
WWE Mixed Match Challenge & 205 Live Results 1/16 The Mixed Match Challenge Begins!

WWE’s Mixed Match Challenge begins tonight at 10 PM EST right after Smackdown! Live on Facebook Watch, then 205 Live kicks off at 10:30PM EST on the WWE Network!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE's Mixed Match Challenge and WWE 205 Live! After weeks of anticipation and promotion the Mixed Match Challenge is finally here! Tonight RAW Superstars Finn Balor and Sasha Banks team up to take on Shinsuke Nakamura and Natalya. We also have TJP taking on Gran Metalik on 205 Live and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live for the Mixed Match Challenge on Facebook Watch and 10:30PM EST for WWE 205 Live on the WWE Network!

WWE Mixed Match Challenge

-We open the show with a vignette by Finn Balor and Sasha Banks before getting one of their opponents Shinsuke Nakamura and Natalya.

Finn Balor & Sasha Banks vs Shinsuke Nakamura & Natalya

Sasha and Natalya start the match off by locking up before Natalya ducks away into her corner and tags Shinsuke in without moments. Finn comes in and the two lock up and exchange standing switches and wrist locks before grappling until Shinsuke gets back to his feet. They exchange wrist locks again until they lock up and Shinsuke backs Finn into the ropes for a clean break. Shinsuke tells Finn to bring it before kneeing him in the midsection, then Finn counters Good Vibrations and tells Shinsuke to bring it. Natalya tags herself in out of nowhere and mocks Sasha before they exchange poses and slaps, then Sasha tackles Natalya and hits her with a series of right hands. Natalya comes back with a basement dropkick before sending Sasha into the corner and stomping on her before playing to the crowd.

Sasha comes back and sends Natalya face first into the middle turnbuckle before Natalya crawls out of the ring to regroup with Shinsuke. Sasha goes for a cross body to the outside, but Shinsuke catches her and sets her back onto the apron before she hits a cross body off of the apron and onto Natalya. They get back in the ring and Natalya puts Sasha in a headlock that she fights out of only for Natalya to suplex her for a quick two count. Natalya puts Sasha in a stretching submission before she fights out of it and tags Finn in. Finn drops Shinsuke repeatedly before catching him on the top rope and hitting an enzuigiri into a reverse DDT for a near fall.

Shinsuke hits his signature knees in the corner for a near fall before Finn counters a reverse exploder suplex, only for Shinsuke to hit a sit-out facebuster. Finn comes back out of nowhere with s sling blade before hitting a shotgun dropkick in the corner. Natalya then sends Finn off of the top before Shinsuke hits a knee for a near fall that Sasha breaks up. Sasha then sends Natalya out of the ring and Finn sends Shinsuke into the ring post before tagging Sasha in. Sasha hits a meteora off of the apron before rolling her back into the ring, then Finn and Sasha both hit a move before Sasha locks in the Banks Statement for the tap and the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks submits Natalya with the Banks Statement to advance to the next stage of the tournament.

WWE 205 Live

TJP vs Gran Metalik

TJP goes after Metalik immediately, then the two exchange hammer locks before Metalik does plenty of the flips and hits an arm drag into a wrist lock dropkick that sends TJP out of the ring. Metalik hits an Asai moonsault before rolling TJP back into the ring for a quick two count, then TJP catches Metalik coming in and dropkicks him when he goes for another moonsault off of the second rope. TJP drops Metalik with a back elbow before beating on him in mount, then plays to the crowd and suplexes him before hitting a slingshot senton for a near fall. TJP puts Metalik in a straight jacket hold that he fights out of before Metalik hits a high angle cross body and a superkick into a corkscrew bulldog before finishing with a triangle dropkick. Metalik then hits a springboard elbow drop for a near fall before TJP tries to come back with a gutbuster only for Metalik to roll him up for the pin and the win out of nowhere.

Winner: Gran Metalik via pinfall

-Jack Gallagher cuts a promo backstage about what he's going to do to Hideo Itami as we go to commercial.

-Cedric Alexander and Goldust come out to the ring and talk about their friendship and Cedric's title shot before being interrupted by the ZoTrain. Both sides exchange barbs before the ZoTrain act like they're going to get in the ring, only to stay at ringside, then a referee comes out and we have a three on two handicap match because Enzo wants one.

Goldust  vs The ZoTrain (Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese)

Goldust starts the match with Drew and drops him repeatedly before he tags Ariya in and Goldust hits an inverted atomic drop and a series of punches in the corner. Ariya backs Goldust into his corner and stomps on him before tagging Tony in, then the ZoTrain start tagging in and out and keeping Goldust isolated in their corner. Goldust comes back and takes all three of them out as Cedric cheers him on at ringside, then hits a powerslam for a near fall before Tony sends him out of the ring. Tony accidentally takes out Ariya before Goldust gets back in the ring and hits Drew with a spinning cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Goldust via pinfall

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