark Andrews
They lock up to start the match before Gulak tosses Mark to the mat, then lock up again for a clean break before Mark comes back with a series of arm drags. Mark fights out of a headlock before taking Gulak down and putting him in one of his own. Mark hits a flurry of offense before Gulak drops him with a forearm and slams him into the ropes. Gulak hits a military press slam for a quick two count before the two go back and forth until Mark sends Gulak out of the ring with a huricanrrana. Gulak drags Mark out of the ring before Mark hits a moonsault off of the announce table, then rolls Gulak back in the ring before hitting a bulldog.
Mark hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for a quick two count before Gulak hits an electric chair bridging German suplex for a near fall. Mark sends Drew out onto the apron before hitting a huricanrrana off of the top and to the floor, then hits a moonsault before rolling Gulak back in the ring. Mark gets a near fall off of a crucifix before Gulak catches him in midair with a right hand and hits a series of wrist clutch clotheslines. Gulak then puts Mark in a dragon sleeper out of nowhere and he's forced to tap for the win.
Winner: Drew Gulak defeats Mark Andrews via submission with a dragon sleeper to advance to the next round of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.
-We cut backstage to Drake Maverick talking to Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa, having made them a tag team after both losing their WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament matches. We then cut to Mustafa Ali sitting down in the middle of nowhere and talking.about his match later tonight against Buddy Murphy as we go to commercial.
Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa have a squash match against local talent with Akira hitting a high angle senton for the win.
Mustafa Ali vs Buddy Murphy
They lock up to start the match for a clean break before exchanging standing switches, Buddy dropping Ali repeatedly and mocking him until Buddy puts Ali in a headlock that he fights out of. Ali sends Buddy out of the ring with a huricanrrana, but he's quickly back in the ring and the two exchange Shushing gestures until Buddy turns Ali inside out with a lariat when he goes to shake his hand. Buddy tosses Ali into the corner before stomping on him, then hits a snapmare into a PK before playing to the crowd. Ali hits a 450 splash before dropkicking Buddy and hitting a rolling sit-out facebuster for a near fall. Buddy counters a tornado DDT and tosses Ali over the top rope and onto the floor before hitting a flipping senton over the top rope and to the floor.
Buddy rolls Ali back into the ring for a near fall before Ali hits a reverse huricanrrana into a tornado DDT for a very close near fall. Ali beats Buddy down with a series of strikes only for Buddy to come back with a series of his own and drop Ali with a boot before getting a near fall off of a back slide Ali then wins with a crucifix pin out of nowhere.
Winner: Mustafa Ali defeats Buddy Murphy via pinfall with a crucifix to advance to the next round of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Tournament.